Don't worry about anything else, just complete the task within one hour, there is no way out!

If you try hard, you have a chance to survive, but if you run away, you will definitely die!

If you try hard, the bicycle will become a motorcycle!

What if you succeed!

What Nuo said before was right, those who can survive to this day are the elite among the elites, who doesn't have some tricks up their sleeves!

He has some too!

If he uses it, even the inner circle of the star clan may not be able to withstand it!

Nuo made up his mind,"Let's fight!"

"Let's go in and see what's going on!"

"Bring out your best skills! Otherwise, we will all die!"

The other three challengers hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded vigorously.

At this point, there is really no way out.

Instead of complaining, it is better to work together to solve the current difficulties.

The four challengers carefully entered the wide tunnel.

This was originally a tunnel prepared for the ancient mechanical star clan.

For the challengers, there is no such thing as crowded.

The entire floor and the walls are made of silver-white metal.

But the strange thing is that it seems difficult for light to enter the tunnel.

As soon as I walked into the tunnel,

I felt that the surrounding light was dimmed by more than half, and the vision was also blocked.

A strange humming sound came faintly from the tunnel, which made people uneasy.

"This is weird! We are only a few dozen meters into the tunnel. At this distance, the light from outside should be able to shine in! It shouldn't be so dim!"

"Didn’t you feel that the temperature around you was not right? It was at least 50 degrees Celsius lower inside and outside the tunnel!"

"Who heard that strange whimpering sound? It was like a scream! There are things deep in the tunnel, and there seem to be a lot of them!"

"Damn! How come there is no way out?"


The four challengers of the special copy had never seen one before.

Even though they were experienced warriors from various star clans, they couldn't help but feel scared when they encountered such a strange situation.

They did n't know what special situation they would encounter in the next second.

The four of them were very careful along the way, but they still got caught!

Less than half a minute after entering the tunnel, they found that the exit had disappeared!

Looking back, the exit they entered had become exactly the same as the tunnel!

It was like a wall!

What's going on?!

Before everyone could figure out the situation, they heard Nuo remind them loudly,

"Pay attention!"

"Something is coming!"

The footsteps were heavy, like a hammer hitting the ground!

From the depths of the tunnel, they came closer!

When they got closer,

Nuo and the others took a breath of cold air.

They were ancient mechanical star tribes in the form of Triceratops, which were as tall as 30 meters.

The tall ones were twice as big as the Shadow Tyrannosaurus!

Nuo and his men were like little ants in front of them.

"Alien Star Tribe: Ancient Mechanical Star Tribe"

"Occupation: Mechanical Triceratops (meat shield type occupation)"

"Level: 330, 16th turn"

"Comprehensive strength: 1.2 million"


Four mechanical triceratops came towards Nuo and his group, trying to crush these little ants to death with their feet!

In the eyes of the mechanical triceratops, they completely crushed Nuo and his group in terms of level and strength, and crushing them to death would be easy!

"Forbidden spell: illusion of chaos!"

"Forbidden spell: Mental confusion!"

Nuo used two forbidden spells, one to make the opponent hallucinate, and the other to make the opponent insane!

These are two mental forbidden spells!

Following Nuo's spells, two magic circles full of mysterious patterns appeared out of thin air, reflected in the eyes and mind of the mechanical Triceratops!

The mechanical Triceratops that was cast with the forbidden spell wailed, as if it was drunk, and could not walk steadily.

When it opened its eyes again, the vision in front of it kept changing, and there was no trace of Nuo!

The mechanical Triceratops could only rush around in the tunnel!

"You, you want to kill me?"

On the other side, seeing a mechanical triceratops rushing over, the Naga star challenger Manyu said delicately with her finger on her red lips, lowering her head like a shy virgin, making people feel pity. The

Naga star tribe is a star tribe with a human body and a snake tail. The yin is strong and the yang is weak. The powerful professionals in the star tribe are often women.

Manyu has the most powerful hidden profession of the Naga star tribe, 'Naga Yu Po'. She can mobilize the seven emotions and six desires of the opponent while speaking.

As long as the seven emotions and six desires are mobilized by her words, they can be controlled by Manyu for a short time!

Obviously, they are two different species, but under the ability of 'Naga Yu Po', sparks are created!

The mechanical triceratops rushing towards Manyu seemed to see the most beautiful woman in the world.

Oh my God!

What kind of meticulous craftsmanship can depict such a beautiful face!

The mechanical triceratops sank.

At this moment, he met love!

Different star tribes?

Does it matter?


There is no difference between star tribes!

The mechanical triceratops had saliva in the state of motor oil flowing from the corner of his mouth, and he looked like a pig brother!

"Do you think I'm good-looking?"

Manyu continued to seduce,"But your companion looked at me with unkind eyes. Do they have bad intentions towards me? It seems that they want to snatch me away from you!"


There was no need to continue talking.

The mechanical Triceratops that was intoxicated by"love" rushed towards its companion next to it!

Who gave you the courage to compete with me for the goddess!

The attacked mechanical Triceratops was also stunned, and its red eyes were full of confusion!

You idiot, why did you hit me?

There were four mechanical Triceratops, one was in a state of confusion, two were torn together, and the last one was in a party with the multi-eyed star clan. The single eye on the top of the multi-eyed star clan opened, and the last mechanical Triceratops felt that his spirit was sucked into it.

Ten seconds later, he fell into a deep sleep and fell to the ground!

All four mechanical Triceratops were solved!

Cross-level control of the ancient machinery consumed a lot of energy for the four challengers, and they had to use more than ten times or even dozens of times the usual mental energy!

Just releasing one or two skills, they were sweating and panting!

Nuo even staggered a few steps and held on to the wall to avoid falling, making it look like his kidneys were overdrawn...

But this did not affect Nuo and others' excitement.

"The ancient mechanical star clan crushes us in comprehensive strength and health!"

"But they are not very resistant to mental skills!"

"We are not without chance!"

"The opponent's level is too high, and the mental skills can't last for long. Let's go!"

The success of this battle gave the four challengers some confidence.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the humming sound that had been lingering in the ears was getting closer and closer, and there was a red light in front.

After walking in,

Nuo and others finally saw the source of the humming sound.

It was a strange giant tree that was a hundred meters high, blood red all over, emitting a bright red blood light, and on the branches of the giant tree, there were huge"fruits" of various shapes!

When Nuo and others saw clearly, those were not fruits, but the heads of the ancient mechanical star tribe!

Counting them, there were thousands of them!

The wailing humming sound came from these heads!

In addition to the heads of the ancient mechanical star tribe, there were many fruits that were not the heads of the ancient star tribe. They were shaped like balls, with a huge red pupil like a snake's eye!

"What a weird thing!"

Nuo couldn't help but said in shock.

He had been in the universe for a long time, but he had never seen such a thing!

Looking at the thousands of heads of the ancient mechanical star clan, it goes without saying that this strange red giant tree is the truth behind the ancient mechanical star clan in the tunnel!

It is also the final goal of this mission!

All the ancient mechanical star clans who came in were killed by this red giant tree!

How did it do it!

Killed so many ancient mechanical star clans?!

Duopai, who is a one-eyed star clan, frowned.

The appearance of this red giant tree gave him a sense of déjà vu!

Using the"Eye of Detection", it shows that their level is too low to view the information of the red strange tree!

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