The lounge where Ye Qianrou was located was not for employees to rest, but for leaders to sit and drink tea.

Therefore, this lounge was not only spacious, but also fully equipped.

There were coffee tables, chairs, and bookshelves inside.

The leather sofa was also very comfortable to sit on.

At this time, two candles were lit in the room, and the light was not too dark.

Wang Dong used the candlelight to see that Ye Qianrou was not wearing a robe, but a dark brown tight dress.

Lying on the sofa, her hips were naturally upturned, her upper body was also flattened, and her upturned white jade feet were refreshing.

A chair was specially placed next to the sofa for herself.

Such a tempting scene made Wang Dong, who had watched countless movies in his previous life, instantly know what this woman wanted to do.

It's the end of the world, and she still wants a man she met for the first time to massage her?

This is no longer a hint, it's a blatant indication? ?

"I don't know how to massage!"

Wang Dong said bluntly.

He is not a man who can't walk after seeing a woman.

On the contrary, he is very rational.

In his heart, no matter what he does, he should weigh the pros and cons.

If the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, it is not worth it.

Just like when Liao Jun robbed his food before.

Seeing that he couldn't resist, he simply didn't resist.

Because no matter how difficult it is to find food, it is better than directly risking his life.

The situation is the same now.

No matter how beautiful Ye Qianrou is, she is just a woman.

If she is a woman of other forces, it's fine, but Qin Guangyao's woman........ If you don't want to break up with the Qin family, it's best not to touch her.

"It's okay, just press it casually!" Ye Qianrou continued: "Xiao Qiong was seriously injured today and has not fully recovered, otherwise I wouldn't have asked you to come!"

Wang Dong: "........"

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you come quickly?"

Hearing Ye Qianrou's urging, Wang Dong's thoughts flew again.

No, this is Qin Shijie's mother, and also Qin Guangyao's wife.

If he wants to borrow the power of the Qin family in the future, he must not touch his wife at this time.

But thinking so, Wang Dong's body has already sat down honestly, and put his hands on the other's soft back.

This fragrance, this touch, tut tut!!

"Madam, does President Qin know that you do this?"

"I'm just the young master's follower. If the young master knows you are like this, I wonder what he would think?"

Wang Dong's two exclamations, coupled with the force coming from his back, made Ye Qianrou dumbfounded.

This kid, how can he be so shameless?

He kept saying that he was a follower, and he called me his wife, but his hands never stopped moving?

However, when Ye Qianrou thought of the boy's attitude towards her before, she felt revengeful.

"What? Are you scared?"

"Scared? Do you think I would be scared?"

Wang Dong said disdainfully.

With the trump card he has now, he is not afraid even if he faces the entire Qin family.

But he is not the protagonist, isn't it good to hide behind the Qin family and bully others?

Why did he push himself to the forefront and go against the protagonist and the Qin family? ?

"So what you mean is that I am not beautiful enough?"

Ye Qianrou suddenly turned around and looked into Wang Dong's eyes and asked back.

Wang Dong didn't know what logic this was, and subconsciously stopped the movement of his hands. Who knew that Ye Qianrou suddenly stretched out her jade arms to hook his neck at this time, and put her red lips over to block his mouth.

Wang Dong widened his eyes, a little unbelievable.

What the hell is going on?

Is Qin Shijie so direct? ?

Knock, knock, knock!

There was a sudden knock on the door, and Xiao Qiong's voice came in from outside the door.

"Madam, the hot water you asked for is ready."

Hearing this voice, Wang Dong quickly pushed Ye Qianrou away.

A silver thread connecting the lips of the two was slowly stretched and broken!

Pulled... out of the thread?

Seeing Wang Dong's confused expression, Ye Qianrou's playful intention became stronger. She wiped the corners of her mouth, adjusted her dress and sat up.

"Come in!"

Click, the door opened.

Xiao Qiong was still wearing light armor, but she didn't wear a helmet. There was a lot of dust on her face, and she looked a little unwell.

At this time, she was standing at the door with a basin of hot water.

She saw Wang Dong in

Ye Qianrou's room was stunned, but she didn't say anything.

"You go back and rest first."

Ye Qianrou said to Wang Dong: "I will let someone inform you when we leave tomorrow morning."


Thinking back to the sweet and soft taste just now, Wang Dong still didn't react, but he couldn't say anything at this time.

He had to pretend to nod respectfully and turned to leave Ye Qianrou's room.

After Wang Dong walked away, Xiao Qiong came to Ye Qianrou and put down the hot water and said.

"Madam, this Wang Dong..."

"What's wrong?"

"His ability is more than just an elementalist."

Although she was in the room before and didn't see the battle outside.

But she also heard the cries of Li Wei and others.

In addition to the traces of the battle at the scene and the information given by Yu Wei and the others, as long as there is no problem with the brain, you can know that those guys were killed by swords, not by telekinesis and other elements.

"Of course!" Ye Qianrou did not deny: "But sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing."

"Yes... I'm talking too much!"

"Go down and have a good rest!! Xiaoping's matter... I'm sorry!"

"Xiao Qiong understands!"

They are well-trained soldiers.

For them, if they are killed by others, they can only blame themselves for not learning well, not others.

As for Wang Dong's ability? ? They dare not say anything unless Ye Qianrou speaks.

This feeling is like working in a company and you go over the manager to report to the boss.

The manager will be fine, and the person you report will be fine, but you will be marginalized by the company or even fired by the company.

They have received training in this area since they were young, and it is impossible for them to make such a low-level mistake.


On the other side!

Wang Dong, who returned to his residence, didn't know what Ye Qianrou was crazy about, but he had to deal with it.

His current ability is enough to deal with various emergencies.

As long as the other party doesn't come to provoke him, he doesn't bother to ask.

He thought quickly in his mind how to improve his current level.

As long as the strength is strong enough, everything is nothing.

After everyone successfully changes their job, the job change temple will give a basic leveling map.

This map is a map of the entire Xia country, with some of the most basic leveling locations marked on it.

According to the map markings, the monsters in the town are basically level 1-7, and there are very few monsters of level 8-10.

Occasionally, a high-level monster or BOSS appears, which is equivalent to winning the lottery.

Therefore, it becomes extremely slow to upgrade after exceeding level 13.

Although there are high-level monsters in the wild, the number of monsters is a problem.

Sometimes you can only encounter one after walking for half a day, and sometimes a large group comes at once.

Moreover, the level of monsters in the wild is not fixed, and players need to explore on their own. What if you encounter a monster of level 40 or 50 in the wild?

Therefore, it is not a wise choice to easily go to the wilderness to explore.

"After level 10, if you want to continue leveling up, besides going to the job transfer dungeon, the best places are the Ant Cave and the Skeleton Mountain Range?"

Looking at the leveling places marked on the map, Wang Dong muttered to himself.

The Ant Cave and the Skeleton Mountain Range are places specially provided for human players to level up in the Doomsday Game.

There are many places like this marked on the map, but they are all above level 20.

Wang Dong is only level 13 now, and no matter how awesome he is, he can't level up in places above level 20.

Therefore, going to the Ant Cave and the Skeleton Mountain Range is a good choice.

The monster level of the Ant Cave is 10-15.

The monster level of the Skeleton Mountain Range is 16-20.

There are two of these two places in Xia Country, located in the four directions of Xia Country, namely, the southeast, northwest and northeast.

"There is a Skeleton Mountain Range near the Magic City, but it is 120 kilometers away from the west of the Magic City?"

"I might as well go there to help others complete the job transfer task. There are so many surviving players in the Magic City. There must be a few unlucky ones who will receive the Black Wolf Lair?"

"Just brushing that dungeon a few times is enough to upgrade to level 20, and I can teleport directly to the place of Yashan Village?"

Thinking of this, Wang Dong has made a decision in his heart.

"After rescuing Qin Shijie, I will go to Yashan Village to take a look. Now... I will use the points for changing my life first."

Before Wang Dong set out this morning, he had 500 points for changing his life.

Killing Li Wei and others got 400 points, and saving Ye Qianrou and Xiao Qiong got another 400 points.

A total of 1,300 points.

"Intermediate summoning, let's go!"

[Summoning successful, the following rewards

Choose one of the two rewards. ]

[One, free attribute points +20. ]

[Two, talent skill (universal): danger perception. ]

[Danger perception: a common skill for all professions, LV1 can learn, which allows you to sense the coming of danger in advance. After using this skill to the extreme, you can sense attacks from blind spots in your vision. ]

"Fuck, a magical skill to prevent sneak attacks??"

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