Tang Xiaoyue intended to try the power of Ye Chen's defense tower.

In fact, the damage is really not high now.

It is clear that the skill level has not been practiced.

But she could feel it.

The attack of this defense tower is getting higher and higher one by one.

At the Nth level, a critical value was reached.

The key is that Ye Chen can release one piece at one time.

If you release a piece, the damage must be considerable.

And just now Tang Xiaoyue also used stealth props.

Nothing useful.

It can still be seen through this defense tower.

Against the injury, Tang Xiaoyue brushed his own blood on the one hand, after all, the light priest, adding blood to the hand, the other hand smashed the door:

"Little dust, you open the door!" I am a professor at Shengjing University. You will be my apprentice from now on."

"You open the door, I know you're home."

Tang Xiaoyue was possessed by Aunt Xue at this moment.

The door slammed.

Ye Chen reluctantly opened the door.

I saw Tang Xiaoyue standing at his door with a defensive tower.

Blood flowed out of the corner of Tang Xiaoyue's mouth.

Although the nanny can add blood.

But it's normal to be hurt and bleed.

Ye Chen quickly removed the defense tower outside.

Tang Xiaoyue looked at Ye Chen's expression as if she had found a treasure, but Ye Chen's scalp was cold. Tang Xiaoyue squeezed in directly and hugged Ye Chen: "Good apprentice." Good apprentice. In the future, Master and sister will take you to fly.

"Are you taking me flying or are you going to kill me?" Fast...... Let go of me..." Ye Chen was almost suffocated.

Only then did Tang Xiaoyue let go of her hand and said coquettishly: "It's nasty, people are just too excited." "

Gotta... saved..." Ye Chen gulped in the fresh air.

He read countless women.

I can tell if the woman in front of me is really emotional.

Although Tang Xiaoyue looked coquettish.

But there was a clear light in that look.

The whole drama is fine.

"Stop making trouble." Ye Chen said a little helplessly: "Even if I join Shengjing Academy, I won't necessarily look for you." You are an auxiliary profession and not for me.

Tang Xiaoyue coughed: "Don't you like my one?" Royal sister?

Ye Chen's face was expressionless.

"Okay." Tang Xiaoyue had inquired before that this Ye Chen was a ten-by-ten prodigal son, a pampered guest in the Wind and Moon Field, and his favorite was all kinds of beautiful women.

Royal sister. Isn't it Ye Chen's taste?

Don't all children at this age like this bite?

Since there is no way to impress Ye Chen with his appearance.

Then Tang Xiaoyue changed the method.

"In this way, let me talk first, you are my apprentice's welfare."

Tang Xiaoyue took a deep breath, and was about to make a long speech, when she was interrupted by Ye Chen: "Can I skip class?" Can I fight? Can I hook up with Senior Sister? And can I not go to military training?

"If there are seniors who beat me, will you support me?" I failed the theory class, can you guarantee me?

"That's all for now. Oh, by the way, if I accidentally get into trouble with the principal, who will you help? "

What the hell is this?

Tang Xiaoyue really wanted to open Ye Chen's brain door first to see what kind of mess was in this guy's brain.

"You lived like this for three years of high school?" Tang Xiaoyue suddenly thought of something and squinted her eyes and said.

"Almost." Ye Chen nodded.

“...... Except for the last one, it doesn't matter. Tang Xiaoyue gritted her teeth: "Don't look at me like that." I can't beat the principal, if I stand on the principal's side, I can still help you intercede, I want to stand on your side, and the principal even fights me. "

Oh." Ye Chen nodded: "But I still have to take the college entrance examination."

"You go back first, I'll think about it later." There is nothing to say.

Tang Xiaoyue didn't know whether Ye Chen agreed or not.

Finally dropped a killer app, Tang Xiaoyue said: "I just saw a lot of takeaways outside, young people, how can you always eat takeaways?" I can cook for you.

Ye Chen's eyes lit up: "Really?

"My cooking is delicious." Tang Xiaoyue immediately nodded and took out a demon beast leg from her pet ring: "This is a snack I made myself." It's fragrant. You taste. "

This monster leg looks strange. It's topped with a layer of chili noodles. It's smelly.

It smells like beef jerky.

Ye Chen hesitantly tore off a small piece.

Stuffed into his own mouth.

"Delicious!" Ye Chen's eyes widened.

"Delicious, right?" Tang Xiaoyue was very proud: "I decided, the master will always accompany you and cook for you, your family should have a copy hall, right?" Have you found a copy of the trial? I can open the back door for you to use the trial copy of Shengjing Academy. "

Anyway, Ye Chen was going to Shengjing Academy.

And this teacher is still so powerful.

Also helped with cooking and eating.

Thinking about the takeout these days.

Ye Chen felt uncomfortable.

"That's what you said." Ye Chen said, and walked to the copy hall, and he rummaged in the copy hall for a long time: "I really haven't found any trial copy better."

"However, the Black Iron level trial copy should be picked at random."

Ye Chen said softly.

During his speech, one accidentally dropped the key that the Holy Light Pegasus had given him earlier to the ground.

"What is it?" Tang Xiaoyue picked up the key by the way, and looked surprised: "This is the copy key?" Or the trial copy key. Where did it come from? "

The key to the trial copy looks a little different from the key of the normal copy.

Ye Chen didn't understand this.

But Tang Xiaoyue knew it very well. With a face full of envy, he said: "This should be a hidden trial key that you obtained in the Catastrophe level novice copy, and you can use it now." This key is quite difficult to explode, and it is indeed in the Catastrophe-level novice copy, but the explosion rate seems to be once a year.

"The most recent one, it seems, was three years ago."

"Good apprentice. Are you planning to go alone or bring 4 people with you? This is a 5-person copy of the trial. "

If you bring people, these 5 people will get 100% triple the attribute bonus."

"But if you go down alone, you have a chance of getting more than three times the attribute bonus. I know you're different from everyone else, and you can do it alone. "

Ye Chen really intends to brush alone.

However, he made a look of embarrassment: "I don't know what the trial looks like, I have to be prepared."

"I wonder what Master Sister can do?"

Tang Xiaoyue glanced at Ye Chen, and Meimu blinked: "Have you brushed your skills?" I'm a pastor, I can give you blue, why don't you practice your skills?

Ye Chen's head grew when he heard it: "Forget it, I'm lazy." "

[Ding-dong.] Detected the onset of lazy cancer in the host, and actually refused Tang Xiaoyue's such a good opportunity to practice skills, do you want to go to heaven? Host? This system is impressive, triggering a 10x reward and rewarding 8,000 salted fish points. Tang

Xiaoyue: ???

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