Liefeng's words were firm and powerful, as if he had become the representative of justice at this moment.

The guests at the scene were speechless.

The Wild King Star Clan changed their faces too quickly.

Not long ago, they were holding high the banner of anti-humanity, but this time they directly admitted their weakness to humans and almost knelt down to lick their asses...

Liefeng felt bitter in his heart.

He had to knelt down to lick their asses! Ye Mo was too awesome!

It was easy and pleasant to kill the Saiyan Star Clan on the 90th floor.

It was as if killing these old guys from the Wild King Star Clan was a piece of cake!

Humph, Ba'an is such a fool. Why not provoke Ye Mo? He offended people without even looking at who was on the other side!

Liefeng secretly glanced at the points of the human star clan on the integrator again.

1.4 million points!

Damn it!

This point scared me to the point of having a heart attack!

1.4 million points is more than the points that the top ten star clans have ever obtained combined, multiplied by ten times!

The Wild King Star Clan has only accumulated 3120 points so far...

If these points were converted into food, they would be enough for the ten major star clans to eat for a thousand years!

The rise of humanity is a foregone conclusion!

I'm afraid that after this challenge to the Tower of Babel, the overall strength of the human star clan will surpass the top ten star clans in one fell swoop!

The ten major star clans are too busy trying to curry favor with humans at this time, so how could they easily offend humans?

Liefeng opened the conversation, and representatives of other star clans also expressed their opinions.

"The human star tribe and our preaching star tribe have been friendly for generations! Brotherly friendship! The human star tribe’s affairs are our affairs! If you have any questions in the future, just ask! We will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

"The words of the War God Nuoyi of the Evangelist Star Clan hit the nail on the head! The attitude of the Evangelist Star Clan is also the attitude of our War Clan!"

"That's not right. Didn't you, the Berserker Clan, express yesterday that you were considering breaking off relations with humans?"

"Bullshit, stop accusing me! I, the Berserker Star Clan, have never said such a thing. If you keep saying it, I will beat you up!"

"In short, in short, the human star clan is the role model for our knee-bending star clan! From now on, our knee-bending star clan will take the human star clan as the leader and follow the human star clan!"


The universe is so realistic.

When you have no strength and no value, everyone wants to step on you and see if they can squeeze some benefits from you.

But once you have strength, the people around you will immediately change their faces!

They will flatter you as much as they can!

People are still the same people, but the situation has changed!

The human star clan soared to the sky, and other star clans wanted to have a good relationship with Blue Star, except for the Lihuang star clan.

Yan Sha looked at this farce speechlessly and sat quietly on the stool.

He clearly knew that other star clans still had a chance to have a good relationship with humans, but they, the Lihuang star clan, should forget about it...

The Lihuang star clan had played too much before, and had a complete rift with humans.

Even if they kowtowed to apologize, it would only be humiliating themselves.

Yan Sha chose to lie down and let it be...

After Ye Mo killed twelve Saiyan star clans and obtained 1.4 million points, the attitude of the ten major star clans towards humans changed 180 degrees, and there was a subtle intention to take humans as the leader.

When these points are converted into real benefits, the strength of mankind will increase dramatically, and it is estimated that the ten major star clans will have the final say...

Long Chen stood up. He thought for a long time, and exchanged suggestions with the high-level human leaders through the communicator, and came up with an idea.

The guests fell silent, waiting for Long Chen's speech.

Long Chen's words represent the attitude of mankind.

This time, the challengers of the two major star clans offended Ye Mo.

Will mankind take this as an opportunity to bring the Lihuang Star Clan and the Yewang Star Clan into the ranks of the Star Alliance?

"We, the human high-level officials, have discussed this and decided……"

"After the Tower of Babel is over, I will withdraw from the Star Alliance and no longer be a member of the top ten star clans!"

All the guests present,"???"

The people of the ten star tribes,"???"

Long Chen's announcement caught everyone off guard.

They thought Long Chen would take this opportunity to fight with the Lihuang Star Clan and the Yewang Star Clan, but he didn't expect that he would directly announce his withdrawal from the Star Alliance!

What kind of operation is this?


Long Chen also explained his intention to do so.

"Just as the initial appeal of joining the Star Alliance, help each other and jointly seek greater benefits in the Tower of Babel!"

"This is a mutually beneficial cooperation! Everyone needs help from each other in all aspects, which is why the top ten star clans have formed an alliance!"

"But just like what the God of War Yansha said, our starting point is to help each other, not to be a unilateral public welfare organization!"

"We humans unilaterally announced our withdrawal from the top ten star alliances. The reason is simple."

"Everyone from the Ten Star Alliances, in the challenge in the Tower of Babel, will no longer be of any help to us humans, and some may just be a drag!"

Call them a drag?

The guests from the Ten Star Clan wanted to refute, but after considering Ye Mo's combat power, forget it!

Drags are a compliment to them.

In front of Ye Mo, the war gods of their star clans are worse than drags.……

"Besides……"God of War Long Chen paused and said,"I have seen too many intrigues in the Star Alliance for five years!"

"Humans need like-minded partners, not teammates who may stab you in the back at any time!"

"The so-called Star Alliance cooperation is nothing but a joke!"

After saying this, Long Chen heaved a long sigh of relief.

The human Star Alliance has always been excluded by other star tribes, and today they finally let out their resentment!

Long Chen officially announced his withdrawal from the Star Alliance, but the guests from other star tribes were not happy!

The Star Alliance finally had a big leg, but before they could hold it, it was gone?

"No! Longchen Bingwang! Please think twice!"

"Isn’t it too hasty to decide to withdraw from the Star Alliance just like that?"

"Without humans, the Star Alliance will exist in name only! We, the Star Tribe, will also withdraw from the Star Alliance. Wherever humans go, we will follow! No one can stop us!"


The guests of the Star Clan were noisy.

It was no longer the time for humans to curry favor with other Star Clan, but other Star Clan were trying to curry favor with humans.

Long Chen Bingwang ignored it and pretended not to hear it!

Humans actually wanted to do this a long time ago, but they just didn't have the strength to break away from the Star Alliance.

It was Ye Mo who gave humans the opportunity to set sail again, without being dragged down and restricted by the Star Alliance.

Ye Mo is really a lucky star for humans!

The live broadcast is still going on.

Before the end of this Babel Tower challenge, humans are still a member of the Star Alliance.

What's more, the people of the ten major star clans are even more curious about how far humans can lead other star clans in this Babel Tower challenge!

"Congratulations to Ye Mo, the challenger from Blue Star, and Meng, the challenger from the Hunter Star Clan!"

"You have successfully entered the 138th floor!"

"When the number of floors reaches 138, the difficulty will increase further!"

"Please analyze the surrounding environment carefully and formulate corresponding strategies!"

"This is the key to your survival!"

"Tower of Babel 138: Gemini Planet"

"Environmental impact: 1. The gravity of the Gemini planet is unstable. The gravity intensity in each place is between 50 times and 500 times, and changes randomly!"

"2. The meteor shower unique to Gemini will cause a lot of damage, and those with insufficient defense will be���The fighter's attack is fatal! Be careful to avoid it!"

"3. The cosmic radiation effects in each part of the Gemini planet are different, and the continuous damage caused to the challengers is also different!"



"Survival for one day reward: 500 points; treasure chest reward, two white treasure chests; other rewards, none"


Ye Mo looked at this colorful, symmetrical dream world in the sky and on the ground.

138th floor, here we are!

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