This battle is

not only decisive for victory or defeat,

but also for life and death!

Only one person will be able to leave alive!

Both sides knew the importance of this battle, and

they took out their strongest state at the first time!

The golden aura of Saio's whole body was steaming

, and the originally black hair turned golden yellow

, extending to the waist,

and it was a super three form!

Casio was not to be outdone, and with

the blessing of the Super Sai II form,

the golden aura of the whole body was in a state of jet flame!

Faintly, there was a golden aura lightning mixed in.

"Oh? Super Race II Form!

"Casio, have you improved a lot during this time in the Tower of Babel?"

"The second form of Super Race has been made by you!"

Seeing Casio take out the Super Race II form,

Theo sneered.

Don't look at Saio's indifferent appearance on the surface

, but in fact, his heart was shocked

, Casio has only been in the Tower of Babel for a long time,

and he has reached the level of being able to use the Super Sai II form!


Even if Casio's talent is transcendent,

the speed of this progress is too fast!

To know the level of Super Sai II

, the entire Saiyan Star Clan

, except for what he Saio

can use, no one else can use it!

If you give Casio a little more time,

this kid won't be in the sky!

Saio was very happy in his heart

, fortunately, the first thing he did when he came to the Tower of Babel was

not to go to the meeting place designated by the core star clan,

but to come and hunt down this traitor!

Otherwise, when this traitor grows up,

it will not be as simple as a big trouble, it

will kill him!

Coming directly to chase and kill Casio was

simply the wisest decision in his life!

Sail thought a little in his heart.

Casio is just Super Race Two form,

he is Super Race Three form!

He has a big winning surface!

"Come on! Casio! Let's have a showdown between real men, whoever runs is the grandson!

"Didn't you always want to kill your enemies?" I'm right in front of me! You're coming to kill me!" In

order not to let Casio escape in defeat,

Sail also stimulated Casio.

I have to say that

the Agitation Method is really useful for the Saiyan Star Clan,

especially Casio's super sense of self-esteem.

Angered by Sayo,

Casio rushed straight towards

Sayo and hit Sayo's face.

"Sail! You give me death! "

The two Saiyan Clan's top warriors used

the most primitive and savage fighting methods

, in the air you punch me punch each other

, without dodging, without giving in,

it is completely to see who can not hold on to defeat first!"

"This style of play is also too barbaric!"

"If you continue to fight like this, which side will win?"


This extremely barbaric way of beating each other stunned everyone in the heroic organization

, saying that the Saiyan Star Clan is the premier fighting nation in the universe,

and that is not blown!

It's just that Casio doesn't know which tendon is wrong, and

he sent Ye Mo's horse fart when he had no chance,

causing the members of the Haoxia organization to think that the Saiyan Star Clan was just with this.

Today, it seems

that it is very wrong!

This punch-to-flesh attack,

every punch can see flesh and blood flying!

But whether it is Casio or Sail

, they all grit their teeth and do not retreat!

In the face of the opponent's attack

, do not do any dodge,

it is completely to use the body to resist!

It's so aggressive!

"Casio won't lose!"

Hearing the doubts of the members of the Haoxia Organization

, Ye Mo responded

, even if it seems that Casio is far weaker than Saio

in terms of strength and speed

, in the early fight, Casio did not gain any advantage

, but Ye Mo knew that if he continued to fight like this,

the person who won in the end must be Casio

This kid hides deeply, but it's not as simple as it seems!

"Casio, didn't you eat? Punching soft, this level of attack, can you kill people? After

a period of fighting,

both sides took a step back with tacit understanding and took

a breather.

Theo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and

taunted Casio.

In this first round of sparring

, he was not lightly injured, and the

corners of his mouth were deformed.

But Casio, on the other hand

, was even more seriously injured

, not only was he beaten into a pig's head, but he also shattered three ribs.

If it was this level of injury

, others would have been dead for a long time

, but the Saiyan Star Clan is different

, even if it is injured to this extent,

it can continue to fight.

"I said, today's battle, no one falls, it is impossible to stop!"

Casio breathed a few sighs of relief, felt that the injuries on his body had eased a lot, and

once again took the initiative to attack Theo.

"Idiot! You look for death! "

Sail didn't expect Casio to take the initiative to attack

, in this battle

, Casio should obviously feel that in terms of attribute strength,

he Theo far surpasses him Casio!

After all, there is a huge gap between the Super Race Three form and the Super Race Two form!

I haven't heard of that Saiyan Star Clan in history that can defeat Super Sai 3 Form in Super Sai 2 form!

In Sail's view

, Casio might have been able to live a little longer

if he had used guerrilla warfare or delaying tactics

, but Casio was more inclined

and chose to fight head-on, which was his own frontal combat method.

This is not looking for death, what is this?

Since Casio is in a hurry to die,

Saiya is also happy to send Casio a layer!

The second round of hand-to-hand combat began

, and just like the first round of fighting,

the two top professionals of the Saiyan Clan still rushed together to beat each other!

This is a fighting method passed down by their Saiyan Clan, and

it is also one of the ways for the Saiyan Clan to resolve conflicts!

Once there is a contradiction between the two Saiyan races

, it can be solved by this mutual beating method

, two people stand together and beat each other

, cannot be avoided, cannot be resisted

, that is, you punch me with a punch

, whoever falls to the ground or is defeated,

who loses!


the duel between Cyo and Casio is

much more brutal than the duel between ordinary Saiyan Star Clan!

The ordinary Saiyan clan duel is to resolve the contradiction and divide the victory and defeat,

while the duel between Cyo and Casio is to divide life and death!


, the second round of mutual beatings came to an end

, this time even worse than the last

, one of Theo's front teeth was knocked out, and

Casio's ribs were all broken!

"Come again!"

"Never die!"

Casio, who had changed his breath slightly, roared and rushed forward, and

this momentum startled Theo!

This cargo is so badly injured, why does it still have the strength to continue to beat each other?

In the third round of fighting, Theo was swollen in the eye and Casio broke an arm.

In the fourth round of mutual beatings, Sayo's little finger was discounted, and Casio broke a leg.


In the tenth round of beatings, Casio's entire chest was dented, an arm and a leg were broken, and only his ears were intact.

And at this time, Sail was no better

, his right arm was crippled by Casio, his

heart was sunken, and he

felt difficult to breathe!

"That's not right!"

"You have a problem!"

Even if Sail was slow to react, he

found something wrong!

This Casio was severely injured like this

, according to common sense

, even if he is a top warrior of the Saiyan Clan, he

should have lost the ability to fight!

But Casio not only did not lose his ability to fight,

but shot stronger and stronger!

Every attack has

no tendency to weaken at all!

On the contrary, he Saio

, in the continuous consumption

, the injury gradually accumulated

, with the consumption of physical energy,

the strength is not as good as before!

Now Sail estimates that

he can only exert his seven-point strength at his peak!

"Are you afraid?"

"Aren't you very good?"

"The king of the Saiyan Star Clan, will he be afraid to fight me as a traitor? You coward!

Casio didn't answer Theo's question,

but instead stimulated Theo.

Theo was annoyed, didn't want to do so much,

and fought fiercely with Casio again.

After another ten confluences,

Sail was shocked to find that

Casio still hadn't fallen!

And in the latest round of mutual fighting,

Casio actually fought with him inextricably!

"That's not right! You get stronger and stronger as you beat each other again! "

The injury to your ribs has also returned... How did your injury recover so quickly?

Sensing that the situation had changed, Sail said loudly in surprise.

At this step, Casio did not pretend

, and the recovery ability of the whole body was fully opened, and

the injuries on Casio's body were gradually getting better with the naked eye!

After moving his muscles

, Casio raised the corners of his mouth and said to Theo proudly,

"You are only paying attention now? Too late!

"Do you want to know why?" I won't tell you!

"Theo, do you know what your biggest flaw is? It's just too conceited!

"You firmly believe that you will win, think that your opponents are not as smart as you, and this is your fatal injury!"

Casio shouted and rushed over

, and finally in the twenty-first round of the fight

, Casio gained the advantage

, and in one breath he reached the big hole in the ground, and

Theo was beaten and vomited three mouthfuls of blood.

Casio will not tell Theo that

he is in the wormhole secret realm

, obtained three drops of the heart blood of the ancient Saiyan god

, greatly improved the recovery ability, even if he broke his arm and leg, he can quickly recover back,

and has the power to become stronger if he is injured!

In those twenty rounds just now

, don't look at Casio was beaten very badly,

but the overall strength has at least doubled!

Just one word, cool!

In other words, Sayo's sand sculpture has

become Lao Tzu's tool without knowing it, and

has been kept in the dark.


"This is absolutely impossible!"

"How can you, a Saiyan Star Clan in Super Race II form, beat my Super Race Three Form!"

"This is something that has never happened before in the history of the Saiyan Star Clan!"

Casio heard Theo's roar, and his heart was indescribably sour!


you have today too!

"So, your conceit is your biggest weakness!"

"You lost, Theo!"

Casio is not staying

, in a period of time between the ups and downs

, Casio already has the advantage

, he can fight stronger and stronger,

but Theo can't!

Facing the heavily injured Sail

, Casio chased after the victory

, rushed in front of Sail, defeated Sail,

and finally pressed the ground and rubbed repeatedly!

That fight was called a miserable and miserable grievance,

as if more than twenty years of grievances were going to be vented at this moment!

At this time, several streamers appeared in the sky

, and Ye Mo's eyes were good

, and he saw that it was actually a team of Saiyan Star Clan,

with as many as eight people.

Ye Mo felt that the momentum on those Saiyan Star Clans was

similar to the Saiyan elite who had been solved by Casio before.

I didn't expect that the Saiyan Star Clan still has support

, worthy of being the king of the Saiyan Star Clan

, this appearance is imposing

, don't care about the rest, there are enough little brothers!

This time, I don't know how many people Sail brought when he entered the Tower of Babel



, this time the Saiyan Star Clan elite came to support Sail

, but when they came to

it, they were stunned by the scene in front of them,

what was the situation?

Their powerful king was actually hanged by Casio?

Did they see it wrong?

After rubbing their eyes several times

, they were sure that they were not wrong

, it was the kind that Sail was beaten on the ground by Casio, and he couldn't pull it away!

Theo was beaten into a pig's head, the kind that even his mother didn't know,

Casio still didn't mean to stop!

"Look at what? Come and help me! When

Sail saw his men coming, he

shouted directly in the direction of the reinforcements.

He didn't expect reinforcements to deal with Casio

, as long as they could drag on for a while, as long as

it took a little time,

he Theo would have a chance to escape...


Run away!

Saio didn't dare to imagine that he would have such a thought,

and he would actually be afraid of Casio one day!

The way of this world... It's changed!

But what made Sail even more angry was that

his order was given,

but the Saiyan reinforcements who came did not act at all.

The Saiyan reinforcements who came over this time were not fools

, they saw the corpses of the Saiyan Star Clan that were scattered into pieces on the ground, and they

also felt the breath of Saiyan from those corpses!

It is clear that

those companions of theirs were not killed by Casio,

but by Theo!

Facing a king with a cruel personality and no ability to protect himself,

it is no longer worth following them!

They watched the play on the side

, did not go up to give Sail two strokes,

it was already to give Sail face!

"You traitors! I remembered!

Sail said angrily, but unfortunately anger did not change the current situation in the slightest.

Casio is still fisting

like rain, hitting Sayo's body, Sayo's body

is no longer intact

, so if it goes on, it won't be long before he will definitely die!

This Casio just wants to kill him alive!

"Lord Durres, save me! If you don't make a move, your most central servant will die!" Death

was imminent, and Theo's words made Casio and the Saiyan clans present jump.


Who is it?

This name they have never heard of

, can make Theo call himself a slave,

what is the origin of this Dilres?

To be able to reach this point,

Sail is someone behind it!

Just as Casio was puzzled

, a golden-eyed Saiyan with red hair, shoulders and limbs, and black-haired Saiyan appeared between Casio and Theo.

The speed was so fast that Casio didn't notice it at all!

But after Casio saw this person's form clearly, he couldn't

hold it at that time!

Don't look at this Saiyan Star Clan's restrained breath, there is no golden aura steaming on

the body, but this restrained momentum, golden pupils, black atavistic hair, and red hair all over the body are

the legendary Super Sai Four form!

A form that has only appeared in the ancient Saiyan Star Clan


"Who are you?" Casio said flustered.

This man's intervention disrupted

his rhythm!

The man smiled

, "Didn't my servant Theo say that, my name is Dires!" The only survivor of the Ancient Saiyan Clan!

"Sail is just an agent I pushed to the surface!"

"But even if it's just an agent, not everyone can bully!"

"Just as the so-called beating the dog also depends on the owner, you bully my dog, just don't give me face!" Do you deserve it? "

Everyone realized

, it turned out that behind Saio stood the Ancient Saiyan Star Clan,

no wonder the strength improved so quickly!

Become the king of the Saiyan Star Clan in one fell swoop!

When it was obvious

, whether it was Sail or Casio,

their strength was not worth mentioning in front of this Diles


Casio just stood in front of Dires and

felt that the power in his body was inexplicably suppressed!

"This kind of garbage also needs my hand! You are such a trash!

Dires said to Theo without giving face, and without

waiting for Casio to react

, he saw a blue deadly light emitting from Dire's hand and

directly hitting him!

Can't dodge! Can't move!

Under the coercion of Dires,

Casio was suppressed and could not move!

Seeing the moment of death,

another figure and Casio switched places.

Ye Mo appeared in Casio's position, and Casio appeared in Ye Mo's position


Super ability 'Transposition', which can be swapped with any unit in the field of view!

This blow that can penetrate the planet hit Ye Mo's body, but Mao didn't do anything, and

he didn't even move the corner of his clothes...

In the shocked gaze of Direis

, Ye Mo flicked the dust on his body,

"The one who moved me? You deserve it too! "

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