Job Change: I Was Born With A Poisonous Body, You Made Me A Nurse

Chapter 70: The World of Great Contests! The battle has already begun!

Seeing Li Desheng's appearance, Tang Jiuxiao was a little strange.

"What's the matter with you little comrade?"

"Have trouble?"

"No, I remember that the students of the school, as long as they meet the requirements of completing the completion training, they can end the class at any time.

"As a genius of Eight Patterns, I should have picked it up yesterday.

"This is your negligence, can't you do it today?"

Li Desheng repeatedly pleaded guilty, "Yes, Mr. Tang, it was my negligence.

Li Desheng also felt normal for the rhetoric of the little comrade.

Tang Jiuxiao, the fist of the seven-turn colossus.

More than a hundred years ago, this one entered the military.

He has experienced the dark age, and he has also experienced the rise of the human race against the demon race.

It has personally guarded one side.

Position to lieutenant general.

More than ten years ago, Tang Shuang was born and he retired.

Threatened to take care of the old age and go home to hold his granddaughter.

However, although he is retired, he is in a semi-working state, and he often has to deal with some things.

Originally, Tang Shuang was supposed to come back when he woke up, but it was delayed and only came back today.

"However, there is a situation that I have to tell you about.

Li Desheng said.

Tang Jiuxiao slapped the table, "You say it!"

Li Desheng shrank his head and wanted to retire more and more.

"Elder Tang, you know this, Liu An already contributed 200 points yesterday.

"He left the class yesterday, alone, carrying a branch of the Sun and Moon Society...

Not finished yet.


Tang Jiuxiao slapped the table again, and shouted with bright eyes, "Okay! Good boy! 35

"Nice job!

"It turns out that the contribution points come from this! The star list is well deserved!"

After being excited, Tang Lao was also a little puzzled, "However, how did he do it?"

Although he has seen many talents in more than 100 years, this little guy has just awakened to this level.

Tang Jiuxiao had never seen it before, so he was very curious.

Li Desheng said, "I don't know about this either. 99

"He is a double-professional poison nanny, and his skills are very strange..."

"Twin career?" Tang Jiuxiao was stunned, "Poison Law Nanny? This is surprising, I've never heard of twin career skills being effective."

"But no matter what, let's just look at the results! I also believe in the Star Pavilion's judgment! 35

"Being able to get 200 contribution points means that he really took care of the Sun Moon Society branch by himself.

"Good boy, really good!"

Contribution points must stand the judgment of Star Pavilion, otherwise it will be invalid.

"But why are you telling me this? Don't interrupt, I'm going to pick them up!"

Li Desheng complained in his heart, "That's right, Mr. Tang, that kid picked up his sister for leveling today, and even took Tang Shuang out.

"Go to the central square and play the copy.

Tang Jiuxiao was startled, "What!?"

"Isn't this bullshit?

"That kid is a poisonous milk, and he poisoned our granddaughter to death. If it doesn't work, I have to go and see."5

Tang Jiuxiao ran out instantly, and pointed back at Li Desheng, "Come on!"

Li Desheng smiled bitterly, obviously Tang Shuang had to go.

Alas, this principal really can't do it.

at the same time.

Above the wilderness outside Hirakawa City.

"Zhan Chiyang! You bastard! Hurry up! Hurry up! 35

"Such a speed, what are you talking about with the sword pointing at the arrogant list!

"You can't get contribution points today, and you won't even be able to enter the legendary secret realm tomorrow!

"Trash, hurry up!"

A man with a scar on his face kept scolding.

On the other hand, a young man with scars all over his body was madly waving the big sword in his hand, like a madman, waving the big sword in his hand to the limit.

Shadows all over the sky.


Beside him, surrounded by several half-human-shaped monsters, attacking wildly and brutally.

【Bloodthirsty Werewolf · Demon Servant】

【Level: 28】

【HP: 2400】

【Physique: 180】

【Strength: 160】

【Agility: 130】

【Spirit: 230】

[Skills: claws, bite, bloodthirsty]

The demon servant is a demon beast who is devoted to the demon clan after being given a trace of blood by the demon clan.

The bloodthirsty werewolf is the cannon fodder thrown into the human race.

They are not restricted by the area, and may even appear in areas where there should only be low-level monsters.

Human race that specializes in hunting into the wilderness.

When many human races enter the wilderness to level up, they will die because of the sudden appearance of bloodthirsty werewolves, causing a lot of trouble to the race.

So by killing this demon servant, you can get contribution points.

These werewolves are agile, fast, and they are extremely ruthless in every move.

However, the juvenile's knife is faster.

Every time it is cut out, it can make the werewolf gleam with blood.

0.....for flowers·

And he himself is only level 24.

When he woke up consciously, he had never rested for a moment, so he had such a level.

But what he faced was the siege of monsters that were four levels higher than him.

Wandering wildly on the brink of death.

Nine deaths and one life, for, is to contribute points.

Chi Chi Chi!

Ten minutes later, the surroundings of the boy's body instantly turned red, and the shadow of the knife exploded in an instant.

The five werewolves all around exploded out in an instant.

The boy dragged his scarred body and cut out the werewolf's teeth.

Then he drank a can of healing potion and continued to stagger toward the depths of the wilderness, his eyes were crazy and firm.

"Liu An!

"Liu An!!35

"I will surpass you

Joe Hill City.

The terrain is intricate, with various alleys and alleys in the city.

A young girl wandered in the dark alley, as if she had lost her way.

Not long after, someone stepped forward to chat up, and the girl followed the man away, looking extremely innocent.

The man took her into a speakeasy.

The girl walking behind suddenly took out a short red dart and held it in her hand.

It simply pierced the back of the man's head neatly.

When blood is flying.

The girl's figure flashed, and with the help of chaos, she killed all the way in.

After a while, she clutched her seriously injured shoulder and desperately escaped from the speakeasy with a photo stone.

Nine deaths and one life, and finally escape.

The girl leaned against the wall, gasping for breath, looking at the sky, and murmured a little suspiciously.

"It's only 22 o'clock. 99

"Two hundred points, how did that guy do it..."

One by one, the newly awakened students are working hard everywhere.

In order to enter the star list and get the admission ticket to the legendary secret realm.

Although the human race entering the secret realm is 20 fewer people than the demon race.

Everyone knows that entering the secret realm can be extremely dangerous.

But the human race has never lacked brave and brave people.

Not only do some people dare to enter, but everyone is working hard to compete for the few fifteen places.

On the third day after awakening, you must get contribution points, enter the star list, and compete for the top fifteen.

If you don't have extremely high talent, and have the ultimate will, perseverance, and courage, you will never get the ticket to the legendary secret realm.

This in itself is a knockout.

The battle has already begun.

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