Are they influenced by the copy, changed their image, and became an ancient mechanical starfamily?

Why are they not aware of it themselves?

Could it be that the image of the change can only be seen by the ancient mechanical star family?

Dream had doubts in his heart and guessed many possibilities.

In the next chat with Bungu, the

group also got several other important messages.

The core area of this manufacturing plant

is a kilometer below the building.

There is a special elevator to go down.

Already ready for several people.

They also got a map of the core area of the manufacturing plant from Bungu.

The specific distribution of the core area is clearly marked

on the map, of which

three areas are highlighted on the map.

These three areas are the most likely points of trouble

, the manufacturing workshop that manufactures the ancient mechanical species

, the storage vault that stores the failed mechanical star family of origin fire fusion,

and the temple that gives origin fire.

At this point,

the side quests are clear!

It is to explore these three places clearly

, and it is estimated that after probing, the

whole incident will come to light!

That's the benefit of having NPCs, which

saves you a lot of trouble!

"Please! You are an elite investigation team of the Ancient Mechanical Starrace! Be sure to solve this problem!

"Unable to give birth to a new ancient mechanical star family means that our star race is about to collapse!"

"The life and death of the Ancient Mechanical Star Clan is in your hands!"

Bungu said with tears in his eyes, feeling bitter.

This is the reproduction of the scene at that time, everything is just a restoration of events.

Unfortunately, what Bungu didn't know was

that the ancient mechanical star race had long been extinct, and the elite investigation group that he had high hopes for was also gone, just like the compatriots who went to investigate...

"No other clues?" Toni asked.

Bungu thought about it, and the expression on his face changed and changed.

Finally nodded, "Yes, there is a little!" I never dared to say it! Now tell everyone here!

"The manufacturing plant has been extremely bad in recent days!"

"Last week, and last week, there were still not many ancient mechanical starclans made by the manufacturing plant!"

"Among them, there is an ancient mechanical star family who came out and told me a very strange thing!"

He said that the ancient mechanical star races born in the same batch as him have been given origin fire, and according to common sense, this is the last step in the birth of the ancient mechanical star family!

"The ancient mechanical star race that has come this far only needs to stay in the placement room of the manufacturing factory for three days, and when the origin fire and this body are fully fused, they can leave the manufacturing factory!"

"This is the least risky step, with an error rate of almost 0%!"

"But this is the step, something went wrong!"

"According to the newcomer, during the fusion of the resettlement room, many compatriots said that they saw outside the glass separation wall of the resettlement room, and saw other ancient mechanical stars outside the house, and they also beckoned them to go out."

"That newcomer didn't take it seriously at first, but the next day, he said that he saw that there were compatriots of the ancient mechanical star clan outside the house, and all of them died without exception!"

"The origin fire that has just been given to the chest is inexplicably extinguished! This is a situation that has never been seen before! "

The extinguishing of the origin fire in the chest is equivalent to the death of this newly born ancient mechanical starrace!" It will be automatically pulled down by the processing system of the manufacturing plant and stored in the resettlement room!

"This incident made the newcomer and other newly single compatriots panic!"

"Could it be that an ancient mechanical Star Clan rebel came in to wreak havoc?"

"But what is even more strange is that the next night, many ancient mechanical stars in the resettlement room said that they saw other ancient mechanical stars waving towards them outside the house!"

"What scared them the most was that among the ancient mechanical star clans outside the house, they saw the figure of their companions who died yesterday!"

"On the third day, all the newcomers who saw the figure of the ancient mechanical star clan outside the house died!"

"That batch of 100 newly born ancient mechanical star races, up to 95 died in the settlement room! Only five mechraces managed to make it out alive!

Everyone looked at each other and

couldn't help but shiver.

Midnight Return?

Asking for your life in the middle of the night?

Can this mechanical StarClan's manufacturing factory still be weird?

"If you have a chance, you can go to the storage room!"

"That's where the ancient mechanical star clan that failed to be born is stored!"

Got it!

To put it bluntly, isn't it a morgue!

Needless to say,

this is yet another tip that NPCs give them.

This time

, most of the clues that can be given are almost known

, but everyone is still scared

, everyone is full of fear of the unknown

, not to mention in such a dangerous place as the special quest side quest,

the risks are self-evident!

"Gone?" Doni asked again.

"It's gone!" This time Bungu nodded affirmatively.

Unexpectedly, in the next second,

Toni stretched out his hand towards Bungu in the air.

Bungu is like a broken mechanical part, the

whole body falls apart and

becomes a component.

I saw Doni clench his fist in the air,

and the parts of Bungu's body were recombined and

turned into a huge mechanical ball!

Everyone was surprised,

so what is the ionic star family doing?

Just got the intelligence,

and was got it by NPCs!

Is this to unload the grind and kill the donkey?

"Don't you think you can believe everything he says?"

"True and false, false and false! The more advanced the quest, the more you like to trip you up in terms of clues!

"If you believe all his words, you don't know how you died!"

Everyone knows,

no wonder they started on Bungu and

this product is likely to mislead them!

Then I heard Toni say,

"Ion recombination!" This is one of our unique super abilities of the Ionic Starfamily!

"Being able to smash and reassemble any object is the nemesis against the ancient mechanical starrace!" Any ancient mechanical starrace, in front of us, is just a younger brother! "

What Toni said is domineering

, indeed, with a light grasp of the air, you can get the NPC of the ancient mechanical star race,

this ability is indeed!

With this ability, what ancient mechanical star family are you afraid of?

"The Ion Star Clan is invincible!"

"Ionic Star Clan's big guy cow beep!"

"It is our honor to survive under the brilliance of the Ion Star Clan boss!"


A group of challengers slapped a rainbow fart over, and

the challengers of the two ion star families said they were very comfortable.

No matter which Star Clan,

they like to be slapped on the back!


"Look what means this copy has!"

"You guys are lucky, I'll take you to lie down and win!"

Everyone, "!!! Why

does this sound so familiar!

The pit daddy's heroic organization

seems to have said this when he came in!

The two big brothers of the ion star clan

, you stand up,

we are very flustered~

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