"Gods collide!"

"Shield Mountain!"

"Lion King Kill!"

"The earth stabs!"


A group of people bombarded the Krusu tribe crazily!





"Nightmare Defense: In the nightmare world, the defense of the Crusoe clan is greatly improved!"

"Nightmare Damage Immunity: Under the rules of the nightmare world, it is impossible to cause critical hits to the Crusoe people!"

"Nightmare Weakness: Under the rules of the nightmare world, the damage you cause to the Crusoe is passively reduced!"


The defense of the Krusu star clan was too strong.

After a round of bombardment, the five war gods of the Hunter star clan did not even cause more than a thousand damage at once!

This is too much!

In the end, even the war gods of the Hunter star clan were helpless.……

"Damn! How much defense does this thing have! I can easily deal over 10,000 damage to high-level monsters! How can I only deal over 1,000 damage to this thing?"

"This defense power is at least over 200,000!"

"200,000! Oh my god!"


The war gods of the Hunter Star Clan were speechless when they saw the damage they had inflicted.

After a fierce attack, the total damage was less than 10,000 points...

This is a sad story.……

"Get out of the way! I'll do it!"

Meng made a move, and the Angel Hunter Bow appeared in his hand. He raised his hand and launched a hundred consecutive attacks on the Crusu Star Clan!

Countless arrows emitting golden light continuously shot towards the Crusu Star Clan!

This is one of Meng's skills, the Angel Hunter Combo Arrow!

"Angel Hunter Combo Arrow: Attack the same target 100 times within three seconds! Each attack causes 80% of the attack power as damage!"

"During the strafing process, you can attack multiple targets or a single target!"

"Combo arrows also benefit from passive skills!"

Red numbers popped up above the heads of the Krusu star tribe.






With a hundred pieces of weapons and equipment,

Meng's attributes reached an extremely terrifying value!

Attack power 430,000! Defense power 10,000! Attack speed +1000%! 96% critical hit rate!

Meng is an archer.

In order to achieve the greatest damage,

90 pieces of Meng's equipment are weapons, and the remaining 10 are armor!

This also makes Meng's output reach a terrifying level!


Hundreds of arrows were shot out in three seconds, and

Meng's fingers felt numb!

‘There is one downside to this super skill,"Endless Equipment", which is that it consumes too much stamina!

You should know that every weapon consumes the stamina of the user during use.

The most important thing is that this stamina consumption is cumulative!

The more weapons and equipment you have, the more stamina you consume!

This makes Meng need a longer time to rest after using her moves!

The defense of the Crusoe star tribe made Meng astonished.

With her 430,000 attack power, one arrow only caused about 10,000 damage!

The defense of this thing is definitely more than 200,000, I'm afraid it's about 350,000!

The defense is amazing!

Fortunately, the output this time is okay.

Even if the Crusoe star tribe has special skills that prevent Meng's combo arrows from hitting a critical hit, the output of Meng's set of skills has exceeded one million!

This is already a very terrifying damage!

You should know that Meng and several war gods of the Hunter star tribe, their blood volume is only between 50,000 and 100,000!

One million, can't kill this Crusoe star tribe? Bang!

The sound of something breaking!

Meng and other team members thought their attack was effective, but after seeing the Crusoe star tribe, they were dumbfounded

"Nightmare Shield (100 layers): Each layer of Nightmare Shield absorbs 1 million points of damage!"

"You have broken the first layer, and there are 99 layers left!"

"Note: The shield recovers one layer every minute!"

100 layers of nightmare shield?

Each layer absorbs 1 million points of damage?

Isn't this a 100 million point shield!

And it recovers one layer of shield every minute!

How can we fight this?

The Crusu star tribe looked at him teasingly, pointed with his hand, and several gray rays of light shot out from the Crusu star tribe's eyes and connected to the members of the Hunting God Squad.

"Nightmare Damage Rebound: In the nightmare world, any damage you cause to the Crusoe will be reflected back at you in the form of double damage!"

Double damage rebound?

This means you hurt the enemy by 1,000 and you lose 2,000!


Dream tried to shoot an arrow



The former came from the top of the Krush star tribe, and the latter came from the top of Meng's head!

80% damage rebound!

She never thought there would be such a situation!

The members of the Hunter God team had to forcibly terminate the second round of attacks.

Otherwise, after this round of attacks, the Krush star tribe's defense shield was not broken, and they would die!

Meng realized at this time that the situation was not good.

She was... restrained!!!! The Krush star tribe almost locked the victory with this move! The five members of the Hunter God tribe couldn't fight or escape! The speed of defeat was so fast that Meng didn't react! The Krush star tribe yawned, it was boring, and thought that the prey coming this time was different from the previous prey. It seems that it is just so-so! The Krush star tribe, who had no leisure time, was ready to close the net and waved his big hand covered with tentacles.

"Ding! Nightmare Crusou used Nightmare Suppression on you!"

"Your attack power is reduced by 90%!"

"Your defense is reduced by 90%!"

"Your attack speed is reduced by 90%!"

"Your amplification effect is reduced by 90%!"




Shit! Damn it!

Everyone cursed in their hearts!

Is he that awesome?

Just by pressing his hand, he reduced their strength by 90%!

They had already overestimated the strength of the Krush Star Clan, but they still underestimated it...

The Krush Star Clan swung their hands, and a huge shadow whip came over.

"Nightmare Whip: The whip formed by nightmare can cause ten times the damage to people in the nightmare world! And cause a weakening effect!"

Just one normal attack, and the five members of the Hunter God team were whipped to the ground and couldn't get up.

The nightmare whip weakened the effect, and they felt that their bodies were hollowed out!

Everyone's blood volume turned red, and the"Natural Force Shield" effect of the Hunter God challengers was also beaten out. The spiritual power of the Fenghua God of War was consumed, and he lay on the ground unconscious...

One move, just one move, and the Hunter God team was beaten without combat power...

Countless tentacles appeared on the ground, wrapped around the members of the Hunter God team!

All the members of the Hunter God team were fixed in place, unable to move!

"Nightmare Confinement: People in nightmares cannot escape and are trapped in the same place!"

""Imprisonment time: ten minutes""


Being controlled for ten minutes?

I can't even move, how can I fight!




The remaining two War God assistants of the Hunting God Team felt that they could still be rescued, and they kept using auxiliary skills to dispel the negative effects.

Unfortunately, the level difference was too big, and it was useless!

The Krusu star tribe widened their eyes, and red light waves spread outwards

"Super Skill: Nightmare Crusoe's Fear"

"Under the gaze of the nightmare Cthulhu, the fear in your heart will increase with time, and your rationality value will drop sharply!"

"Quickly escape from the gaze of the nightmare Crusoe, otherwise when your rationality value drops below 0! You will become Crusoe's servant!"

The team members covered their heads one by one, in pain, as if they were experiencing the most painful nightmare in the world!

Only Meng, who was well protected and blessed with many treasures, was in better condition and could barely stay awake!

Looking at her suffering companions, Meng's heart was bleak!

It's over!

It's all over!

Meng's eyes were full of despair.

A battle that was devastating, it was a crushing victory of dimensionality reduction!

In less than three minutes, they were crushed by the Crusoe star clan...

Is this the strength of the Crusoe star clan?

Too terrifying!

So terrifying that it is beyond words!

It is not comparable to their low-combat star clan!

Looking at the appearance of the Crusoe star clan, he didn't take it seriously at all! Just playing!

Meng regretted it.

She regretted not listening to her grandmother and Yu.

When she came, her grandmother, who was the high priest, told her,

"The Tower of Babel is where countless powerful aliens are!"

"You have great talent, but in the Tower of Babel, you are nothing!"

"If you go there, you will fall into the abyss if you are not careful!"

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