I have to say that sometimes Ye Zhen's imagination is still very rich.

Who in a normal person would have such an imagination?

That's the time it goes.

Bai Luoyan, who was originally relatively close to Ye Chen, opened the distance at this time.

Tang Xiaoyue took out her weapon.

Nalan Xue examined it with her eyes closed.

After all, Nalan Xue is from the Immortal Cultivation Realm.

The system is not the same.

There are more things to perceive.

Nalan Xue had already checked out, and Ye Chen was like a fake Ye Chen.

And there was no harm on Ye Chen's body.

It is simply a very normal leaf dust.

But Nalan Xue is bad.

The girl didn't say it at this time.

Bai Luoyan squinted at Ye Chen and said, "Say." What the hell are you?

Ye Chen turned his head and looked in the direction of Nalan Xue.

Other people can't see it, but Nalan Xue should be able to see it.

But Nalan Xue looked in the direction of the window very badly at this time.

She even whistled, as if there was something outside the window that attracted her in particular.

In short, he didn't dare to look at Ye Chen at all.

Ye Chen's mentality collapsed.

He looked at Bai Luoyan helplessly: "Who do you think I am?"

"How do I know who you are?" Bai Luoyan held a weapon in her hand: "Get out of his body quickly."

Ye Zhen narrowed his eyes: "I think it is necessary for each of us to come up with a question to test you."

Ye Chen nodded: "It's worthy of being my sister." The methods that come up with are a little bit weird.

Ye Zhen rolled her eyes in his direction.

Ye Chen showed a bright smile at Ye Zhen.

"I know a lot. For example, my sister Ye Zhen's first awakening profession is a light summoner. My sister brought out a winged cherub from there. Ye Chen spoke directly.

Bai Luoyan said fascinated on the side: "The little angel is the most popular existence among the light summoning beasts.

"Yes." Ye Chen nodded and said, "But the little angel she summoned ate too much. Looks like a fat. The wings on his body are only the size of the chicken wings of Crazy Thursday, and they are not enough to stuff their teeth. Can't fly at all. "

Heard Ye Chen's description.

The other girls laughed like crazy.

Ye Zhen said with a dark face: "This is indeed my brother, right. But what do you remember so clearly about this kind of thing?

Ye Chen said with a smile: "Didn't you say that I was taken away? Does it look like it was taken away now? "

Hear this.

Ye Zhen's face was expressionless: "This time it seems to be real."

Ye Chen spread his hands: "This doesn't need to be checked, right?" I'm okay. You should worry about the person who just attacked me like that.

"So you blocked the attack just now." How did it get blocked? What special props do you have? Tang Xiaoyue narrowed her eyes.

"That's my secret." Ye Chen didn't want to continue wasting time on this matter: "Now that I have nothing to do, let's go back." Go back to playing games. And I seem to be a little hungry. Ye

Chen said so.

Naturally, others did the same.

Ye Chen doesn't care so much.

Although everyone didn't know very well, how Ye Chen survived under the attack of the Demon God.

But under that kind of attack, Ye Chen didn't have anything at all.

Ye Chen's defense is really strong.

However, Ye Chen didn't care so much.

Back in the bachelor villa, there are still all kinds of play.

Don't upgrade anyway.

Originally, Ye Zhen also reminded.

Now Ye Zhen has joined the army of rotten.

Because Ye Chen lent them training dolls.

Let the substitute training doll go to hang up and upgrade.

The sisters stayed in the villa to play games with Ye Chen.

Something like that happened in the demon world.

There is not a single Tianzun in the entire demon world.

Only some level 80 little demons who have just been reincarnated remain.

There is simply no way to support so many demon battlefields.

So overnight.

People suddenly found out.

The demon battlefield and abyss that gave them a special headache actually disappeared one after another.

There are special professionals on the Terran side who can pay attention to the life and death of demons.

They found that the big devils on the top of the leaderboard were gone.

Including the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King is also gone.

The Global Federation of Professionals met for seven consecutive days.

I didn't understand what was going on in the demon world.

But there is no doubt that Ye Chen's battlefield points have risen wildly during that period.

So the only possibility is that Ye Chen alone swept away the demon world.

The leader of the Xia Kingdom pondered for a while, and then directly asked the other leaders in front of him: "Are you really planning to put the matter of so many demons in the demon world on Ye Chen's head?"

The leader of the Sakura Country nodded: "Our country admires the strong very much. Only that Ye Chen of yours can do this. The

leader of the Kimchi Country had an ugly face: "Such a big credit, all of you have given Ye Chen?" You guys are really generous. I really admire you. "

No one takes care of the leader of the Kimchi Country.

The leader of the Eagle Country was full of adoration: "Dear Xia, what did that Ye Chen of your family do?" It was a full blow from Lord Demon God. How did that Ye Chen of your family dodge? Can you tell us about it? "

The leader of the Xia Kingdom did not ask Ye Chen. But Ye Chen's answer was ambiguous.

"This is the self-preservation of ordinary people. I don't think even other countries should stop them from protecting themselves. The leader of the Xia Kingdom fluttered lightly, and with a word, he prevaricated.

No one knows what happened over there in the demon world.

The leaders of the world met for several days in a row, and that was called a tiredness.

"Now the demon battlefield has slowly decreased. I estimate that in the end, only small demon battlefields remain. The high-level demon battlefield is estimated to be gone. The leader of the Xia Kingdom frowned and said, "Charles and the Pope said that people can break through level 300. I think those Heavenly Venerables can come back and break through well.

"Makes sense." The leader of the Eagle Country said with excitement on his face: "We can start to break through." Demons are nothing to fear. "

The whole country celebrated.

Many people retreated from the demon battlefield and the abyss.

Because these demon battlefields or abysses have completely disappeared.

They can finally come back and rest.

And Ye Chen's side also planned to go to the kingdom of angels to take a look. Of course, he secretly wanted to see it.

Take so many girls with you like the last time.

Binding hands and feet can't be done at all.

If he goes alone.

Maybe it's cooler.

So on an unassuming morning.

Ye Chen sneaked to the Pantheon Tower.

Quickly entered the level of the angelic kingdom.

Without saying a word, he clicked the teleportation array and entered.

After entering, he summoned Xiao Bai out.

It's just a small white in the form of the body.

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