Human society is constantly developing.

Human society is constantly improving.

Human social toys. It also began to become exceptionally perfect.

Alicia's eagerness.

Let Ye Chen, the prodigal son.

Something was identified.

It is all the elves in the elven country, which is a country that is extremely lacking in spiritual enjoyment.

So Ye Chen took out the toy and shared it with Alicia.

Where have the elves of the Elven Nation seen this?

Immediately had a lot of fun.

Ye Chen: "Then I will apply for PK for you now?" You agree.

Alicia's face was full of excitement: "Good." "

Because it's a game. Does not trigger a critical hit.

Ye Chen used the [Relentless Iron Hand] to hook Alicia and quickly approached.

Alicia used [Shining Lamp] on Ye Chen, Ye Chen was blinded, and Alicia's morale was high.

So Alicia chose to chase after the victory and use [Dive] on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen decided not to dodge and used [Tianba Flame Bombardment].

[Tianba Flame Boom] is judged to be superior to [Dive], after all, [Dive] is just an ordinary skill.

[Tianba Flame Boom] effect: Throw the opponent into the air, then jump up and smash the opponent to the ground.

Alicia was smashed to the ground.

In a hurry, Alicia had no teacher and released [Winter Bites].

[Winter Bites]: Has a slowdown effect and a very high attack speed.

Ye Chen was affected.

He didn't think much about it anymore, raised the gun, and launched an attack [nine shots and one explosion].

[Nine Shots and One Burst]: Shoot 9 times in a row, and the last bullet will cause a 100% critical hit.

The PK between the two sides has entered a white heat.

The elves are indeed a studious and very intelligent race.

However, Ye Chen is an old player and has rich experience, and when Alicia tried to seize the initiative in battle, he launched a key attack [Holy Spear Baptism].

[Holy Spear Baptism]: The player shoots violently in one direction for three seconds while moving freely. These bullets will collide violently with the first target hit.

Where has Alicia seen this trick? So she stiffened.

But she was still quite clever and used [Stormy] on Ye Chen.

Who knew that Ye Chen would enter a state of rage because of this.

Ye Chen fell into a state of rage, and his attack power doubled.

Alicia begs for surrender!

Ye Chen refused Alicia's surrender!

Alicia again asked for surrender!!

Ye Chen cruelly refused again!!

So Alicia had to take out the last skill [Summon: Xiaoju].

The tide of war has become equal again.

Ye Chen used the prop [Ice and Fire Staff], and Alicia was at a disadvantage again!


Two hours later, Alicia's face was full of excitement: "It's fun." "

Sure enough, the elven race, the ability to recover is strong.

"If it's fun, you can recommend it to the rest of your elven race." We came to your country to do business with your country. Your specialties can be given to us. For example, beautiful clothes, jewelry, powerful equipment, and even those strange-shaped fruits. "

Ye Chen has a little chicken soup and brainwashing skills on his body.

"I'll teach you to open it, and when the banquet is a while, you'll take it with you to find someone else." Give a little insight to the elves who have not seen it. "Ye Chen has to sell this thing.

According to his ideas.

The elven kingdom should be very lacking.

"Okay. My friend definitely liked it. Alicia had a grateful smile in her clear eyes: "Thank you." The Elf Queen asked me to find you. That's probably because of this problem.

"There was a lot of good food and fun at the banquet. Definitely something you Terrans have never seen before.

"Her Royal Highness, you will definitely agree with what you said about doing business."

Ye Chen nodded. I took out a pack of spicy strips from the storage bag, took out one and nibbled on it.

I found Alicia, looking at herself in confusion.

"I want it." Ye Chen smiled: "Shouldn't you elf kingdom not even have spicy strips?"

"Not really. We haven't eaten this. Give me a taste. Alicia took the spicy strips from Ye Chen's hand.

This girl seems to have never eaten spicy.

Alicia was spicy straight to drink water.

Ye Chen also had to bring water to Alicia to drink: "Don't you have chili peppers here?"

"Is that what you said chili smelled like?" Alicia shook her head: "We take this as poison."

Ye Chen cried and laughed: "Then you must not have tasted the hot pot of Sichuanfu, boiled fish, and chopped pepper fish heads from northern Xiangbei..."

Alicia's eyes were full of curiosity.

"It's made with poison, it's delicious." Ye Chen said with a smile: "The spiciness of this spicy strip is still the lowest. Do you want to eat hot pot and not faint? "

Alicia has very white skin.

But if you eat spicy, then the skin will have a pale pink sheen.

Of course, it may also be because the game is always on.

In the end, Alicia held dozens of packs of spicy strips, while opening the game, she went out excitedly, the little girl was still the most difficult to open, always stiff, but still very excited to open the door and go out: "I must introduce these to my sisters." "

Sent Alicia away.

It's 7:30 p.m.

So Ye Chen went downstairs to meet the other girls.

In the evening, a dinner party is held inside the palace.

Calculate the time. It's almost time to arrive.

Next to those girls, there is Ye Chen's pet Bai Ze, so following the breath of the pets, Ye Chen can also easily find them.

However, when Ye Chen found them.

The girls' atmosphere was very low.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chen was inexplicable: "What are you doing with your heads one by one?" Who bullied you? It shouldn't be. Didn't you have a good chat when you left before? I

heard Ye Chen speak.

Bai Luoyan raised her head: "The manufacturing industry of this elven country is really too powerful. That's right, too. It is normal for a daughter country to be stronger.

Ye Chen: "Isn't that a good thing?" Just so we can take these manufactured goods back and trade.

"But the equipment and props we hit from the copy, they can't look at it at all." The old sister solved Ye Chen's doubts.

"The equipment we hit, even if it's a pseudo-artifact. It's all garbage in people's eyes. Tang Xiaoyue was particularly painful: "Although I have seen a lot of awesome equipment and fashion today. But let's be honest, we brought with us these tradable gear. People don't look at it at all.

"Those pretty elves looked at us strangely." Xiaobai called a depressed: "Yes, people's manufacturing industry is already very strong." And elves are an elemental affinity race.

"For example, the Terran equipment crafting master on our side, Liu Hanhan, can create a fire staff, which can increase the attack power of the fire mage by 200%."

"But the goblins of the elven race, because of the elemental affinity. With the same equipment, people can create a fire staff that increases attack power by 300%. How could they possibly look up to us?

Ye Chen looked indifferent: "Is it difficult to sell?" I negotiated a big deal with them. "

Hear Ye Chen's words.

All the people raised their heads.

"Yes, dude." Ye Zhen's eyes were full of excitement: "What big order?"

Ye Chen just wanted to blurt out, but finally changed his words: "The crystallization of human wisdom and civilization, the most advanced Mr. Foot."

Tang Xiaoyue's eyes widened, and her face turned red.

Bai Luoyan was relatively simple: "What kind of stuff?" Insoles? Also, I just noticed that these elves only wear sandals, and there must be something wrong with their feet. Maybe there are old cold legs. Hot fast should sell well. How did I forget this? "

Xiaobai turns on the prophet mode:" Horn. Not feet.

But she didn't understand what it meant: "Then we should just sell leather boots." "

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