Tang Xiaoyue didn't expect Ye Chen to say that the transformation state would be lifted.

At that time, I was so scared that a cold sweat was about to come down.

However, when watching these people stay in front of Ye Chen, they were honest.

Tang Xiaoyue was relieved.

The military sent someone to pick them up.

Including the Treasure Great Devil.

Xiong Weiguo's eyes also lit up when he saw the Duo Bao Great Demon King, and he punched Bang Bang on the head of the Duo Bao Great Demon King: "It's really you." The level has actually dropped so much, aren't you looking for death?

"Don't worry. Our military laboratories will definitely not waste you a drop of blood, a hair.

"We'll definitely study your anatomy well."

Duo Bao Great Devil: "Am I special..." There

was thunder in the sky.

The Great Demon King of Duo Bao quickly changed his words: "I heard that you humans have been studying something called sustainable development. Do you think I can?

He gave a particularly difficult and ugly smile.

Xiong Weiguo:?


After returning from the secret realm, Ye Chen was completely rotten.

If there is nothing to do, I will go to Yang Guifei's place.

However, Bai Luoyan was still very strange: "Why did Yang Guifei call you San Lang?" "

Fortunately, Yang Guifei didn't hear it.

Ye Chen immediately blocked Bai Luoyan's mouth: "Be quiet." Don't ask about that. Side quests will definitely be activated. I don't want to do tasks. "

The memory of Yang Guifei in the copy is confused.

There is even something vaguely wrong.

It must have something to do with this title.

Ye Chen had already guessed that it would not be triggered.

Bai Luoyan looked at Ye Chen with big eyes: "You are really lazy." "

Are side quests too lazy to trigger?

The system that had not been bubbling for a long time finally seized the opportunity.

[Ding-dong. The system detects that the host is too lazy to explore the small world, and the system is very impressed, the secret of the small world is related to the entire big world, including the secrets of all copies. Is the host really not curious? Activate 15 times salted fish points reward, congratulations to the host for obtaining 100,000 salted fish points. The

system has given a prompt.

The secrets of the small world are related to the entire big world, including the copy.

Ye Chen was unmoved: "What does that secret have to do with me?" Nope. So it's right to keep lying flat.

"Besides, I'm basically invincible now." Ye Chen's expression was faint.

[System]: No, no. As far as I know, there are many ways to kill you.

"You shut up for me." Ye Chen lazily turned over on the recliner and changed his posture to watch the movie: "Isn't it fragrant just like that?" "

Just when Ye Chen was in the bachelor villa.

He also came out of the secret realm, a week later.


The sun is just right.

But the entire Terran land sounded a sharp air defense alarm.

In the center of Shengjing Academy is a large bronze bell.

The bell rang 9 times.

Tang Xiaoyue quickly sat up, her face flustered: "It's broken." Something went wrong.

Bai Luoyan's face was no better: "Is it a battlefield?" "

It is indeed an accident on the battlefield.

And it's a very serious matter.

Of the ten Tianzuns in the combat profession, Xia Guo accounted for six.

And now.

The two Tianzuns of foreign countries lost their defense when they were guarding the special abyss, resulting in the death of the two Tianzuns in battle.

One is Charles of the Pretty Country. His profession is a light mage.

The other is the Pope, the only great assistant among the 10 Heavenly Venerables, who has the group resurrection skill.

Usually in the special abyss or special battlefield where this great auxiliary stays, the Terran professional is like a chicken blood.

The halo is added layer by layer.

It doesn't matter if you're dead.

It can be pulled back within 24 hours.

It's nothing more than feeling bad after death.

But it doesn't matter if you feel it or not.

Just survive.

Moreover, the pope's group resurrection CD time is still short. The resurrection is all piece by piece.

But that's such a bug.

It actually lost.

In the entire special abyss, all the professionals have not survived.

But that's not the most serious.

The most serious thing is that part of that special grade abyss now overlaps with the real world, and two different dimensional spaces have opened up the dimensional wall, and a steady stream of Heavenly Saint level abyss demons have crawled out from there.

The special abyss is located on the coast of the beautiful country, and the entire beautiful country has fallen.

Whether there are survivors or not is unknown.

Maybe the entire continent has become a hotbed of abyssal demons.

The Terrans simply don't have time to mourn.

After hastily mourning the two Tianzun.

The principal held a school-wide assembly.

"All master-level combat professionals are going to come to the aid of the battlefield, and this time is a devastating blow for our Terrans." As soon as the principal spoke, he was very sad.

Zhan Rong shouted to his own boss: "What is this, let our family Ye Ge go over, and sweep one by one." The

people around laughed too.

Everyone knew that Ye Chen's defense tower was very lethal. Everyone in the copy of the experience is obvious to all.

The principal was helpless: "Your brother Ye is indeed powerful. But the experience copy contains 150 million defense towers. And I ask you. Just like that ghost place that immediately becomes a box when it lands, can you recruit so many in one go?

"Even if you can move so many in one go, even if you can keep killing." Abyss demons are different from ordinary demons. The Abyss Demon can only be sealed. Kill the undead. Hearing

the principal say this, Ye Chen's whole body was backboned: "Impossible." What if resurrection is forbidden? "

The Abyss Demon is indeed resurrected infinitely in a sense. But this infinite resurrection is not a resurrection. The principal was helpless: "After they are killed, their bodies reorganize, and they call this reincarnation."

"Even their bodies can be reorganized with other Abyss Demons. Form new demons.

"The Abyss Demon who has just been born has a level of about 80. That is, the master level. "

They grow up very fast on earth. The kind that can be upgraded by breathing. It is said that there are now 5 Tianzun-level Abyss Demons in the entire Beimei Continent.

"Strictly speaking, the Abyss Demon and the Demon should be different breeds. And now that the two spaces are folded, the Beimei Continent has completely fallen.

"At the moment when the space was folded, tens of thousands of Heavenly Saint-level Abyss Demons appeared, and the video from the beautiful country was quite tragic."

"Later, many small abyss demons were born, and now the situation on the battlefield is unknown, and many masters have rushed over, and the remaining 8 Tianzuns of the Terran race have joined forces to seal the Beimei Continent."

"But this seal didn't last long. All students and teachers above the master level and below the Heavenly Saint level go to the periphery of the seal to clean up the small abyss demons. "

A Heavenly Saint level teacher followed me into the battlefield."

"Ye Chen, you also go to the periphery to find the small abyss demon to practice your hands." The principal's last sentence was specifically instructed to Ye Chen.

Although Ye Chen has always wanted world peace, he then lay down on the salted fish himself.

But if only the peaceful and stable living environment was gone. Still lying down?

Therefore, Ye Chen's resentment at this time is estimated to be heavier than the Abyss Demon of the Tianzun level who cannot be sealed in the Beimei Continent.

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