[Anti-Injury Cloak]: Priced at 2 million salted fish points, after bringing it, 200% rebound all damage, curses and other negative effects. The number of uses is 15, and it can be recharged after use.

Ye Chen felt that his attributes were already very strong.

There should be nothing in this world that can impress him.

What was that red eye just now?

Why did an attack come all of a sudden?

And it was something that could deal him a fatal blow.

Otherwise, the anti-injury cloak would not suddenly work.

Even if he didn't have the anti-injury cloak, the leader had given him an extra life before.

His life-saving means are very numerous.

In this case, there is simply nothing that can kill him instantly.

So who sent out that attack just now?


Ye Chen's side was inexplicable at the same time. Demon world.

Those Great Demon Kings looked up at the eyes that appeared in the sky.

One by one, they all fell to their knees.

They said, "Meet the demon god."

However, there was a buzzing sound in that eye: "Where is the target?" What is your name? The

Holy Ancestor Great Demon King was extremely excited.

Quickly said to Lord Demon God: "It's a little guy named Ye Chen. It's a personal race. The opponent has quite a lot of life-saving means in his hands. So this time you must ensure that you will kill with one hit. If you fail to do this, it will be in vain. Lord

Demon God blinked: "Simple." "

I heard Lord Demon God say that.

All the Great Demon Kings had hopeful expressions on their faces.

The Holy Ancestor Great Demon King smiled even more heartily: "These are the things we sacrifice. Including the souls of the two Great Devils. If that's not enough, we can have some more material. "

Above the altar.

The two little demons who had just been reincarnated stared at a pair of big ignorant eyes.

They had absolutely no idea what was going on.

In addition, there was a small bottle on the altar.

The bottle contained two souls.

The souls of the two Great Devils kept colliding inside the bottle.

As if to escape from that bottle.

"Good job." Lord Demon God waved his hand.

The offerings on the altar disappeared.

I didn't ask for much other materials.

"It's just a little crawler, can't you all clean up?" Lord Demon God had already seen Ye Chen's information.

However, Ye Chen's physique column is actually a bunch of question marks.

If you want to achieve this effect.

A very demanding condition must be met.

That is, the value of an attribute has reached the full value.

Just kidding, it's also very difficult to reach full value, okay?

So far, even Lord Demon God himself has not reached a full value for a certain attribute.

A level 40 little guy has such skills.

Who to amuse?

Anyway, Lord Demon God doesn't believe it.

It is estimated that it is because Ye Chen's information comes from the human world.

After all, there are space barriers.

So sometimes it's normal for a little strange thing to happen.

After thinking carefully, Lord Demon God directly began to move.

As for attack power.

Just add it to the maximum for insurance.

A red light appeared in the eyes of the Demon God Lord and flew directly towards Ye Chen.

But to others, the red light passed diagonally through the clouds.

Through the space.

Enter the spatial passage.

And then enter the human world.

Among the Celestial Venerables of the Terran race, someone soon discovered this red light.

"How did you see this thing in the Beimei Continent?" A Terran Tianzun frowned, that Terran Tianzun made it his profession to draw, and that Terran Tianzun lifted his brush and drew a shield in midair.

The shield blocked the red ray.

But the red ray still passed through the shield.

The shield is broken.

In total, it hasn't stopped for two or three seconds.

Terran Tianzun spat out a mouthful of blood: "The attack power is so strong, who is this for?" "

It must be aimed at some great power or Tianjiao of the Terran race.

I don't know what it is.

Such a big boldness.

That Terran Tianzun quickly sounded the alarm.

For a while, many people threw out their props or equipment to block the mysterious red light.

Useful shields.

There are also useful skills.

But none of these shields or skills could stop the red light.

The red light flew straight towards Shengjing Academy.

Shengjing Academy, there is Ye Chen.

Many Tianzuns have taken this into account.

That red light flew over the Global League of Professionals.

It happened to be seen by the Pope and Charles.

Charles and the Pope are extremely remorseful, and have recently spent time in constant surrender and repentance.

It can be described as a particularly miserable life.

However, when the Pope saw that the sky was so red, he suddenly laughed: "Lord Demon God has made a move." Wait, one person will die. No one can withstand the attack of Lord Demon God. "

The so-called Demon God Lord should be the highest level attack in the demon world.

It's not like this hasn't happened before.

But all Tianjiao who is targeted by the demon world.

will be on the assassination list of the demon world.

People in the demon world will find ways to let their people come to the human world through the space barrier to kill.

Demon God Lord's attack, this is the highest level attack.

So far, it has been used on a certain Tianzun of the Terran race.

That Tianzun was from Xia Guo.

Profession is Confucian communicator.

Signature skills follow their word.

For a while, it shined on the demon battlefield.

As a result, the demon shamelessly invited his own demon god lord.

A red light went down.

The stunning Tianzun Lord of Xia Guo just disappeared.

This is the pain of all Xia Guo.

But this time again.

And go straight to Shengjing Academy.

Shengjing Academy does not have any Tianzun.

The only one who is powerful is Ye Chen.

So at that moment, the principal of Shengjing Academy activated the strongest defensive formation.

This defensive formation only had time to block the red light for two or three seconds.

The principal of Shengjing Academy jumped directly from the office window at this time, and a flash directly appeared in midair.

Go straight to Ye Chen's villa.

But his speed was still not as fast as that red light.

The red light came.

"NO!!" The principal of Shengjing Academy let out an earth-shattering roar.

He took two steps forward.

Trembling legs.

I don't know if I should continue.

Bachelor villa doorstep.

That bare tree of wisdom.

Sticking out a root system, he yawned.

Then the root system was reinserted into the soil.

He didn't think there was anything strange about this move.

But not far away, there was an old man staring at him deadly.

"What for?" The childish voice of the wisdom tree sounded: "I have never seen a tree that yawns." The

principal of Shengjing Academy quickly stood up and rushed in the direction inside.

And when he walked to the living room, he found Ye Chen standing there decently.

Ye Chen tilted his head and glanced at the principal of Shengjing Academy: "Why is the principal here?" Is something wrong? "

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