Long Chen was as shocked as the other Star Clan envoys.

Ye Mo ate a lot when he entered the spaceship?

Not only did

Ye Mo eat the space plants he had never seen before, but he also ate the alien metals he had never seen before...

If you say this is a skill of the"cooking" profession, Long Chen would be the first to not believe it!

Nonsense, the cooking profession is a job transfer profession in the human aspect.

Long Chen has seen many chefs, but he has never seen anyone who eats alien metals like eating potato chips...

As for the Dragon Country's trump card, Long Chen knows it best.

There is no such thing at all!

Who is this thing that was made by a troublemaker to disgust the Blue Star humans ? It seems to be Yan Sha...

It's just that they fooled themselves and fooled themselves into believing it...

This has nothing to do with him, Long Chen.

Fang Zheng, he, Long Chen, has never said that Ye Mo is the Dragon Country's trump card...

But the specialness that Ye Mo gradually began to show also showed that Ye Mo was unusual.

Long Chen, who realized it later, also began to be curious.

What kind of secrets were hidden in Ye Mo? So far, it seems that no one knows Ye Mo.


"What is this stuff?"

"This is the first time I’ve seen such a big monster!"

"Is this thing a chameleon? If the Tower of Babel hadn't given us a hint, we wouldn't have figured it out!"

"The hidden effect is fully activated! Who can find it?"


The people watching the live broadcast suddenly cried out in surprise.

Just now, there was a new hint in the live broadcast.

They were giant monsters hiding in every corner of the spacecraft. They had six long thin legs, a body like a lizard, a long tail and a head like a lamprey, with long whiskers.

Their bodies could change with the color of the surroundings!

They blended into the surrounding environment!

If the hints of these monsters had not appeared on the live broadcast screen, the people watching the live broadcast would not have found them!

"Space Monster: Soul Devourer Thorny Eel"

"Grade: Level 3 Space Monster"

"Level: 180"

"Attack power: 300,000"

"Defense: 300,000"

"HP: 110 million"

"Abilities: 1. Soul-eating Spitting: The Spiny Eel can spit out sharp spikes to attack from a distance! Any opponent attacked will not only suffer massive damage, but also have a large amount of soul power absorbed!"

"2. Advanced Dodge: The spiny eel is agile and has a dodge rate of up to 80%!"

"3. Super-speed movement: The spiny eel is extremely fast and moves as fast as the wind!"

"4. Advanced color-changing invisibility: The spiny eel has the ability to change color and become invisible. It can hide in the surrounding environment and launch sneak attacks on opponents!"

"5. Advanced Armor Breaking: The attack of the stinging eel has 80% penetration ability! Ignoring 80% of the opponent's armor defense!"

"6. Advanced Damage Immunity: The Soul Devouring Beast Thorny Eel can resist up to 90% of all damage, and the same is true for true damage!"

"7. Advanced Invisibility Breaking Attack:……"


The information of the Soul Devouring Beast Thorny Eel was displayed one by one in front of the people of the Ten Star Clans, and everyone was stunned!


HP 110 million!

Attack power 300,000!

High dodge, high penetration, high damage immunity...

A small monster is so awesome, are you serious?

In this era of job transfer in the whole universe, almost everyone has played a dungeon.

Even in high-level dungeons, the minimum requirement is level 80 to enter, and the HP of the final boss in it reaches 20 million, which is considered high!

If the defense of the monster is over 10,000, it can reach about 10,000, which is considered high!

In this large-scale universe dungeon, a small monster randomly appears, and the HP is 110 million?!

Defense power 300,000?!

It can only be said that the pattern is small!

The difficulty of the dungeon in the Tower of Babel is beyond their imagination!

"Damn! It's cracked! The strength of this little monster makes my scalp tingle! If this little monster is brought into our real world dungeon, the difficulty of the dungeon will probably rise to hell!"

"When I was level 60, I played a high-level dungeon with my brothers. The final boss had 20 million HP and 10,000 armor. I fought for most of the day before I could barely kill him! With 110 million HP, 300,000 armor, 80% dodge, and the ability to suck blood... I guess I was just tickling him. I couldn't take away even one tenth of his HP even if I fought for ten days and ten nights!"

"300,000 armor, are you sure you can handle it?"

"The dungeon inside the Tower of Babel is terrifying! It is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people like us!"

"This is just a small monster! Even the gods of war would be helpless!"

"That can’t be said. Didn’t the Lihuang Star Clan just place a small copy?"

"Hehe, in that instance, a monster has 18 million HP, and in this instance, a monster has 110 million HP. Their skill level is more than one level higher! How can they be compared? There is absolutely no comparison!"

"Wish Ye Mo good luck!"

"No need to bless... It's already cold! For a naked man like him to survive under the siege of monsters of this level, it's impossible to do it with his butt……"


The people were talking about it again.

The strength of the monsters in the copy made them despair!

"It's a spiny eel!" said Grandma Miaoyu excitedly.

The host Bingbing asked nervously,"Grandma Miaoyu, do you know this monster?"

Grandma Miaoyu nodded,"Yes!"

"The thorn eel is a kind of soul-devouring beast! It is also the most terrifying sneak attacker, hunting various high-level star tribes for food!"

"Our ten major star clans have not yet embarked on the path of cosmic expansion. If we reach the era of cosmic expansion, the spacecraft we send out will probably be often attacked by such cosmic monsters!"

"The spiny eels are called the nightmare of the universe! What they are best at is sneaking into spacecraft and launching sneak attacks on the alien races on the spacecraft!"

"They are very powerful and like to act in groups... Every year, countless spaceships are slaughtered by the stinging eels. They are all star tribes on the 120th level... The survival rate of any high-level alien star tribe that they target is less than 1.%!"

"The third-level cosmic monster is the highest-level cosmic monster we have encountered so far! It is not something that our ten major star clans can deal with!"

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