The boys' dormitory where Wang Dong lives has only 7 floors, with 16 dormitories on each floor.

Wang Dong lives in Room 702 on the 7th floor!

At the beginning of the apocalypse game, the evil goblins massacred humans.

Many of the students were only chopped and did not die immediately.

Several injured students desperately ran upstairs to the dormitory, trying to use the height of the floor to avoid the monsters.

It was just because the injury was serious and could not be bandaged in time, so they died of excessive blood loss.

Wang Dong had seen it when he was collecting supplies.

It is now the end of May and the weather is a bit hot.

As soon as he came to the corridor outside the dormitory, a fishy smell penetrated Wang Dong's nose.

Fortunately, Liao Jun and others' base was in other dormitory buildings, and there was no living person or monster in the corridor at this time.

Wang Dong resisted the nausea, covered his nose, stepped on the dried blood stains and pushed open the door of the next door 706 dormitory.

Soon, a bloody and smelly male classmate's body came into his sight.

The body was still intact and covered with a quilt.

It should be that Liao Jun and others did not want the bloody smell to attract monsters, so they covered the body with a quilt.

Wang Dong did not care, quietly closed the door and walked to the side of the body and squatted down.

The dead male classmate was named Wu Bing, the deputy monitor of Wang Dong's class.

Because Wang Dong was just Qin Shijie's lackey before, he usually looked down on Wang Dong's character, so the two did not have much dealings.

Wang Dong let out a long breath and slowly put the palm of his right hand on the open space next to the body!

Although the player's skills only exist in the system panel, they are not clicked with the mind.

It is a simple skill activation method.

Memory implantation, simple and crude.

Although Wang Dong was a little unfamiliar with the skill for the first time, it was not particularly difficult to perform it.

As Wang Dong's "Reincarnation" skill was activated, circles of black runes spread out in all directions with the palm of Wang Dong's right hand as the center.

Soon the black runes spread into a circular magic circle with a diameter of two meters.

Wu Bing's body was lying in the middle of the magic circle.

Energy value 17000/18000.

Using Reincarnation once consumed 1000 energy points?

Not bad, acceptable.


The magic circle runes lit up, and Wu Bing's body, along with the quilt on his body, was swallowed into the "black hole" of the magic circle.

In less than five seconds, the magic circle "spitted" Wu Bing out again.

But this time Wu Bing was standing, and his body and clothes were intact, without blood stains and stench.

His personal information also appeared in Wang Dong's system panel.

Name: Wu Bing

Occupation: Warrior.

Level: 1

Constitution: ? ? ?

Strength: 14

Agility: 13

Spirit: ? ? ?

[Note 1: Although the unit resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation has unlimited vitality and will not die, it still needs to rest and can only be regarded as a summoned unit and cannot form a team with other players normally. ]

[Note 2: Units resurrected without using sacrifices can use weapons and equipment normally, but cannot learn new skills. ]

"It's still a warrior? Yes, yes."

Wang Dong was a little surprised to see Wu Bing's information.

It must be said that Wu Bing is lucky and unfortunate.

Fortunately, he actually awakened a combat profession?

Unfortunately, he was killed by a monster before he could react!

[Ding, congratulations on using the Impure World Reincarnation to revive Passerby A 'Wu Bing' and get 100 points for changing life. 】

"Hmm? That's OK?"

A passerby has 100 points? Then changing the main storyline by myself, wouldn't it be............

"What...what's going on? Am I...I'm not dead yet?"

Wu Bing's puzzled voice interrupted Wang Dong's thoughts.


Wu Bing is the deputy monitor of the class. He is about the same height as Wang Dong, but thinner than Wang Dong.

On the day of the apocalypse, he was going back to the dormitory to get some money, but the apocalypse came just as he walked downstairs to the dormitory.

Six goblins appeared beside him out of thin air.

One against six, there was no room for fighting back.

His lower abdomen, shoulders, back, and thighs were all chopped to pieces by the goblins with bone daggers.

Blood kept oozing out like squeezing a bottle of mineral water filled with water.

Due to the chaotic scene, the dormitories on the lower floors were not safe at all.

So he could only endure the injury with the help of adrenaline and run back to his dormitory for safety.

Needless to say, the final result.

He lost too much blood and fainted in the dormitory without even having time to bandage himself.

Finally, he died of excessive bleeding in a coma.

At this time, he was resurrected, his skin looked a little pale, and the whites of his eyes were a little gray, but if you don't look closely, you still can't tell what the difference is between him and a normal person.

Looking at the familiar dormitory environment around him, Wu Bing's expression was a little confused.

But after he saw Wang Dong, he instantly understood something, and his expression changed from confusion to surprise.

"Wang Dong? Is it... you who resurrected me?"


For people before the end of the world, it was a fantasy.

But for people after the end of the world, it is not so rare.

In addition to many precious props that can help resurrection.

The priest's resurrection spell, the light wizard's resurrection spell, and the spellcaster's resurrection spell can all achieve resurrection!

However, in the early stage of the end of the world, Wang Dong saw Wu Bing, who was covered in blood and stench, come back to life. He still sighed in his heart at the magic of the Creator.

"What else?"

"How... How is it possible? Resurrection..."

Wu Bing obviously didn't believe this fact.

Because the resurrection of the dead is really incredible.

"The world has become like this, what else is impossible?"

Wu Bing heard this and glanced at the thick fog outside the window, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, and clear the way ahead."

"Clear the way?" Wu Bing came back to his senses and squinted his eyes: "What for?"

"Of course I'm going out." Wang Dong didn't care, but said as a matter of course: "How can I level up if I don't go out to kill monsters?"

"Wang Dong, are you kidding me? I'm not familiar with you, why should I clear the way for you?"

Wu Bing was obviously a little unhappy!

In the past, he was the deputy squad leader, and Wang Dong was just a lackey around Qin Shijie.

Although Wang Dong was his savior after resurrecting him, he still didn't want to be Wang Dong's cannon fodder.

"Haha!!" Hearing Wu Bing's words, Wang Dong raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Deputy squad leader, this is not up to you."

If you are not ruthless, you can't stand firm.

This world is the law of the jungle where the weak are preyed on by the strong.

After the end of the world, this law of the jungle where the weak are preyed on by the strong will only intensify.

Just like Liao Jun before, they were alumni of the same school three days ago, but three days later he led people to rob Wang Dong's food.

So at this time, he didn't have any mercy in his heart.

As Wang Dong issued the order, Wu Bing immediately felt that his body was out of control.

There was only one voice left in his mind: open the way for Wang Dong.

The body also picked up a wooden stool involuntarily and walked out the door.

"Wang Dong, you..."

"You are a dead man!"

Before Wu Bing finished speaking, Wang Dong interrupted him coldly: "You are not qualified to negotiate with me, just open the way in front!"


How can people not bow their heads under the eaves?

Wang Dong only needs to give an order in his heart, and he has to do it.

So, Wu Bing, who couldn't control his body, had no choice but to shut his mouth obediently.

As Wu Bing pushed open the door, Wang Dong also took out the novice staff and followed.

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