Each tower of the Pantheon is a small world.

Once you enter each tower, you can find an entrance to the world.

And these girls of different races come from those worlds behind each tower.

"I feel that these worlds should be independent. Or maybe there is some special connection. But cultivation here is really good. "Nalan Xue can only look at this place from the perspective of the Immortal Cultivation World.

However, Ye Chen patted Xiaobai: "You said."

Xiao Bai quickly entered prophet mode: "This Pantheon Tower is a hub. "

Each floor of the tower will have a special buff. How many times the experience can be obtained, the first layer is 1.1 times. Layer 2 1.5 times. The third layer is 1.8 times..." Ye

Chen's head was big when he listened: "Don't say it, just tell me directly, how many layers are in the ninth layer?"

Xiaobai: "3.8 times."

When Ye Chen heard this, his eyes narrowed: "Then there is a bird for?" Isn't this thing called the Pantheon? Such a powerful name, and it is also a treasure of the town boundary, just this?

Xiao Bai took a deep breath and continued, "Boss, the world contained in each layer is different. It's all separate worlds.

"There is God in every world. That's why it's called the Pantheon. Abyss demons and gods trade, here is equal to a spatial hub. It can also be compared to a drawing room.

"Because with that, you can go to any small world contained in the tower, and it can overlap with any world." Use this to enter other worlds. "

This is a space artifact, quite a powerful kind."

After Xiaobai's introduction, Ye Chen frowned: "I'm not interested in the small world.

"As far as I know, Level 3 is the world where the elves live, and I also know that the elves are very good-looking. Especially their queen..." said Xiao Bai Xuan.

Before he finished speaking, he heard Ye Chen in high spirits: "Help me up, I can still explore

..." Nalan Xue, Xiao Na, Xiao Bai, and Linglong: "..."

This transformation is too fast.

Even the system can't help but come out to make fun.

[System]: "666! "

Ye Chen really plans to go to the third floor to take a look.

O Elf Queen.

What he immediately thought of was the kind of particularly beautiful-looking elf with pointed ears that he had seen in the game before.

However, when Ye Chen was about to continue walking up.

But suddenly I heard a burst of crying outside this tower.

Indeed, after rescuing these girls trapped in the cage just now.

The girls' bodies dissipated in place.

At the same time, the whole tower exudes a particularly great sadness.

But that sadness soon faded.

At least the inside of the tower is clean.

Ye Chen was also stunned when he heard the sound outside.

And when he went out, he was even more dumbfounded.

The eight Tianzuns hugged each other, crying breathlessly.

Bai Luoyan came out from time to time with a sword to compare, and she was very anxious, as if she wanted to rush into the tower with one mind.

Tang Xiaoyue stopped talking.

But every time I want to say something.

They will be interrupted by the particularly loud cries of those few Tianzun.

The entire outside of the Pantheon was shrouded in a particularly sad aura.

It is the sad breath left by those alien girls after their souls are scattered.

It can be understood why these people are crying so bitterly?

Ye Chen's father and sister also stood at the door crying.

Even after Ye Chen came out of that tower, they didn't react.

On the contrary, Tang Xiaoyue and Bai Luoyan were a little farther away and were not affected so much. At least you can manage expressions.

"You guys... What are you crying about? Ye Chen looked at everyone with a curious expression.

The eight Tianzun, who were crying bitterly, raised their heads.

Seeing that Ye Chen was wearing slippers and short sleeves, he stood directly at the door of the tower.

"Ye Chen!" The first to rush over was Tang Xiaoyue.

She held Ye Chen in her arms.

Ye Chen instinctively wanted to escape, but the speed was not as fast as Tang Xiaoyue.

The Heavenly King-level assist directly opened the buff.

Only an afterimage remained.

"Ye Chen, it's great that you're okay! I'm scared to death. I thought something was wrong with you. You kid, don't say a word to me when you leave the battlefield. And what's going on with this tower? Tang

Xiaoyue's mouth was like a machine gun.

The chatter goes on and on.

However, Ye Chen couldn't say a word here.

Ye Zhenguo is also a blind person.

It seems that nothing is wrong with his son at all.

Directly rushed forward and hugged Ye Chen's leg: "Smash ah!"

However, Ye Chen finally left Tang Xiaoyue with willpower: "My God... It was suddenly dark and I almost suffocated.

Tang Xiaoyue wiped her tears with Ye Chen, originally Tang Xiaoyue didn't want to cry. But when he was close to Ye Chen, he was also close to this tower.

The sad aura coming from the tower made Tang Xiaoyue really can't help it: "Where did you run?" You kid is not obedient at all.

"I'm just here to try my new artifact." Ye Chen said, raised his hand, and the tall Pantheon Tower disappeared.

The 8 Tianzun, who hugged and cried together, suddenly came to an abrupt end.

Because that sad breath just disappears. Those eight Tianzuns were inexplicable.

After all, Feng Kui was a puppet doll inside, so he was the first to react.

His face changed, and he quickly pushed the others away.

Especially the one next to him.

That goods do not bathe all year round.

There is always a strange smell on the body. Ah San said that this was the power of faith in their country.

Feng Kui felt that he couldn't ask for that hand, but he had been holding Ah San and crying for a long time just now.

Even after the puppet doll became Feng Kui, he still had to help Feng Kui study poison every day, and touching the most disgusting poison was not as uncomfortable as touching Ah San.

These Tianzuns somewhat disliked each other.

Now it's okay, wipe the tears in my eyes, and pretend not to know each other.

One by one, quickly find excuses to leave.

"Since there is nothing to do, I will go first."

"Ye Chen, you really gave us a big surprise, no, frightened."

"The lad did quite well. Hurry up and upgrade is just around the corner. "

With a new artifact, explore and explore." By the way, it's better to go somewhere in the suburbs that no one else can see. Easy to scare people.

"The children had fun, let's go first."


Feng Kui did not leave.

Ye Zhenguo blocked Feng Kui: "You shouldn't want to take my son as an apprentice, right?" I tell you, my son already has an apprentice. "

Ye Chen: ???

Feng Kui: "Would you like to see what you just said?"

Ye Zhenguo was too nervous just now, and quickly corrected: "My son already has a master. You hit the idea less.

Feng Kui was full of helplessness, and before he could call the master, Li Hong, the dog-legged man next to him, was faster: "The master is screaming, it's good if you're okay, it's okay if you're okay." "

Ye Chen is already numb.

Just came out of the Pantheon. There were several more pendants around me in an instant.

He's tired too, okay?

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