When the game came to reality, everyone had a blood bar on their head. But there are some specific differences.

If it is a legal profession. In addition to the red blood bar and the blue blue bar on the head, there is also a green blood bar.

This green blood bar represents life force.

Being hungry, staying up late, getting angry, and eating all kinds of junk food drains your life.

Replenishing life force can be done through life potions. But not all life force can be replenished with life potions.

If you have a serious illness, such as cancer, this life potion cannot be replenished. If you can pass the trial and break through the upper limit of the level, you can increase your lifespan.

Meantime. The symptoms will also be swept away.

So today's world. Upgrades and trials are the most important things.

A high level means longevity.

If it is a physics profession. There will also be a yellow health bar under the green life force.

This yellow bar is the anger value.

Physical classes generally have critical hits when their anger value is full, or some classes will go straight into madness.

Therefore, it is common to see those professionals who can enter the madness on the streets, pumping their mouths on the street. Hit a few more mouths, and when you are full of anger, you can go crazy.

Although this is a bit silly.

But it works.

Charles and the Pope suspected that they had suddenly become ill.

The source of this disease must be a curse.

Because the two of them don't see any status prompts. None on the head.

But the amount of blood is falling at 1%, 1%.

Meanwhile. The green blood bar that represents the vitality also fell by 1% and 1%.

After the game descends into the world.

If the blood bar is emptied.

Then the character dies.

But this death can be resurrected.

There is also an unresurrectible death.

That is, the amount of health is emptied along with the green life bar.

This is an unresurrectable death.

Some people have reached level forty or fifty and have no way to continue to advance.

And became seriously ill.

If the green blood bar is completely zeroed.

Then these people will also die. And will not be resurrected.

Charles and the Pope are now falling with red blood bars and green blood bars.

1% drop every second.

The Pope panicked.

"You think of a way, aren't you an assistant?" Charles throated anxiously, "What's the situation?"

After he said this, he looked towards the enthusiastic student who had taken pictures with them.

However, the student took two steps and suddenly stiffened.

Plunged headlong into the ground.

The Pope was startled and rushed forward. But what he saw was a corpse.

After completing the task on the doll's side, Ye Chen directly lifted it.

Then the training doll will become a corpse.

"Are all these children infected by us?" The Pope said with a look of horror: "Even we drop our blood volume every second. This child is definitely more serious.

"You still have air traffic control over him." Think about yourself first. Can you hold on for a few minutes?! Charles was anxious: "Drop down together with the green life strip, the two of us can't even have resurrection props, okay?"

"There is another way." The Pope's face was solemn: "Have you heard of ghost cultivation?" "

Charles: .

Charles: "You listen to the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King's?"

"Don't forget how the two of us broke through. The souls of the two of us have now been handed over to the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King. If we really die, our souls will return to the hands of the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King, and won't we be able to be reborn at that time? "The Pope's thinking is very clear.


"It seems that the dai training doll has succeeded." Ye Chen's eyes were full of excitement: "Isn't that a success?"

"It was a success." Xiao Bai also nodded on the side: "However, the souls of the two of them have been handed over to the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King of the Demon Realm. After the two of them die, they will become the Great Demon King of the Holy Ancestor, and they will go to the demon realm in the state of their souls.

"Isn't that easy?" Ye Chen smiled: "If they return to the demon world in the state of souls... I can hit them in the open.

"Killing someone is still sneaky and annoying." Ye Chen touched his chin.

Now the elite training camp is no longer attractive to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen quickly took out another thing from the system mall.

It was a glass bottle.

[Soul Bottle]: Can be used to hold souls.

"Let's go and see if I can catch it first." Ye Chen took the bottle and went out directly.

Charles and the Pope are still in a hurry.

Just not far from him.

Anxiously walking around.

So far, they have no solution.

I can only watch my health drop little by little.

Charles could be heard roaring from far away: "Is there something wrong with you?" I really contributed myself. I think we have to talk about it.

The Pope was furious: "Are you crazy? Are you faceless? "

I have a way to pause this now." Charles said and pulled a capsule out of his storage bag.

That capsule is the size of a normal pill.

Without saying a word, he swallowed it for himself, and left one for the Pope next to him: "Think for yourself." After

Charles swallowed the capsule, a large capsule suddenly appeared from his mouth and wrapped him up.

At this time, Charles also closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

This is a sealed prop.

"Yes. I also know that I have sealed myself. Ye Chen was stunned as he watched.

Charles fell into a self-seal, but the amount of blood still fell down.

Ye Chen glanced at it and suddenly became happy: "It seems that the poison of mine is quite strong." The

Pope next to him quickly freed Charles from the seal.

Charles's face was ugly: "How can this poison not be sealed?"

"We're just waiting to die now." That mysterious Tianzun really wants our lives. I don't even know how to offend him. We started with a 20% drop in attribute values. Then he got sick. I suspect that Tianzun should be a talent related to the plague, and he is a disaster. The Pope sat on the ground and scolded.

Originally, Ye Chen planned to go directly to them just like that.

But from far away, Ye Chen heard the Pope's voice.

He used [Look at Me Seventy-Two Changes] for himself with a clever move.

He turned into the appearance of an old man. This old man he had never seen before, he changed indiscriminately.

His whole body was shrouded in a black cloak.

A black mist appeared on the black cloak, shrouding Ye Chen from beginning to end.

It's all the effect of the skill.

"It looks like a particularly bad villain." Ye Chen was very satisfied with his new appearance and slowly moved in the direction of the Pope.

Ye Chen treated himself like a natural disaster. From far away, he could see a large black fog flying towards him.

But everyone with long eyes can see.

The Pope stammered: "Your Excellency is the Heavenly Venerable." The guy who hides his head and shows his tail. The bastard who cursed me from afar. "

They still have a little bit of blood left.

Ye Chen's expression was faint: "Want to live?" "

They're about to see the king of Hades.

This time.

As long as you survive.

They both want to be a ghost.

Charles and the Pope immediately knelt in front of Ye Chen.

The Pope cried as if he were something: "I just said something without choosing my mouth, and I accidentally said nonsense." Don't take it to heart.

Ye Chen nodded, still the sentence just now: "Want to live?" I can stop your illness temporarily, but you must do what I ask. "

Before, Ye Chen simply wanted to kill the Pope and Charles.

But he thought of the dead man in the Beimei Continent.

How to say it?

Charles and the Pope can die.

But he had to die in disgrace.

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