"Good! OK!

Goyle laughed.

In his opinion, Casio is looking for death

, wanting to fight with a 2000-level super saint-level professional,

what kind of cosmic joke!

It just so happened that

Goyle's purpose was also to lure Casio into the gladiatorial arena, which

was also his wish.

The two men successfully signed the duel book and

entered the gladiatorial arena.

This duel

attracted the attention of many people.

"Isn't this the Saiyan Starclan that provokes the Cosmic Star Clan professionals everywhere?"

"That's him! This kid ran into the gladiatorial arena again!

"This Saiyan clan has a little skill, winning ten games in a row! Still continue to fight, this is already the eleventh game, is the Saiyan Star Clan so brave? Don't need a break? Wouldn't it be that you want to make a name for yourself this way! "

I heard that the opponent this time is a super saint-level professional of the fifteen-layer star clan!"

"Didn't the Saiyan Star Clan kick the iron plate?"


The onlookers talked a lot

, most of them did not know the inside story, and thought that Casio was the initiative to provoke Goyle, so that

this battle happened.

But their views are surprisingly consistent, and

they are not optimistic that Casio can win in this duel!

When Ye Mo and everyone came,

the two had already entered the gladiatorial arena.

Ye Mo looked at Casio, and then at Goyle on the other side

, his point of view was the same as the others,

Casio's chances of winning were slim.

No way

, whether it is a Star Clan advantage or a level advantage

, Casio is too much worse than his opponent, which

cannot be compensated for by talent alone.

"Duels... Begin! As

the mechanical sound of the duel beginning

, Casio took the lead in attacking.


, he also knows the gap between himself and his opponent, and the

best way to fight Casio

is to strike first!

If you're lucky enough

to get an advantage in the first round of attacks, that's best!

Goyle's strength is obviously much higher than his own

, if Goyle takes the lead and

directly beats him into a serious injury,

then there is no way to fight next.

This looks like an enlarged version of the Smurfs, and Gao Le with an angel aura on his head

, obviously sensing Casio's intentions

, but instead of stopping

it, he waited for Casio to attack,

and he let Casio know this time how

big the gap between their Saiyan Star Clan and the 15-layer Star Clan is!

Casio Super Race II form is used, and its

attributes have skyrocketed by 100 times!

When Goyle saw this, he just raised his eyebrows.


"Super Sai II form! Unexpectedly, in addition to Sayo, there are people in the Saiyan Star Clan who can use the Super Sai II form!

"And your attribute value is very high, the coercion of the Super Race II form alone exceeds the coercion of the original Super Race Three Form!"

"Saio died at your hands, and he died unjustly!"

Goyle said two words, which was regarded as an evaluation of Casio's strength

, but Goyle's words immediately turned around and said with a sneer, "Unfortunately, it doesn't end here!" "

The second form of the super race, in front of me, the fart does not count!"

Casio, "!!! "

Naked sarcasm!

Where Casio could stand this

, a speedy flight rushed up

, hand and foot,

and attacked Goyle.

But what Casio didn't expect was that

he used his all-out attack to

make Goyle easily resist

, just with it...

One hand?!

Casio doesn't believe in evil

, but no matter how hard he attacks,

there is no way to break through Goyle's single-handed defense!

Casio was stunned in his heart, was

the gap in strength between the two of them so big?



Goyle sneered, "You think you Saiyan Star Clan have an advantage in strength and speed?

"Wrong! Your Saiyan Star Clan is just a great advantage over the Star Clan in the outer circle!

"Compared to the Star Clan in our inner circle, your Saiyan Star Clan is nothing!"

Goyle also showed Casio the pale blue glow covering his hand,

"Know what this is?" This is the power of the supreme divine power!

"In the face of the supreme divine power, all attacks below the divine power are just invalid attacks!"

"As for how strong I am with supreme divine power..."

Goyle demonstrated to

Casio, and while Casio punched

, he also punched it

, and as a result, Casio's entire arm was fractured with one punch!

Casio flew out like a cannonball and

rolled several times on the ground before stopping.

The pain in his arm surprised him

, this pain was a hundred times stronger than usual,

and he couldn't move in pain!

And the super recovery ability he possesses,

there is no way to restore Goyle's injured arm!

Could this be the role of the supreme divine power?

Casio has also heard

that in this universe

, power is divided into levels

, such as the core star race, or the ruler star race,

which can have a class that mobilizes higher powers.

Casio didn't know much about this power,

but he heard that high-level power was extremely restrained from using low-level power.

"That's it? Saiyan Starclan Bull!

Goyle showed a disdainful gaze

, where could Casio stand being so despised, and

rushed up again

, but unfortunately in the face of the strong strength gap,

the result can be imagined.

Casio was almost pressed to the ground and rubbed....

If this fight continues,

it is estimated that Casio will not last long.

But halfway through

, Goyle didn't know what his head was twitching

, stopped beating

Casio, stepped on Casio

, and waved his hand to the Saiyan clan in the audience,

"Your king will soon be killed by me!"

"Aren't you going to come up and save him?"

Ye Mo looked at the eight Saiyan warriors next to him

, daring to be angry and not daring to speak

, and also knew their thoughts

, going up, it is estimated that he will be cool with Casio, if

he does not go, he will be ridiculed as a coward...

Since these eight Saiyan challengers

gritted their teeth and delayed in acting,

it meant that they had already made a choice.

It seems that this Lada Star Clan's Goyle

still doesn't know much about the Saiyan Star Clan

, the Saiyan Star Clan is brave and ruthless

, but at the same time, they also worship the strong very much!

If their king doesn't even have the strength to protect himself,

then it is just done and replaced with a stronger upper position....

Goyle wanted that Casio's life as a threat

to stimulate these eight Saiyan professionals to come to the stage to fight,

then he thought too much...

Seeing that the stimulation was useless

, Goyle sneered

, "I thought that the Saiyan Star Clan was heroic and belligerent, and each of them was a warrior who was not afraid of death, but today it seems that it is just that, a group of cowards!"

"Cut, nine cowards!"

Ye Mo

, "..." Ye Mo turned his head to look at the eight Saiyan challengers next to him

, counted aside

, and reminded Goyle warmly, "The one who looks like a large version of the Smurfs, is your math taught by the Chinese teacher?" I can't even count it!

"Obviously there are eight Saiyan Star Clan, you said nine."

Goyle stared at Ye Mo and sneered

, "Don't think that you hang a nameplate of a human star race, I can't tell that you are a Saiyan star clan!"

"I can feel the Super Saiyan breath from you!"

"You are not as good as the other eight, the other eight dare to be angry, you don't even dare to be angry!"

"Why did the Saiyan Star Clan come out of such a bitch as you?"


Ye Mo smiled,

did this super saint-level professional of the Lada Star Clan

have any misunderstanding about the word "seed".

Ye Mo thought about it

, along the way

, it has been a long time

, there is no such impatient person,

come to provoke him!

I wasn't angry, I really thought I wouldn't kill today!

The members of the Hao Xia Organization looked

at Goyle at this time with pity in their eyes.

With so many onlookers present

, none of you provoke, you have to

provoke Ye Mo!

What kind of fate is this

, let you and Boss Ye look at each other,

is it disgusted that you haven't lived long enough!

But Goyle still

didn't know

anything about this, seeing that Ye Mo was provoked by him to succeed

, it was called an excitement

, his grudge with the Saiyan Star Clan was too deep

, and today he just killed Casio,

obviously unable to calm his anger!

In order to seduce Ye Mo into the gladiatorial arena

, this product actually jumped repeatedly on the edge of life and

death, and continued to say to death

, "Hey, it's strange,

the display information of the Tower of Babel also shows that you are a human Star Clan?" Why do you still have the breath of the Saiyan Star Clan on you? I see, you shouldn't be a mongrel! "


Ye Mo smiled and

walked step by step to the gladiatorial arena.

Originally, this gladiatorial arena was protected by a layer of rule shields

, and if it was not opened

, people outside could not enter inside,

but this rule shield had

no effect in front of Ye Mo.

Ye Mo easily passed through the rule shield and walked in.

"Oh my God! Another one went up!

"This human StarClan professional passed the rule shield, how did he do it?"

"He's a human StarClan? But the super saint-level professional of the Nalada Star Clan, why is he said to be a Saiyan Star Clan?

"Regardless of him, whether it is a human star race or a Saiyan star race, it is just a star race that has just entered the inner circle!" Whether it is the grade or level of the Star Clan, it is not the opponent of the Narada Star Clan professional at all! When this person goes up, he is just delivering food to others! ~"The

professional of the Nasaya Star Clan, it seems that he is still the leader of the Saiyan Star Clan, he was abused by the professional of the Lada Star Clan, guess how many moves can this professional of the Human Star Clan, how many moves can he walk in front of the professional of the Lada Star Clan?" I guess I can't walk three tricks!

"Three moves? You overestimate him! It is estimated that the two moves are dead!

"Let me guess a trick!"


Many onlookers of the Cosmic Star Clan professionals have different opinions.

They are waiting to see the good show.

This Goyle obviously used the agitation method to attract

others to go up and die, but

he didn't expect to be really deceived.

Everyone was still waiting to see how Ye Mo sent him to death, but

they heard a snap.

Goyle disappeared under Ye Mo's slap!


slap, really only one slap!

When everyone came to their senses,

Gao Er had already been slapped by Ye Mo without a trace!

Everyone, "???? "

That's too fast!

None of us were ready, and

Goyle was ...

This human Star Clan professional killed in seconds?!

Just a slap, there

is no dregs left?

Ye Mo shot too quickly, and

many professionals of the Cosmic Star Clan did not see it.

"Are you arrogant! You repeat! I'll give you a chance!

"Who did you just say was a bitch?"

Ye Mo said to the air in front of him

, and in the next second

, the blue divine power in the air gathered, and

Gao'er's figure appeared from it.


Goyle was actually in a state of confusion at this time,

why was he slapped to death by his opponent?

This is completely unreasonable!

In addition to those super professionals in the ruling

circle, in this inner circle,

someone can kill him in seconds?!

It's incredible!

When Gore saw Ye Mo's state clearly

, he was taken aback again

, blue hair and blue eyes, full of blue arrogance

, simply bluer than his supreme divine power,

this turned out to be the Super Sai Five Form in the legend of the Saiyan Star Clan!

Except for the legendary ancient Saiyan god,

I have never heard of anyone

in the Saiyan Star Clan who can reach this state!

The terrifying momentum on Ye Mo's body made

Gao Er feel a little frightened.

Who is he?

Does the Saiyan Star Clan still have this kind of monster?

Goyle was shocked

, but his mouth was not soft,

"You can't kill me!" I have 10,000 lives!

"And your stamina will eventually run out!"

"I have 10,000 lives in my hands, can you help me!"

"Let me be soft, you're daydreaming!"

"It's just a human StarClan challenger, I'll make you kneel on the ground and sing about conquest!" What to load! Who do you think you are?

Goyle didn't say this to deceive Ye Mo

, he really had 10,000 lives, which

was the resurrection skill of the Lada Star Clan's Destiny Aura.

By cultivating the Aura of Destiny, he was able to quickly revive himself after death

, reaching level 2,000 Gaoer, and cultivated 10,000

Aura of Destiny!

This is also why Goyle

was able to quickly resurrect after being killed by Ye Mo!

Halo of Destiny -1,

9999 left!

Gower almost wrote the words 'Lao Tzu is more life' on his face.

This is also a status quo that shows

the inner circle, as long as it is a top challenger of the core star race who can gain a foothold in the inner circle

, if there are no thousands of eight hundred lives, they dare not stand up and say that they are the big guys.

Goyle originally thought that after he said this sentence

, he would scare

Ye Mo, but where he thought about it

, Ye Mo was not surprised at all,

but smiled happily.

"How many lives do you have?"

"That's great!"

"Just one fight at a time!"

After Ye Mo said this

, before Goyle understood what was going on, Ye Mo hit Goyle

in the face with another fist, and Ye Mo

used the skill of dominating the battlefield!

Any opponent with a lower attribute value than

Ye Mo will be killed by Ye Mo with one blow!

In the face of the second-kill effect dominated by the God of War,

Ye Mo can knock out another life of Gore with one punch!

When Goyle was resurrected for the second time

, he was still full of question marks,

and I was seconds again?

But this is just the beginning

, Ye Mo started working with both hands, and

in a short period of time,

he killed Gore 9999 times!

For the last time,

Ye Mo did not move.

Ye Mo smiled slightly and asked Goyle,

"What did you just say?"

"Who do you say has more lives?"

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