Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue's craftsmanship is very good.

After a while, the steaming hot pot of Mandarin duck is ready.

Ye Chen also said to the Elf Queen: "You can bring any fresh vegetables or fresh meat here, and all of them are very delicious." The

elf queen's eyes were round, staring straight at the mandarin duck hot pot, and said with excitement on her face: "Hurry up." Dive all the specialties of our elven kingdom into it. "

Ye Chen himself also brought some ingredients.


He wanted to eat the special ingredients of the Elven Realm. After all, there are some specialties here.

It is worth mentioning that the quality of fresh vegetables, fruits and meat here is very good.

And every food can be attributed.

Bai Luoyan was excited.

All categories are recorded.


Wait until Alicia specifically spoke to the Elf Queen.

The Elf Queen contacted Bai Luoyan directly, who was recording various samples: "You sell men here? Bai

Luoyan: ???

Tang Xiaoyue knew that the point was coming.

But this matter must not be known to other little girls.

Who brought this kind of thing up and who traded it?

So Ye Chen was pushed out.

Bai Luoyan looked at Tang Xiaoyue curiously: "I always feel that what my junior brother said doesn't seem to be an insole." "

Ye Zhen, who knows Ye Chen very well. After talking to Ye Chen, he also understood what Ye Chen was talking about.

"It's all the same thing. Mainly my brother is sharp-tongued. Definitely get the best deal. "Ye Zhen is really a wonderful person, and he can actually find such an excuse.

Tang Xiaoyue covered her face. The Ye family's face skin was really thick.

Ye Zhen could even find this kind of excuse.


Ye Chen and the Elf Queen went to a small room.

Inside this room, Alicia has shown everyone how to use toys.

Saw Ye Chen come in.

One by one, the eyes are rippling.

Many little girls from the elf clan rushed directly towards Ye Chen's direction.

That look is no less than when a human luxury brand bag is developing the latest model, people are crazy.

The little girls of the elf clan were all staring at Ye Chen with a pair of innocent and coquettish eyes.

Ye Chen is even a prodigal son.

To be honest, I've never seen this posture.

The eyes of these little girls are all clear. It seems that they are asking serious questions. It's like a question in a textbook won't be the same:

"Little brother little brother, can this thing be customized?"

"If it is customized, can I ask for materials."

"I want to ask for colors. I like purple the most.

"Can you customize it to each of our requirements?"

"We don't have many people in the Elven Realm either. More than 200,000.

"The goblins shouldn't be needed."

"Elves can be used. But slime forget it. "

Why discriminate against slimes?"


Ye Chen: ......

So later, Ye Chen had to find a book, and then pulled Xiaobai over.

Let Xiaobai help with the record.

The main thing is that Xiaobai knows everything, and seems to know nothing.

She can be gifted by prophets, knowing everything and knowing everything.

But since Xiaobai is just a small child.

So a lot of things Xiaobai just know but don't know why.

Plus Xiaobai is Ye Chen's pet again.

The mouth is naturally tight.

It's best to call Xiao Bai over to help.

Xiao Bai took out a laptop.

Start recording the Elf Queen's requirements.

However, the elf queen also looked at the mobile phone and laptop in Ye Chen's hand. He also said that he would buy goods from Ye Chen.

Of course Ye Chen was willing: "I'll get you some generators or something then." But you don't have an internet here. It would be more fun if there was an internet connection. At that time, I will discuss with my master. Xiao

Bai took notes seriously.

Ye Chen occasionally complained on the side.

"You actually want this big? Can you stand it?

"I'll look for the crystal color." Your request is strange.

"This material is not good, it is too hard. We have the right materials over there. You don't have to bring your own materials.

"You want to make this ornament?" Your idea is really interesting. We don't have anyone over there who has this stuff on their heads.

"You took a fancy to the necklace around Xiaobai's neck?" This is Yiwu small commodity. I'll give you a sack wholesale when I turn back. "


Bai Luoyan was very curious about what Ye Chen was trading with the Elf Queen.

She also specially ran to the door of the room where Ye Chen and the Elf Queen traded, specifically to eavesdrop on Ye Chen's conversation with the Elf Queen.

But even if he overheard, Bai Luoyan was inexplicable: "It feels like the most ordinary transaction." They also like the necklace around Xiaobai's neck.

Mentioning this Bai Luoyan was a little confused: "Then why don't you like the bracelet I wear?" It's also very beautiful. "


Ye Chen's side was very satisfied with the sincerity of the Elf Queen.

The biggest specialty of the entire elven country is equipment.

Especially the legal system.

Because elves are naturally affinity for the elements.

Therefore, the equipment made by the elves more or less carries some bonuses.

Ye Chen finally took a photo with the Elf Queen.

Elf Queen, they feel like they've made a profit.

Ye Chen also felt that he had made a profit.

Moreover, the elf queen once said to Ye Chen: "I didn't know that you actually had this magical toy there, originally my idea was to let you stay here." We didn't have men here for hundreds of years.

"And you look quite in line with our aesthetic." Although those abyss demons have men in them, they are violent and ugly-looking.

"I really like you."

"But I didn't expect you to have such a cute thing. So we're trading with you. You don't have to stay here forever. Ye

Chen sweated coldly.

Fortunately, he is witty.

Otherwise, it must not be hollowed out?

Ye Chen and they soon returned to Blue Star through the Pantheon.

Although Nalan Xue did not ask Ye Chen what he was selling. But after guessing, I also know that it is some very special gadgets.

"It's quite bold. I actually recommend this kind of thing to the Elf Queen. Back at the bachelor villa, Nalan Xue said with a frown.

Ye Chen didn't feel anything: "If you are envious, I will buy you some." Now the delivery is fast.

Nalan Xue took a sip angrily: "Who wants that kind of thing?"

"I see you just what you want." Ye Chen quickly placed an order: "The experience is not very good." Oh, right. Saying

that, he changed the subject himself.

Pull out a bare tree from inside the storage bag.

As soon as the tree came out, it cried.

"The host!! Wow!! Master, this big devil locked me up and said that he would find me a place to put down roots, but as a result, I was going bald and I couldn't find a place to take root!! As soon as the tree of wisdom came out, it shook the dry branches all over its head, crying at Nalan Xue.

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