Sheng Xue still has to fulfill her duties.

She does what she says.

He kept following Ye Chen: "I did what I said." You must not go in now. No matter what the reason.

"We're not going in." Xiao Bai was also speechless: "Boss, I'll take you to a place closest to that artifact, which happens to be on the outer edge." It's just that she can't follow.

Ye Chen glanced back at Sheng Xue: "Auntie, I know that you must fulfill Master's instructions." But I didn't go into the battlefield either, did I? "

There is only one entrance to the battlefield.

Ye Chen was obviously not going in the direction of that entrance.

To be honest, there was no need for Sheng Xue to continue to follow Ye Chen.

It was obvious that Ye Chen and his little pet had something to do.

Now Ye Chen had knocked down that red eye.

The morale of the entire Terran battlefield was great.

There is nothing left to kill them indiscriminately.

All kinds of skills flew all over the world for a while.

Seeing Sheng Xue also felt itchy in my heart.

Since Ye Chen didn't want her to follow, Sheng Xue naturally wouldn't continue to follow, but there was a sentence that she had to make clear: "I'm younger than your master, and you don't have to always be an aunt, aunt's call me."

"Okay aunt, goodbye aunt." After Ye Chen finished speaking, he patted Xiaobai.

Xiaobai understood Ye Chen's meaning very well.

Immediately changed posture.

Xiaobai directly became the ontology.

Her body was very windy, and when she changed into a human body, there were many people around her, looking in her direction.

Divine beast Bai Ze.

Because it is a beast.

The places where Xiao Bai ran were full of white lotus flowers.

The aroma is fragrant.

Sheng Xue looked at Xiaobai with envy: "This mount is really beautiful."

Linglong's face was full of displeasure: "I am bigger and better looking than her."

Sheng Xue looked away from Linglong's chest with difficulty, and at the same time looked at herself.

The reason why she hated Tang Xiaoyue very much.

It was because of Tang Xiaoyue's meow.

"I can see it." Sheng Xue also knew that Linglong in front of him was one of Ye Chen's pets, so he answered.

"My body is big, soaring in the sky, and the thief pulls the wind." Linglong puffed up: "Why don't you let me go?" "

Sheng Xue: ???

Xiao Bai ran fast after turning into the body.

Ye Chen was also able to rest on Xiao Bai's body.

And Xiaobai can still fly.

Take Ye Chen all the way up.

I came to the other end of the purple tower.

Although this side is also the edge of the Beimei continent.

But this is exactly the part that borders the purple tower.

As you can see, the whole space is compressed.

Don't talk about the Beimei Continent below.

Even the buildings are gone.

It feels like the entire continent has been cut into the sea.

"This is it." This place was also put on the defensive tower by that proxy doll, and it seems that Xiaobai really studied here.

"This place can touch the purple tower, probably because of the folding of space. I don't know why, part of the purple tower is revealed here. Xiao Bai said quickly.

Ye Chen put his hand on the purple tower.

By the way, he threw an identification technique.

【Ownerless Thing】Pantheon: Attributes unknown.

The name is quite awesome.

I don't know exactly what I can do.

When Ye Chen touched his hand to the top of the purple tower.

A dialog box appeared in front of his eyes.

Dialog box: Please enter a password.

Ye Chen found that someone was typing.

However, both show input errors.

Xiao Bai explained on the side: "After the Great Demon King of Xiong Wei died, those other Abyss Demons tried to take this thing back. After all, this thing is still very important for the Abyss Demon.

"But none of them knew the password. Now the Great Demon King has entered reincarnation. After reincarnation, the Great Demon King of Xiong Wei is already another Abyss Demon. Maybe you don't even have the previous abilities.

"This pantheon contains all his belongings. We took this. That's it.

Ye Chen nodded.

"In other words, the fatal blow just now, it is likely that only I can see the specific number?" Ye Chen asked while entering the password.

"Yes." Xiao Bai nodded.

Ye Chen quickly finished typing the password.

"The password was entered correctly. Is it reduced and retracted? Ye

Chen chose on that dialog box.

The huge tower suddenly turned into a purple streamer.

Directly into Ye Chen's palm.

The tower was originally as tall as a cloud.

But now it's suddenly gone.

The abyss demons above the tower all fell.

And at this time.

The two spaces are also separated.

Ye Chen only felt a flash of white light in front of his eyes.

The place where the two spaces overlap disappears in an instant.

Whether it's an abyss demon or a human.

All died because of the sudden tearing of space.

But the difference is that humans are resurrected through the resurrection of the goddess statue.

Those demons who died because of the tearing of space.

Their bodies were all strangled by space.

There is nothing left, so there is no way to enter samsara.

Instead, Ye Chen had a new idea: "In other words, all the bodies of these demons are gone." They will not enter samsara, at least not within this space.

Xiaobai thought about the CPU carefully and burned it directly: "Boss, what do you mean?"

"That is, the space mage can directly isolate the corpses of the Abyss Demons into another space. Theoretically, they will not enter samsara. Ye Chen thought for a while: "But this matter has nothing to do with us." This matter of the battlefield is over, and I have to rest for a while.

Xiaobai also nodded next to him: "It is." We were so tired this time. Boss, I'll carry you back."

"Okay." With a smile on his face, Ye Chen sat directly on Xiaobai's body.

The battlefield folding space suddenly disappeared.

None of the Terrans reacted.

The Abyss Demons suddenly disappeared.

"What's the situation?" Feng Kui always felt that this matter was related to his own boss. But after coming out of the battlefield, it seems that he will not be found.

Don't say Feng Kui, I can't find Ye Chen. Even Tang Xiaoyue and Bai Luoyan. Even Ye Chen's father couldn't find him.

"What about my son?" Ye Zhenguo felt that there was light on his face. I want to show off my son to others.

Now the whole country only knows Ye Chen's name, but not Ye Zhenguo's name.

Ye Zhenguo just had a special mood that wanted to show off.

Bai Luoyan seemed to have thought of something, and her face was a little ugly. However, Tang Xiaoyue's face was even more ugly, and her lips trembled slightly: "Should this kid be... Isn't there an idol of the resurrection? Probably not.

"None of the defensive towers have disappeared." Bai Luoyan hurriedly said on the side: "If something really happens, it is possible... Could it be that he was caught by the demons?

"Now there is no way for the two worlds to overlap, if Ye Chen is really taken away by the Abyss Demon... So how incompetent should I, my master? Tang Xiaoyue's eyes were full of tears.

Sheng Xue listened behind them, and they were speechless: "I said that you are a primitive society, don't you?" I can't make a call. Cry. "

Bai Luoyan: ......

Tang Xiaoyue: ......

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