This is a probability comparable to winning a lottery!

In the 138th floor of the Tower of Babel, it is already a very high probability to encounter an alien civilization cosmic copy!

I didn't expect to encounter a special alien civilization cosmic copy that can be called the giant panda among copies!

Coincidentally, Meng learned about the mysterious special alien civilization cosmic copy from Yu Zhanshen.

Yu Zhanshen also got the relevant information from another alien star clan by chance.

The number of special alien civilization cosmic copies is extremely rare, and some special conditions are required to trigger them.


9999% of the challengers of the Tower of Babel have never seen one in their entire lives...

This is not bad luck, but their luck is too good!

The special alien civilization cosmic copy itself is superior to the high-level civilization cosmic copy, and the difficulty is extremely high.

So far, no challenger has been able to pass it.

All alien professionals who have entered the special civilization cosmic copy have not been able to come out alive without exception.

The situation in front of the tomb is stable, and the grass on the grave is three meters high!

How difficult is the special alien civilization cosmic copy? Meng knew the reason after entering it.

Not only is there a secret about the disappearance of the Ancient Mechanical Star Clan, but it is also related to the Ancient Mechanical Star Clan, a powerful alien race.

That is a mystery that has not been solved for millions of years.

There are also time and condition restrictions.

You need to solve three hidden tasks within one day!

Other than that, there are no hints!

In one day, I have to go through this dungeon and there are still problems.

How to solve them!

""Brother Ye! We are in big trouble!" Meng said anxiously.

With just the two of them,

Meng felt it would be difficult to deal with this dungeon.

Meng's worry was justified.

As a member of the Hunter Star Clan, she keenly discovered that in order to take down this super-civilized alien dungeon, it requires not only strength, but also luck, opportunity, and timing!

Otherwise, what is the use of having strength but not being able to find the hidden tasks hidden in the super-class dungeon


"Is it delaying my points? Or is it delaying my experience points?"

Ye Mo asked when he saw Meng stamping his feet anxiously.

Meng,"No! This special civilization copy is extremely dangerous! No challenger has ever left alive!"

Ye Mo nodded,"Oh, that's what you are talking about!"

"It's not like you can't get points and rewards, that's fine.……"

As long as he can't stop Ye from pulling the wool, everything is a small matter!

This special civilization's universe copy is at best just a fat sheep that is difficult to pull!

Is it useful?

With Ye Mo's ability to pull the wool, he can still pull it bald!


Is this the point?

Brother Ye, are you paying attention to the wrong direction?

Meng was about to popularize some basic knowledge with Ye Mo, but saw Ye Mo frowned and shouted"Oops!"


Could it be that Ye Mo discovered the difficulty of this instance?

Ye Mo ran quickly to the front and arrived at an open area.

Looking around, he saw a dense mass of corpses!

The corpses of various skeletons, the corpses of summoned beasts in various forms, and the corpses of many challengers!

"Oh shit!"

"These heroic bastards! They took my experience pack in advance? ? ?"

Ye Mo was furious!

After that Casio, someone dared to take money from his wallet again!

Looking at those dead alien challengers,

Ye Mo felt extremely sad!

How much experience points are these worth, and how many super powers can they get?

Another bloody loss of 100 million!

"Damn it! I better not know who did it!"

"Otherwise, let him experience what it's like to see God!"

Ye Mo said bitterly.

Meng was speechless.

It turned out that Ye Mo's points and experience points were intercepted.

He was unhappy.

What kind of glory of the Star Clan made Ye Mo unwilling to give up any opportunity to gain points?

"Brother Ye, that's not right!"

"If it was done by other challengers, why weren't their storage rings taken away?"

Ye Mo also discovered this after being reminded by Meng Yi.

The storage rings on these challengers were all there.

According to common sense, this thing is also part of the spoils.

Who would kill an alien challenger and not take away all the supplies he was carrying?

Unless it was a novice like Ye Mo, it would be impossible to make such a mistake!

At the same time, Ye Mo also noticed that these challengers, as well as those summoned beasts and summoned skeletons, had fatal injuries.

They were all holes in the chest and head, as if they were melted by some kind of high-temperature rays or high-temperature turning!

What kind of alien professional could cause such damage?

Ye Mo was studying it here.

Suddenly, I felt an itch in my neck, as if I was bitten by a mosquito.

"-1! (Damage value 20 million! More than 1% of total HP! Default damage value 1 point!)"

"You have been contaminated by the filth of the universe, and the guardian god's law of disregard has taken effect, and the filth has no effect!"


Someone dares to attack me!

Who is so brave!

How dare you attack me?

Ye Mo looked back, but he couldn't see the other person.

The opponent's stealth level was too high, and it was useless to use the Blood Eye Star Clan's true vision ability!

Knowing that the opponent was also an alien professional with stealth skills,

Ye Mo directly used the"Storm Slash" skill.

This skill also has a powerful point,

100% attack on the opponent!

Even if you can't see the opponent's position and figure,

‘When the skill 'Storm Slash' is activated, it will also kill the nearest enemy unit!

The blue destructive storm filled the world, and

Ye Mo transformed into a blue thunder sword, instantly completing 98 slashes on an empty space not far away!


"-600,000! ��2x the slash damage! )"


"-29.4 million! (98 times the damage of the slash!)"

"A total of 1.4 billion damages were caused!"

Ye Mo,"????"

Ancient Mechanical Star Clan Shadow Tyrannosaurus,"????"

Ye Mo never expected that after this set of skills, he could deal 1.4 billion damage, but his opponent was not dead!

The Shadow Tyrannosaurus also didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary challenger with a bright appearance could not only withstand his sneak attack, but also counterattack with a small combo, knocking off one twentieth of his health!

This ancient mechanical star clan Shadow Tyrannosaurus was beaten by Ye Mo and was forced to show his body.

Ye Mo was able to see his true face clearly.

It was a 25-meter-tall Tyrannosaurus Rex mechanical dragon with dark gray alloy scales all over its body.

The lantern-sized mechanical eyeball showed a bloodthirsty red light.

"Wow... Is this thing a robot?"This is the first time Ye Mo has seen such a huge... robot.

Think about it, the ancient mechanical star race, isn't it referring to robots! There are all kinds of star races in this universe, and I didn't expect that there are even robots!

The kind that can be transferred!

The appearance of this Tyrannosaurus Rex... Could it be that all the ancient mechanical star races look like this?

Like a beast...

The enemy appeared, in order to prevent this guy from being invisible again,

Ye Mo immediately used the"Mark" skill, and used the"True Vision Eye" ability to look at the detailed information of this ancient mechanical star race.

"Alien Star Tribe: Ancient Mechanical Star Tribe"

"Occupation: Shadow Tyrannosaurus"

"Status: Deceased"

"Best score of Babel: ????"

"Comprehensive strength: 1 million"

"HP: 28 billion"

"Level: Level 300, 15th turn"

"Super Skills: 1. Deadly Ray: Spit out a powerful, high-concentration, high-temperature ray from the mouth, causing huge damage to the opponent!"

"When the opponent's health is less than 50%, he will be attacked by the lethal ray and killed instantly!"

"2. Shadow Attack: The king of assassination, when no one notices, it will automatically be in stealth mode. A strike that breaks the stealth will cause three times the damage!"




"Cosmic Nightmare Body: Space Filth"

"Nightmare Body Level: Level 1"

"Nightmare Body Abilities: 1. Possession by Filth: Space filth has the ability to pollute all life in the universe. Alien creatures contaminated by filth will be controlled by the filth and become a puppet that only knows killing and destruction!"

"2. Filth spreads: Filth has a strong ability to spread. If an alien challenger contaminated by filth is seriously injured, he may be contaminated by filth."

"3. Filth control: Filth can not only control living bodies, but also corpses. Even if the controlled person is dead, the corpse controlled by filth can use the power of his previous life!"

"Note: The cosmic nightmare entity is one of the most terrifying existences in the universe. There are many types, and each one is extremely dangerous!"

"Different nightmare bodies have different abilities! It is the nightmare of every alien professional!"

"response���Well, you will die, and so will your StarClan!"

"The levels of cosmic nightmare bodies are divided into level one, level two, level three... The more levels there are, the stronger the strength!"



A new world has been discovered!

Ye Mo just used his true vision ability, and it seems that he discovered something amazing!

Cosmic nightmare body?

The nightmare of every alien race?

Every cosmic nightmare body has different abilities?

Isn't this thing just a CP containment body of the universe?

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