
"Here it comes!"

A huge psychic sun appeared in the sky.

In the dazzling light,

Gu Zong brought Yue Lingxin down from the sky and joined the cadres of the other three heroic organizations at the periphery of this universe copy.

In addition to these three cadres, there are dozens of challengers from other star tribes.

They are all newly recruited younger brothers.

It must be said that Gu Zong's appearance is very impressive.

As a Sun Lion, one of the royal families of the Beast God Star Clan, the psychic sun is his innate super skill!

Once the psychic sun is released, there will be a dazzling sun with a diameter of one kilometer in the sky!

Those who know about it will come to the offline gathering, and those who don't know will think that a miracle has come!

"This is amazing! Is this the legendary psychic sun?"

"It must be Master Gu Zong who has come! It is said that he is from the Beast God Star Clan of the 110th Star Clan. Master Gu Zong is also known as the Sun Lion!"

"The 110th-level star clan! That is a super-powerful star clan. Our Bader star clan is only at the 129th level, and it is difficult to even go up one level! The strong ones in the 110th-level star clan are more powerful than we can imagine!"

"The sun is too bright, I can't see anything!"

"Lord Gu Zong, please put away your magical powers!"

"Having said that, the leaders of the Heroes Alliance are all extremely powerful, and they are worthy of being a well-known organization even in the inner circle of the Tongtian Tower!"


The newly recruited brothers at the scene praised and admired him.

No matter how real the flattery was, the worldly ways were played by these challengers from the Star Clan.

Gu Zong raised his mouth slightly, and it was obvious that he was very fond of it.

The big lion didn't have any bad intentions, but the big lion also liked to be flattered!

"Well, once Gu Zong arrives, the five cadres of our Heroes Alliance’s ground group are gathered!"

"Let me introduce myself again, my name is Evil Lord, one of the cadres of the Heroes Alliance!"

"From the Undead Star Clan, the best score of the Tower of Babel is 112th floor, level 220, 11th turn! Super power"Undead Scourge"! Can summon an unlimited army of undead!"

"Wherever I am, I am a natural disaster!"

This self-introduction is domineering.

The person who said this is a challenger with blue flames burning all over his body, like a ghost rider.

The Evil Lord is his name.

After the Evil Lord finished his self-introduction, another challenger wearing a robe, with gray eyes, gray-brown skin, gray and white hair, and a body shape very similar to that of a human introduced himself.

"My name is Nuo, I am a challenger from the Offa Star Clan, and also a cadre of the Heroic Alliance! Level 220, 11th-turn challenger!"

"Superpowers'Forbidden Spells’!"

"As the name suggests, the spells I know will be automatically upgraded to the level of forbidden spells!"

"Even though I'm just a wizard, I can only cast forbidden spells!"

"The best score of the Tower of Babel is 108 floors!"

After Master Nuo introduced himself, the newcomers below seemed to have never seen the world before, and they kept gasping for air.

"All spells you learn will automatically upgrade to forbidden spells! Is this still possible?"

"Are all the cadres of the heroic organization so strong?"


Most of these new challengers were on the 125th floor and had never seen such a powerful superpower.

When the members of the heroic organization boasted about it, they immediately became envious like little fans!

"My name is Druid King, the challenger of the Druid Star Clan!"

"Super power 'Sacred Beast Summoning'! All summoned creatures will automatically break through to the level of sacred beasts!"

"The best score is 105th floor!"

A strong man wearing a woven Konoha outfit, with two horns on his head and a human body with long ears introduced himself.

The weak newcomers couldn't believe their ears!

The summoned creature automatically becomes a Saint-level summon?

This is even more awesome!

That is a Saint-level summon, second only to a God-level summon!


Then, Gu Zong and Yue Lingxin also introduced themselves.

"Ancient clan, the Sun Lion lineage of the Beast God Star Clan! Super skills 'Psychic Star' 'Strongest Power'! Level 240, 12th turn! Best record 110th floor!"

"Yue Lingxin, from the Moon Star Clan, super skill 'Moon God's Advent', level 240, 12th turn, best result 110th floor!"

After Yue Lingxin introduced herself, she received another wave of praises.

It was not because of how powerful Yue Lingxin's super skills were, but because Yue Lingxin was so beautiful.

She was simply the beauty of the Heroic Organization!

Not only was she beautiful, but especially because of her extraordinary temperament.

Many challengers from the alien star clan said that they had never seen such a beautiful woman in their lives!

Even though Yue Lingxin was a little absent-minded when introducing herself, it did not hinder everyone's appreciation of beauty...

There was a reason why the five cadres of the Heroic Organization took turns to introduce themselves. The Heroic Organization had experienced a series of changes recently, and too many core members had died.

Fresh blood was continuously injected to maintain the normal operation of the Heroic Organization so that it would not exist in name only. It is easier to gain the trust of others if you brag a little bit when you come up.

"So many people, did you find them all?"

Gu Zong roughly looked at the number of people present, at least forty or fifty people.

In a place like the Tower of Babel, it was already quite remarkable to gather so many challengers in such a short time.

"Of course, what do you think!" said the Evil Lord of the Undead Star Clan.

This challenger who looks like the Ghost Rider is the least likely to be a good person, but he happens to be a member of the Heroic Organization...

According to the Evil Lord himself, one should not judge a person by his appearance.

Although he looks like a ghost, his profession and skills are also biased towards horror, but it does not prevent him from having a heart that pursues love and peace...

According to common sense, it is tantamount to a lie for an undead to say that he loves peace, but the Heroic Organization believes it.

Facts have also proved that this undead does love peace.���Peace, unless the other party takes action first, the Evil Lord will not take the initiative to attack innocent alien challengers.

If the Evil Lord did not have the habit of cutting the enemy into pieces, he would be more like a good person.……

"It is not difficult to recruit these challengers. Most of these challengers from low-level star tribes have heard of the name of our heroic organization!"

"As long as the name of the Heroic Organization is revealed, these people will come over! Everyone is just trying to get more points and be safer. They will not lose out by relying on the Heroic Organization!"

"But they are all here for the benefit, and we are clear about this. If you want to become a core member of the Heroic Organization, you need to be capable and responsible, and have the same philosophy as our Heroic Organization!"

"Don't forget that among our five cadres, each of us has only one core member nomination! If the others want to join the heroic organization, they can only be regarded as peripheral members!" said the steady Druid Star Clan challenger Druid King.

Druid King was not his original name, but after becoming the strongest professional of the Druid Star Clan, the leader of the Druid Star Clan would automatically change his name to Druid King.

That's right, he is the king of the Druid Star Clan. The

Druid Star Clan loves peace, which is something that everyone who knows the Druid Star Clan has often heard.

The Druid King holds the staff of nature, with a kind face, like a wise and gentle old man.

But Gu Zong, who is also a member of the heroic organization, knows his background!

He doesn't care about his life when fighting!

He clearly summoned A battle that could be solved with two holy beasts, but he had to summon eight or ten holy beasts to beat his opponent to death!

A true battle maniac!

He only looks more friendly on the surface...

After listening to the words of the Druid King,

Gu Zong thought of Ye Mo.

Most of the low-level Star Clan challengers have heard of the name of the Heroic Organization?

Why doesn't that kid know?


Ye Mo is just a challenger from the 141st level of the Star Clan.

His level is too low, and he can't know more about the secrets of the Tower of Babel.

It's normal that he doesn't know, so it's okay...

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