Job Change: I Was Born With A Poisonous Body, You Made Me A Nurse

Chapter 89: The Illusory Demon's Disguise! Ambush and Counter-siege!

"Wang Tieshan!"

Someone exclaimed!

"It's the Illusory Demon's inheritance skills!"

"Be careful!"

It turned out that at the moment when Liu An called out that there was an ambush, the deboner in front of Wang Tieshan suddenly changed shape.

It turned into Destruction Elro.

Elro's palm was facing Wang Tieshan, and he used his inheritance skills to destroy and explode!

Directly blowing Wang Tieshan, who was caught off guard, flew out!

Unpredictable, Wang Tieshan was hit directly in the chest by this destructive explosion, and he was hit hard.

If not, it is also a set of pink equipment.

I'm afraid the people are gone now.

At the same time that everyone was shocked, monsters appeared around again, and it turned out that two eviscerators suddenly turned into little monster kings!

Under the sudden attack, two Terran Nova were injured one after another!

Fortunately, the crowd was not dispersed, and the others quickly counterattacked, thus stabilizing the situation.

And the other side.

Seeing that the bloodied Wang Tieshan was about to fall into the group of monsters, Liu Man rushed forward, trying to catch Wang Tieshan.

However, at this moment, in the direction where Wang Tieshan fell, another deboner suddenly changed his shape and attacked Liu Man.

Liu Man seemed to have sensed it, and immediately waved his hand and cast a darkness, casting a shadow.


A darkness enveloped the area, absorbing all the light.

That little demon king directly lost his vision! He lost Liuman's goal!

And Liuman has dived directly into the darkness like a swimming fish like water, and disappeared!

After 950 minutes, Wang Tieshan's figure was thrown out of the darkness and fell into the human race.

Someone rushed up to catch Wang Tieshan.

Then came the sound of hand-to-hand combat in the darkness, and the sound of Chi Chi was incessant.

Obviously, in the dark, Liuman has launched an attack on the demon clan!

Frontally, Tang Shuang was also attacked, but she responded quickly.

The moment the Eviscerator in front of him was not knocked over, he realized that something was wrong, and instantly displayed his determination to never retreat!

Abruptly blocked the little demon king who suddenly appeared!

It even almost slapped the little demon king over.

The lion roars and shakes!

The moment this little demon king shook, he lost his mind!

While the little demon king in front of Tang Shuang was being shaken, Yang Tianci, who was beside him, quickly reacted.

Use the second-turn skill to stab its throat with a shot!

Five or six times his strength is concentrated at the tip of the spear and penetrates directly!

One hit kill!

At the same time, the figures of the monsters on both sides were also revealed, and the new stars of the human race took on their own challenges.

When the number of people is dominant, the battle situation is changed in an instant!

On the frontal battlefield, Destroyer Elro succeeded, smiled coldly, and retreated quickly!

Want to hide in the monster group.

However, Liu An was already angry.

When the other party attacked Liu Man, he was already angry.

How could he just leave like this!

"Praise you, little monster!

A clear voice entered Destroyer Elro's ears.

The comfort and powerful recovery boost that came from his body made him stunned for a moment!

This nanny?


Use healing skills as attack skills?

Haha, the human race still has this kind of thing... wait!

Why is my body numb!?

Destruction Elro suddenly found that the body that was retreating was a little uncomfortable.

gradually paralyzed.

He stepped back with difficulty, and his movements became extremely slow for a while.

He looked at Liu An in horror.

What did this kid do?

Liu An glanced at the frost dragon Tyranus from a distance.

If it wasn't for that guy watching, he would be afraid to startle the snake, and Elro would be a dead man at this moment.

But even so.

Elro, whose body was greatly paralyzed, was also surrounded by monsters, and there was no way to continue to retreat.

Even the Eviscerator, who could have been killed easily, troubled him.

at this time.

In that dark scene, there was a sudden sound of blood and flesh being separated, followed by a scream!

Chi Chi Chi!


The darkness dissipated.

Little Liuman, holding the head of a little demon king with a grim face, returned to the human race team.

And the new stars on the flanks have already dealt with the other two little demon kings one after another.

The team is back to normal.

It's just that Wang Tieshan's breath is weak, as if he is about to die.

Everyone looked back while dealing with the Eviscerator.

"Master Liu, take a gamble, otherwise he won't last long."

Everyone's eyes were concerned, but they were all dignified.

Liu An came to Wang Tieshan and patted Wang Tieshan on the shoulder, "Don't worry, you can't die.

Wang Tieshan opened his mouth, suddenly grabbed Liu An's arm with a big hand, and said with difficulty, "Master Liu, I believe (affc)... your intuition!

Liu An almost laughed.

At this time, I am still confused about intuitive things.

Why does it feel so difficult for you to make this decision.

Liu An didn't say much, and several hymns hit Wang Tieshan directly.

Wang Tieshan's whole body was tense, and he closed his eyes, as if he was about to meet some bad luck.

The people around also held their breath.

But the next moment, Wang Tieshan's physical injuries recovered visibly to the naked eye.

The big blood hole in the chest is healing quickly.

"The bet is won!"

"Great, save a life!"

"If you don't die, you will have good luck, sledgehammer!"

Under the continuous superposition of powerful recovery skills, the recovery speed like the bones of life and death once again stunned everyone.

"This is the skill of the nine-pattern nanny..."


"As long as people don't die, they can be pulled back!

"It's just gambling, it seems that this time, Tieshan's luck is good!"5

Liu An was unhappy, "It's intuition! Why don't you believe it!?"

Seeing Wang Tieshan recovering rapidly, a big stone fell to the ground in everyone's heart.

All turned to look at Doom Elro, who was besieged by the Eviscers.

At this time, Elro's movements were getting slower and slower, and it was extremely difficult to even deal with the Eviscerator.

He's devastated!

No idea what Liu An did to him!

Instead, he is madly cursing the dead tomb tile!

"Damn it! What the hell is going on!?

"Are you worthy of being a descendant of the Demon Throne of Death?"

"The descendants of your dignified death demon throne, with the blood of fifteen demon kings, can't even take down a group of human races in poor condition!"

"If you chase them out now, I will kill them all!"

"What the hell are you doing!!!"

It turned out that when Dead Tomb Tile led people to ambush Liu An and others.

Erro the Destroyer is not willing to play with the human race, he likes to kill everyone at one time, and does not give them any chance!

So I brought four demon clans to ambush the human clan outside, intending to kill them all by myself.

Among the four little demon kings, there is the Illusory Demon clan among the seventy-two demon kings!

Illusory monsters can directly transform themselves and others into the appearance of monsters!

As long as it is a creature he has seen and touched, no matter it is appearance or breath, it can be imitated without any difference.

Unless the level is higher than the Illusory Demon, it will be completely invisible!

The monster camouflage card that Liu An saw in the prop store was made with the blood of the phantom monster as the main material.

According to Destroyer Elro's plan, wait until the death tomb tile drives the Terran out of the resting platform.

The morale of the human race has plummeted, and the troops have been destroyed.

At that time, Dead Tomb Tile was chasing after him, while he used the disguise of Illusory Demon to sneak attack on the human race in front.

In this way, you can attack back and forth and completely kill the human race in the second level.

But he never imagined that not only did the human race have no losses, but even the tiles of the dead tomb were delayed!

This action of his, but he has fallen into passive.

Not to mention losing four little demon kings.

Now he can't even leave himself!

This is so outrageous!

He can't figure out why he died, why the tile of the dead tomb hasn't come out yet....

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