The blue storm covered the entire field, enveloping all the stinging eels!

The stinging eels smacked their lips.

It was just a fight, it wouldn't be necessary to bring a natural disaster here!

Ye Mo transformed into a blue Thunder Sword, aimed at one of the stinging eels, and the Thunder Sword flashed, instantly causing 64 attacks to the stinging eel!

Just look at the red numbers appearing above the stinging eels' heads.


"-122,000! (2x slash damage!)"

"-183,000! (3 times the damage of the slash!)"


"-390.4! (64 times the slash damage!)"

"When the Storm Sword God profession attacks, except for life, all other attributes will be converted into real attack damage!"

"The skill level of Storm Sword God is higher than all other defensive skill levels! Ignoring the opponent's real damage reduction!"


Under the god-level profession of 'Storm Sword God', except for the health value attribute, all other attributes of Ye Mo will be converted into attack power.

In other words, how much total attribute Ye Mo has, how much damage he can cause!

At this time, the total attribute of Ye Mo at level 64 has reached an astonishing 61,000!

With one slash, the true damage effect is added, and his initial output is also 61,000!

Ye Mo at level 64 can attack 64 times in a row when using the skill of Storm Slash!

The number of attacks of Storm Slash is linked to Ye Mo's level!

After a set of skills, the total damage is 120 million!

True health bar clearing technique!

Another thorn eel dies!

Two brothers were killed in a row, and the other thorn eels were stunned.

They looked at Ye Mo in disbelief.

Is this kid's attack poisonous?!

Not only is every slash true damage, but this critical hit also has superposition?!

What does this 64 times critical hit mean? There is still a 64 times critical hit in the world?!

What made the thorn eels even more confused was that it was not right!

Is their excess dodge rate just for show? Why didn't Ye Mo's attack dodge once? Looking at the dumbfounded thorn eels, Ye Mo said," How can you measure the power of a god-level profession!

" Under the attack of the Storm Sword God, as long as you are locked, there is no such thing as dodging!

100% attack on the opponent!

If there is a miss, I lose!

Ye Mo's Storm Slash has a ten-minute CD, during which Ye Mo will reappear and get rid of the invincibility effect.

But Ye Mo is not in a hurry at all.

The temporary inability to use the skills of the Storm Sword God does not prevent him from using grass to chop people!

As we all know, grass is a kind of plant!

It is very good at chopping monsters!

A shocking scene appeared on the large spaceship.

Ye Mo was alone, chasing the thorn eels and slashing them!

With a saber-tooth grass in his hand, he chopped from the east to the west, and from the west to the east!

As long as the thorn eel that Ye Mo targeted was chopped to death with sixty consecutive killing knives!


"-122,000! (2x slash damage!)"

"-183,000! (3 times the damage of the slash!)"


"-3.66 million! (60 times the damage of the slash!)"

"Total damage 110 million!"

The thorn eels said that they had seen ferocious ones, but they had never seen such a ferocious one!

It turns out that grass (a kind of plant) can really kill monsters!

The thorn eels did not think about resisting, but they sadly found that their attacks on Ye Mo were not even enough to tickle him.……

"-1! (250,000 damage, more than 1% of total HP! The default damage value is 1!)"

"-1! (250,000 damage, more than 1% of total HP! The default damage value is 1!)"

"-1! (250,000 damage, more than 1% of total HP! The default damage value is 1!)"


The thorn eels vomited blood.

What does it mean that this guy only lost 1 drop of blood for each attack?

Is your defense too strong?

On the contrary, Ye Mo accumulated enough damage and shot the eels in the head, sending the thorn eels to the west!

The thorn eels were full of fighting spirit and fought against Ye Mo at the beginning, but later, they were beaten by Ye Mo and had no temper at all. They just ran around with their heads in their arms...

They couldn't hit them, and their output was so high.

Is there any fun in this?!

Looking at the thorn eels being chased by Ye Mo, the people of the ten major star alliances were shocked and speechless.

This scene seemed familiar...

It's just that the Hunter Star Clan was chased by the thorn eels, while Ye Mo was chasing the thorn eels everywhere.

The thorn eels easily crushed the Hunter Star Clan, and

Ye Mo crushed the thorn eels with his strength.

The difference in strength between them is a world of difference!

The people of the Ten Star Alliances never dreamed that the universe dungeon in the Tower of Babel could be opened in this way...

Even the war gods of the Ten Star Clans went to the dungeon with fear and trepidation, but when it came to Ye Mo, hunting monsters in the dungeon was like playing!

Is the large universe dungeon too weak?


Ye Mo is too strong! At this moment

, many people of the Ten Star Clans changed their attitude towards human professionals.

Damn, are humans so cruel?

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