The team was not disbanded, but the team members wanted to leave the team on their own.

There is a system prompt if the team leader does not take the initiative to disband the team.

There is also a 10-second delay.

Therefore, it is impossible for players to sneak attack teammates by forming a team.

Now that the team protection is invalid, doesn't it mean that teammates cannot fully trust each other? ?

Before Wang Dong thought about it, a scroll suddenly appeared in the system backpack.

[You have obtained: Secret Realm Return Scroll. ]

[Secret Realm Return Scroll: A return scroll specifically used in the secret realm. 】

"Most secret realms cannot use things like return scrolls, but this secret realm can use them, which means that this secret realm will be very dangerous?"

After analyzing some information, Wang Dong's eyes were slightly stern, and he quickly thought about the possible emergencies in the secret realm.

At this time, a large number of players also appeared in this secret realm one after another.

But because of the existence of the "eggshell", no one knew who came in.

As time went by, half an hour passed in a flash.

[Ding, the secret realm rules are released below. ]

[First, every 30 minutes, 20 secret realm treasure chests will appear randomly in the secret realm. Opening the secret realm treasure chests can get rich rewards. ]

[Second, along with the treasure chests, there are also a large number of secret realm guardians (based on the comprehensive level of the players, the level of the secret realm guardian is: level 20). ]

[3. Every time you kill a secret realm guardian, you will get 1 merit point, which can be exchanged for 1 resurrection coin in the hidden store at the end of the secret realm (the first player who causes damage to the guardian can get the merit point. If the player is 100 meters away from the guardian or dies, the merit point will be inherited by the second player who causes damage to the guardian, and so on). ]

[4. Survival secret realm: The first task is to survive. As long as you can survive, you can get more rewards. (Every hour you survive, you can get a random treasure. The later the time, the better the random treasure.)]

"Damn... Merit points can be exchanged for resurrection coins???"

Seeing this message, all the players who came in were surprised.

Resurrection coins are a kind of props that can revive players.

Although some auxiliary professions can help resurrect in the later stage, there are only a few players who can learn resurrection skills.

Therefore, resurrection coins are the object of competition among players no matter what time period.

Now the rules of the secret realm are that whoever causes damage to the monster first will get the merit points.

Then there will definitely be players who will kill the first player who causes damage to the monster for the resurrection coins.

"Team protection is invalid, and there will be treasure chest guardians in the secret realm. So in this secret realm, not only do you have to compete with other players for monsters, but you also have to prevent other players from sneaking up on you?"

"Damn it!"

Wang Dong, who came to this conclusion, couldn't help but curse.

The protagonist is really worthy of being the protagonist. Even the hidden secret realm opened by Zhao Chenya is tailor-made for him.

That's right!

According to the rules of this secret realm, it is very suitable for assassin professions.

Team protection is invalid, and all players are in a competitive relationship, so teammates cannot fully trust each other.

Most other players need to form a team to have sufficient offensive and defensive capabilities.

Only assassin players don't need it.

They are originally orphan players who are despised by the upgrade team and must-have for the killing team.

In addition, Ye Feng is a reborn with explosive combat power, so he has more advantages than other players.

"It seems that it's not easy to kill Ye Feng in this secret realm trip?"


Wang Dong frowned and thought about countermeasures, and other players who came in were also studying the rules of the game.

"If you survive in the secret realm for one hour, you will get a random treasure reward? Then can't I just hide?"

"That's right, anyway, I can't beat the level 20 secret realm guardian."

"Hehehe, I think so too."

"You think too much. If you are not strong enough, the treasure you get will be snatched away by others."

"Whoever dares to snatch my treasure, I will fight him."

"It would be great if I had the ability to fight to the death."

"Oh, I hope I have better luck."

Human nature is greedy, and players who come to the secret realm are all for treasures.

And every player has a certain strength, who is willing to give up the treasure they get? ?

So this time, the secret realm is destined to be bloody.

However, since the secret realm needs to be completed in an hour, who is willing to give up the treasure they get? ?

So this time, the secret realm is destined to be bloody.

However, since the secret realm needs to be completed in an hour, who is willing to give up the treasure they get? ?

It will be officially opened later, so everyone needs to stay in the ‘eggshell’ for an hour.

As for this hour, will anyone have diarrhea?

Who knows?

Anyway, Wang Dong won’t.

As everyone chatted, an hour finally ended.

This secret realm has a level limit.

So no matter how big the entrance to the secret realm is, no matter how easy it is to be discovered, the thousand people only gathered about fifty minutes after the secret realm was opened.

In addition to the forces of the Zhao family and the Qin family, there are many other player forces.

Among them, there are many foreigners who came to the Magic City for tourism before the end of the world and were trapped in this city.

[Ding, the entrance to the secret realm is closed, and the survival game is officially opened. The end of greed is destruction. Players, please ensure your own survival first. ]

The ethereal secret realm prompt sounded.

All the thousands of players were enveloped by a white light and disappeared in the ‘eggshell’ they were in.

When they appeared again, the players had come to a strange place.

There are mountains, water, flowers, grass, and trees here.

At a glance, there were not even a few players.

"Is this... a valley?"

"Fuck, what a big valley!!"

"Are we not together?"

"Brother Dong, where are you?"

"I don't know either, protect yourself."

"Well, I saw Uncle Zhou, it shouldn't be dangerous."

"That's good!!"

"Hey, hey, where are you? I'm on a hillside, there's a big tree here that ten people can't hug."

"There are big trees like this everywhere, which one are you talking about?"


"Find another reference, the others can play freely first, Chenya, you report your location to me first."

"I have a big tree here, and there's a stream next to it!! Hey!! Wait, I think I saw a treasure chest."

Everyone: "........"

It has to be said that the heroine is the heroine, this luck is simply invincible.

I saw a treasure chest just after entering.

What everyone didn't know at this time was that what Zhao Chenya saw was not just a treasure chest.

[Since you are the holder of the ‘Secret Realm Key’, in the first three rounds of treasure chests, one will appear within five meters of you in each round...]

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