Job Change: I Was Born With A Poisonous Body, You Made Me A Nurse

Chapter 80 : Dragon Clan! Bloodlines of the Seven Demon Thrones of the Demon Clan!

Liu An looked at the three people curiously.

Lu Hongzhao in front of him asked curiously.

As for the other two, more or less, their eyes were filled with suffocation and unwillingness to ask.

He didn't know how much pressure he had caused to his family.

He smiled and said that his name was Song Fu.

Almost pissed off Zhan Chi Yang Qi.

"You...there is no one named Song Fu on the star list, what is your name-what?"

Yang Tianci also frowned slightly, "Have you forgotten your own name? 35

Lu Hongzhao looked at Liu An curiously, "You can't be Liu An, right?"

Seeing this, Liu An said dully, "Why are you so serious?

"Besides, shouldn't you introduce yourself first when asking someone's name? 35

Zhan Chiyang was obviously not in a good temper, so he pressed his anger and said, "My name is Zhan Chiyang, and I am an eight-pattern swordsman. 35

"What's your name?"

Liu An looked at the silver armored general.

The silver-armored general said, "My name is Yang Tianci, eight-pattern gunfight."

Lu Hongzhao raised his hand to introduce himself, "I am me, my name is Lu Hongzhao, an eight-pattern assassin who uses darts. 35

Liu An looked around and said, "The introduction is early, they haven't come yet, so I have to introduce it again later. 99

Seeing that Zhan Chiyang has a tendency to run wild.

Liu An smiled and said, "Liu An, nine-pattern nanny.

The three of them were stunned for a moment, and they were all a little confused.

Knowing that they didn't believe it, Liu An raised his hand and typed a hymn.


Zhan Chiyang knelt down with a thud, his hands on the ground, his face was depressed, and his painting style turned gray.

"I lost, I lost to a nurse..."

Yang Tianci was also greatly shocked, and murmured, "Nur... Nurse? How did Nurse become number one on the star list?

"How is this possible?"

The two fell into a life of doubt.

On the other hand, Lu Hongzhao looked curious, "Liu An, you are a nurse, how did you get so many contribution points?"

Liu An didn't answer yet, and there was a flash of light around him.

Come out in person again.

This man is a tall and burly man, and he asks, "The four of you, who is Liu An?35

Liu An was speechless.

asked again.

Everyone who comes in has to ask again, when will they have to answer?

He stopped talking.

The other three were also silent.

The big man scratched his head, walked aside, stared at the four people, and seemed to be trying to think.

After a while, the light flashed.

One figure after another appeared.

And everyone who comes in has to ask a question.

"Who are you Liu An?

Still no answer.

They are all young talents with their own arrogance. Although they are not convinced by Liu An, they are not willing to ask again.

They are all standing by themselves, observing each other.

Soon, thirteen people appeared in this open space.

Liu An was also watching them.

Observe everyone.

There seems to be something extraordinary.

The next moment, two figures appeared at the same time.

It was Liu Man and Tang Shuang.


Liu An was startled, thinking that he was dazzled, rubbed his eyes, and found that it was really these two people.

For a time, he was a little dazed.

Did you enter the wrong copy?

Tang Shuang and the two looked around and immediately saw Liu An.

Tang Shuang ran to Liu An with her shield bang bang, "Peng ping ping ping, is it a surprise, is it a surprise?

Liu Man also rushed over, holding Liu An's arm and smiling.

Liu An was stunned.

"Why did you two come in too? 35"

Tang Shuang slapped the shield loudly, "The two of us are here to protect you!

Liu Man raised his little hand, "That's right! 95

Liu An was speechless, "Co-authoring, you two went to earn contribution points without telling me yesterday.

Looking at the somewhat tired faces of Tang Shuang and Liu Man, he was a little helpless, but also a little moved.

Of course he knew that to appear here, the two must have paid a lot yesterday.

He rubbed the heads of Liu Man and Tang Shuang, "Okay, since we've all come, let's go together.

"With you here, I'm better off.

He was telling the truth. Originally, Tang Shuang and Liu Man were not here, and Liu An planned to use the strength of other teammates.

After all, this secret realm is very random, not only the demon king, but also other difficulties.

With two people by his side, his shortcomings were made up, and he did not need to rely on the strength of others.

While the three of them were talking, someone snorted coldly, "After waiting for so long, everyone has gathered.

"It's time for an introduction."

“Let our first, Liu An introduce it first. 35

The man glanced around, as if looking for Liu An's figure.

Liu An sat ignoring him.

Everyone looked at each other.

Yang Tianci stood up and sighed, "Don't look for it, he is."

"Occupation is nine-pattern nanny."

Everyone was startled, looked at Liu An, and then each was stunned.


"how can that be possible?"

"Nanny can't get 200 contribution points in one day!"

0.....for flowers·

"I don't believe it!"9

"How do you prove it?

The crowd reacted greatly.

They are all unwilling to believe that the person who has achieved such outrageous results, the number one on the star list is actually a nurse.

Being pressed on everyone's head by a nanny, they will naturally not be convinced.

Liu An patted his butt and stood up, "Forget it if you don't believe it.

"When does the secret realm start?

Tang Shuang and Liu Man are here, and Liu An doesn't need to cooperate any more.

No need to waste time with these people.

Yang Tianci said, "Student Liu, the content of the challenge will be determined after five minutes in the secret realm.

"Then we have to get to know each other within ten minutes, figure out the tactics, and then cooperate with each other to challenge the secret realm."

"This time is different from previous years. Our opponents are thirty-five little demon kings. 35

"The demon clan itself has more advantages in the early stage." Yang Tianci looked at the open space in the distance, with a worried look on his face, "This time, the other party has the dragon clan. 99

"There are also the death, despair and destruction of the seven demon thrones, the three high-level bloodline demon races."9

"We face extreme disadvantage.

"Under the blockade of the demon clan, we must work together to open up a wider path for the future stars of the human clan.

"If we fail, next year's Eye of the Storm, Human Race will only have ten places, and there will be no possibility of competition.

Yang Tianci's words made the atmosphere suddenly dignified.

All the new stars have serious faces.

The disadvantage this time is indeed unimaginably large.

They even had to prepare for the death of their entire crew.

Zhan Chiyang suddenly raised his head, his eyes were ruthless, and his face was suffocating, "This time, I will definitely kill more than you!"

"Since you are a nanny, then treat us well in the back! 35

"That dragon, leave it to me!

Liu An raised his eyebrows and looked strange.

"Who said my nanny can't kill demons? I..."

The fourth big guy who came in also suddenly said, "I didn't expect you to be a nurse."

"However, it is even more remarkable for a nanny with nine lines to reach the top of the star list. 99

"Don't worry, you can't let your nanny do the work of killing demons."9

"We will protect you.

"At least, I will die before you."

Lu Hongzhao shook hands with a red dart, "That's right, it's Star Pavilion convention that soldiers don't die, but assistants don't die. 99

"You will be in the middle of the team for a while, we will protect you. 35 pills

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