"Have you had enough fun?"

""It's my turn!"

Ye Mo flicked the dust off his clothes, and rushed to the side of the Crusu Clan despite the output of the Crusu Clan. With a speed attribute of up to 2000 points, it only took Ye Mo two or three seconds to rush to the side of the Crusu Clan!

The Crusu Clan secretly thought that it was not good, this kid gave him a very dangerous feeling!

Was the previous attack just a play for this human challenger?

In full view of the crowd,

Ye Mo stretched out his right hand finger and flicked it lightly.

Damage transfer!

Instantly transferred the 100 million points of damage absorbed to the opponent!

Ye Mo's actions attracted the attention of the Hunter Clan.

"What does he want to do?"

"I do not know!"

"Looking at this posture, it looks like he is hitting his head?"

"No way, the opponent is a Krusu, you're going to flick it with your finger? Even if you don't have active output skills, you don't have to run over and flick someone's head!"

"Having no output skills is the tragedy of the meat shield profession!"


But before they could finish their sigh, they heard a series of explosions!

Pah pah pah!

The 100-layer nightmare shield that the Crusoe tribe was so proud of was directly blasted by Ye Mo!!!

With just one finger!

This time, not only the Hunter tribe war gods, but even the Crusoe tribe were crying out in their hearts!

You broke my shield with just one finger, you monster!

Meng looked at Ye Mo in disbelief, and then at Yu.

You call this a meat shield that can't do damage?

Their five-man war god team spent a lot of effort to break only one layer of shield, but what about Ye Mo?

With a light flick,

100 layers of shields were destroyed!

This is a shield value of 100 million points!

You call this a meat shield that has no damage?!

"Don't look at me, I don't know either!" Yu smiled bitterly.

Only then did he realize that

Ye Mo's strength was far beyond their imagination.

They had previously looked down on Ye Mo because he was a god of war.

In fact, in front of Ye Mo, with their fighting power, they were not even worthy of carrying his shoes!

No wonder Ye Mo dared to challenge the Crusu clan alone!


Ye Mo could really defeat the Crusu clan!

"Ye Mo will definitely win!"

"One more flick of the finger, and you win!"

After seeing how powerful Ye Mo was,

Meng's impression of Ye Mo changed 180 degrees!

Previously, she thought Ye Mo was just bragging and a burden, but now she thought that was not just bragging or a burden, but the hidden temperament of a strong man!

Meng's eyes were full of admiration for Ye Mo's strength!

Too powerful!

He was a strong man that she couldn't even see when she looked up!

The Hunters admired the strong!

Is this your home court, or my home court?!

The Crusoe clan wanted to ask this question!

After Ye Mo appeared, the Crusoe clan was suppressed by Ye Mo all the way!

Even in its home court, it didn't get the slightest advantage!

The fact that the Crusoe clan couldn't break Ye Mo's shield was enough to shock the Crusoe clan!

How high his output was on Ye Mo, Crusoe...

The Star Clan is aware of this!

With such a high output, even the Star Clan within the 50th floor can't bear it, but Ye Mo is fine!

This is outrageous!

When did such a big guy appear in the low-level Star Clan? And he's only level 30? The Crusoe Star Clan is sure that Ye Mo used some method to conceal his level!

With this combat power, he would believe if he said Ye Mo is level 300!

Is he pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? In fact, in the nightmare world, the Crusoe Star Clan can come and go freely.

If the Crusoe Star Clan wants to leave now, Ye Mo can't stop it.

But the Crusoe Star Clan doesn't think so.

He doesn't want to run, and he doesn't want to leave like this!

Where can he put his face after being defeated by a low-level human Star Clan!

His self-esteem can't stand it!

The Crusoe Star Clan feels that it can still be rescued.

"What a evenly matched battle!"

"You are a low-level star clan, but you can fight me on equal terms in my dream. This is the first time in all these years!"

The voice of the Krusu star clan rang in everyone's mind.

Ye Mo shrugged doubtfully,"Are you sure we are equal? Not overwhelming in strength?"

"Please face the facts and stop flattering yourself! Can you please have some shame?!"


The Crusoe tribe was so angry that they vomited blood!

They never thought that they would be vomited blood by a low-level star tribe in their lifetime!

This kid is too irritating! The

Crusoe tribe has figured it out.

They can lose the team battle!

Ye Mo must die!

It doesn't matter whether we win or not, and it doesn't matter how much we pay!

I just want to kill this kid!

The Crusoe tribe's eyes became redder and redder.

"Don't be so proud!"

"If I'm not mistaken, the move you used to break my shield was your ultimate weapon!"

"I'm afraid it can only be used once! There's no way to use it a second time!"

"You are a meat shield of a low-level star clan, do you really think you can compete with our Crusoe star clan?"

Ye Mo nodded and answered honestly.

"You are right, I can't use that move in such a short time!"


Before the Krusu tribe could be happy, Ye Mo said,

"I forgot to say, I'm still a warrior!"

A warrior?


Never thought that this guy is also a dual-professional!

Seeing Ye Mo taking equipment from his backpack, the Crusoe star tribe was alert.

Could it be that this kid has some god-level weapon?

After a while,

Ye Mo took out a saber-tooth grass, the kind that can be seen everywhere on the roadside...

The Crusoe star tribe was stunned at first, and then laughed.

"Hahahaha, great! Boy, I thought you had some amazing equipment?"

"That's it?"

"This is the first time I see someone using grass as a weapon!"

"It seems that your swordsman profession is not that good!"

As we all know, the better the profession, the better the weapons you can equip!

That blade of grass as a weapon!

Unheard of, unseen!

It seems that the human challenger is just bluffing!

It's nothing to worry about!

It made it worry for a long time! It

's just a blade of grass, can it kill me?

Ye Mo smiled slightly, as if he saw through the thoughts of the Crusoe star tribe,

"Don’t underestimate it because it’s just a grass!"

"I'm more than wrong to kill you!"

With the blessing of the Storm Sword God's profession, a blade of grass can also be a magic weapon!

"Storm Slash!"Storm Slash, the ultimate move of the Storm Sword God, reappeared!

This time, the Storm Slash skill used by Ye Mo at level 30 was far more powerful than the last time!

The huge tornado pierced through the sky and the earth, and was much larger than the last time, enveloping the entire nightmare world!

When this strange phenomenon appeared, the eyelids of the Krusu star tribe twitched!

Not good!

It felt like they were going to die!

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