"what's the situation?"

"He died while sleeping!"

"There was no replay prompt for the Tower of Babel, and no alien sneak attacks were seen!"

"How did they die?

Everyone was confused and could not figure out the situation.

The most anxious ones were the guests from the various star clans!

There were more than thirty people from the various star clans on the 149th floor, which was not a small number and could not afford to lose!

The guests asked for help from Grandma Miaoyu.

"Granny Miaoyu, please help our Star Clan of the Ten Star Alliances figure out the situation! How much do you want? Name your price!

Granny Miaoyu sighed. She knew how critical the situation was! The most frightening thing about the mystery in the Tower of Babel is this kind of confusing situation!

Looking at the Ten Star Clan Challengers on the 149th floor sleeping soundly, it is very likely that they will be wiped out!

Died in the strange incident of the Tower of Babel!

"15 billion interstellar coins! It will be transferred to my account later!"

Grandma Miaoyu said a number, and the onlookers were shocked!

Just to help calculate it,

15 billion?!

How wicked!

No wonder there are rumors outside that only fifth-level professionals can ask Grandma Miaoyu for divination.

At this price, even a fifth-level war god can't afford it!

The price of 15 billion is naturally shared by the ten major star clans!

Grandma Miaoyu jumped down from the cushion.

At this time, the people realized that Grandma Miaoyu was sitting on a crystal ball with a diameter of half a meter, but it had been covered by Grandma Miaoyu's robe before, so they didn't notice it!

"Mika Tola, Shishi Buchi, Saradia……"

Grandma Miaoyu pinched her fingers and chanted a difficult spell.

Unique symbols condensed in the air and hit the crystal ball.

The whole live broadcast room suddenly dimmed and turned into a starry sky.

Everyone in the live broadcast room seemed to be brought into the universe!

In addition to the twinkling stars around, only the crystal ball was emitting purple light!

"This is the divination of the wonderful old lady! First time seeing it!"

"This seems to be the first time for everyone to see it. It seems like this is the first time that Granny Miaoyu has told fortunes in public!"

"It seems that the situation is really urgent, otherwise, with Granny Witty's personality, she wouldn't use the divination numbers on the spot!"


Everyone was looking forward to the result of the divination.

But in the end, Grandma Miaoyu spat out a mouthful of blood.


As Grandma Miaoyu's power was broken, the surrounding starry sky phenomena also disappeared.

""Miaoyu Granny, what's wrong with you? What happened on the 149th floor? Do you have any idea?"

The guest from the Evangelist Star Clan was the first to run over to help Granny Miaoyu.

Among the 149th floor, the number of their Evangelist Star Clan was the largest, with a total of twelve people!

Granny Miaoyu shook her head dejectedly.

"I was affected and couldn't see the situation!"

Mr. Miaoyu's reply disappointed everyone.

"Affected? Was it the Tower of Babel?"The Star Tribe guest, Oupai, was also extremely depressed."That's true. The laws protecting the Tower of Babel are not so easy to see through!"

But she didn't expect that her words were denied by Grandma Wonderful.

"It's not the influence of the Tower of Babel! It's the influence of the higher star race!"

"They are a high-level, divine, and advanced star race! Their divinity blocks my astrological ability!"

"Although I didn't predict what happened on the 149th floor, I can conclude that it was probably a special professional from a high-level star clan who used some skill to kill the sleeping challenger on the 149th floor!"

""Higher star clan? How high?" Oupai asked anxiously.

Grandma Miaoyu continued to sigh,"With divinity! At least a cosmic star clan within 120 circles!"

Mother-in-law Wonderful's words made everyone despair.

Xinyue, as a dignified God of War, trembled all over and fell to the ground.

The star tribes within 120 circles are all the world of super professionals, and each of them is an existence they need to look up to!

The star tribes in the inner circle ran out to kill the challengers of the low-power star tribes. Wouldn't it be a sure kill! Is there any way to survive?!

When the guests present were sighing, the performance of Xinyue, a guest from the God Hunter Star Tribe, was very puzzling.

He looked calm and composed, and had no anxious attitude at all!

The audience watching the live broadcast had only seen this kind of calmness in Ye Mo!

Could it be that God of War Xinyue was possessed by Ye Mo? You know, Meng, who is known as the pearl of the God Hunter Star Tribe, is on the 149th floor!

Shouldn't she be the most anxious?!

Xinyue's abnormal behavior attracted everyone's attention.

Bingbing asked quickly,"A big incident happened on the 149th floor.

Aren't you worried, God of War Xinyue?" Xinyue put her hair behind her ears and smiled,

"You also know that dreams are on the 149th floor!"

"It’s because she’s on the 149th floor that I’m not in a hurry!"

""What does Xinyue War God mean?" Long Chen asked.

Xinyue looked at Long Chen,"You should know Meng's profession!"

Long Chen thought about it. As a well-known figure, Meng's profession is not a secret.

"I remember it was the Angel Hunter Archer, a hidden class that favors long-range attacks! It has very high long-range attacks! But it is difficult to win when encountering the inner circle of stars!"

"Whether in attributes or professional skills, the inner circle of the star tribe is much better than us!"

Xinyue's smile deepened,"You are wrong, God of War Longchen!"

"The attack power of the star tribe in the inner circle is much higher than ours, and this"us" does not include Meng!"

"In terms of dream output, it is definitely ranked number one among the ten major star clans!"

"Compared with the high-level star tribes in the Tower of Babel, they are not much inferior!"

The words of the War God Xinyue immediately made the guests from other star tribes unhappy!

"Xinyue War God, I admit that Meng has great potential! But you said she is the best in output, which is a bit boastful! The best output among the top ten star tribes should be our Berserker Star Tribe’s Crazy Demon Taino!"

"A shooter is the top output? Where to put the mage? A hidden mage can deal dozens of times more damage than a shooter with a range skill!"

"This time, the joint live broadcast of the top ten star clans was intended to promote their respective star clans! But it was too much to just talk nonsense! Shooter output ranked first? Everyone present had basic common sense, no one was a fool!"


The guests expressed their opinions one after another.

Not only did the guests think so, but the people watching the live broadcast also thought so.

The shooter output is the best in the league?

This is a bit ridiculous!

There is a limit to self-praise!

Yan Sha even slammed the table to express his disapproval.

"The dream's strength is mostly exaggerated! It's hard to live up to the reputation!"

"With my tankiness, even if I stand there and let her attack, she may not be able to break my defense!"

Xinyue shook her head,"No, Yansha War God, you can't stand for a second under Meng's output!"

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