Were they affected by the copy and changed their image to become the ancient mechanical star tribe?

Why didn't they notice it?

Could it be that the changed image was only visible to the ancient mechanical star tribe?

Meng was confused and guessed many possibilities.

In the following chat with Banggu, the group also got several other very important information.

The core area of this manufacturing plant is one thousand meters underground directly below this building.

There is a special elevator to go down.

It has been prepared for several people.

They also got a map of the core area of the manufacturing plant from Banggu.

The map clearly marked the specific distribution of the core area, among which three areas on the map were highlighted.

These three areas are the most likely points to go wrong, the manufacturing workshop for the ancient mechanical star tribe, the storage warehouse for the mechanical star tribe that failed to fuse the origin fire, and the temple that gave the origin fire.

Now, the side quest is clear!

Just explore these three places clearly.

It is estimated that after the exploration, the whole incident will be revealed!

This is the advantage of having NPCs, which can save a lot of trouble!

"Please! You are the elite investigation team of the ancient mechanical star race! You must solve this problem!"

"If a new ancient mechanical star clan cannot be born, it means that our star clan is about to be destroyed!"

"The life and death of the Ancient Mechanical Star Clan is now in your hands!"

Bang said with tears in his eyes, his emotions were sad.

This was the reappearance of the scene at that time, and everything was just a restoration of the event.

Unfortunately, what Bang, the NPC, didn't know was that the Ancient Mechanical Star Clan had long been extinct, and those elite investigation teams that he had placed high hopes on, like his compatriots who had gone in to investigate before, were gone forever.……

""No other clues?" Tony asked.

Bangu thought about it, and the expression on his face changed again and again.

Finally, he nodded,"There is a little bit! I have never dared to say it! Now tell everyone present!"

"The situation at the manufacturing plant has become extremely bad in recent days!"

"Last week, and the week before, a small number of ancient mechanical star species were produced by the manufacturing factory!"

"Among them, an ancient mechanical star clan member who came out told me a very strange thing!"

"He said that all the ancient mechanical star clans that were born at the same time as him have been endowed with the spark of origin. According to common sense, this is the last step in the birth of the ancient mechanical star clan!

"The ancient mechanical star clan that has reached this step only needs to stay in the resettlement room of the manufacturing factory for three days. Once the origin spark and this body are completely integrated, they can leave the manufacturing factory!"

"This is the least risky step, with an error rate of almost 0%!"

"But it was at this step that something went wrong!"

"According to the newcomer, many of his compatriots said that they saw other ancient mechanical star tribes appear outside the glass isolation wall of the resettlement room during the integration period, and they waved to them to go out."

"The newcomer didn't take it seriously at first, but the next day, he said he saw his compatriots from the ancient mechanical star clan outside the house, and they were all dead without exception!"

"The origin fire that was just given to my chest was inexplicably extinguished! This has never happened before!"

"When the origin fire in the chest is extinguished, it is equivalent to the death of the newly born ancient mechanical star race! It will be automatically pulled to the placement room for storage by the processing system of the manufacturing factory!"

"This incident made the newcomer and other newly single compatriots panic!"

"Could it be that some ancient mechanical star rebels came in to cause sabotage?"

"But what was even more strange was that on the second night, many ancient mechanical star tribesmen in the resettlement room said that they saw other ancient mechanical star tribesmen outside the house waving at them!"

"What frightened them the most was that they saw the figures of their companions who had died yesterday among the ancient mechanical star tribe outside the house!"

"On the third day, all the newcomers who saw the figures of the ancient mechanical star clan outside the house died!"

"Of the 100 newly born ancient mechanical stars, 95 died in the resettlement room! Only five mechanical stars managed to come out alive!"

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help shuddering.

Returning in the middle of the night?

Taking lives in the middle of the night?

Could this mechanical star manufacturing factory be haunted?

"If you have a chance, you can go to the storage room and take a look!"

"That's where the failed ancient mechanical star tribes are stored!"

I see!

To put it bluntly, isn't it a morgue?

Needless to say, this is another hint given to them by the NPC.

This time, most of the clues that can be given are almost known, but everyone is still frightened.

Anyone is full of fear of the unknown, not to mention in such a dangerous place as the special copy side quest, the risk is self-evident!

"Gone?" Tony asked again.

"Gone!" This time Bang nodded affirmatively.

Unexpectedly, the next second,

Toni stretched out his hand towards Bang.

Bang was like a broken mechanical part, his whole body fell apart and became parts.

Toni clenched his fist in the air, and the parts of Bang's body reassembled and turned into a huge mechanical sphere!

Everyone was surprised and didn't understand what the Ion Star Clan was going to do?

They just got the information, and they were messed up by the NPC!

Are they going to kill the donkey after it has done its job?

"You don't think you can trust everything he says?"

"True and false, false and true! The higher the level of the copy, the more they like to trip you up in clues!"

"If you believed everything he said, you would die without knowing how!"

Everyone understood, no wonder they attacked Bangu, this guy was probably misleading them!

Then they heard Toni say,

"Ion recombination! This is one of the unique superpowers of our ion star family!"

"Being able to break and reassemble any object is the nemesis of the Ancient Mechanical Star Clan! Any Ancient Mechanical Star Clan is just a younger brother in front of us!"

Doni said domineeringly, indeed, with a light grasp in the air, he was able to deal with the NPC of the Ancient Mechanical Star Clan.

This ability is really amazing!

With this ability, what are you afraid of the Ancient Mechanical Star Clan?

"The Ion Star Clan is invincible!"

"The leader of the Ion Star Clan is awesome!"

"It is our honor to live under the glory of the Ion Star Clan leader!"


The challengers flattered them with a lot of flattery, and the two Ion Clan challengers said they were very comfortable.

No matter which Clan they were from, they all liked to be flattered!

"Let’s go!"

"Look at what this copy has!"

"You are lucky, I will help you win easily!"


Why does this sound so familiar?

The cheating heroic organization seemed to have said this when they came in!

The two elder brothers of the Ion Star Clan, you set up this flag, and we are very nervous~

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