Ye Chen didn't think of it.

It's just a trip out.

He became a global role model.

And with Nalan Xue's extraordinary performance.

Whether it was Tang Xiaoyue or Bai Luoyan.

Or Ye Chen's sister Ye Zhen.

All of a sudden, there was a very clear idea.

Ye Zhen: "In fact, Ye Chen has always been a particularly diligent child.

Bai Luoyan: "Ye Chen has always had special ideas. But he leveled up very quickly. It's just that the trials are relatively difficult. After all, this trial varies according to each person's situation. Therefore, Ye Chen usually spends a lot of time to prepare.

Tang Xiaoyue: "Ye Chen's apprentice is the most worry-free for me." My favorite is Ye Chen. After

she said this, she was stared at by Bai Luoyan all the time.

Tang Xiaoyue quickly changed her words: "Among the male disciples, my favorite is Ye Chen. "

Tang Xiaoyue has accepted many apprentices in her life.

But among the male disciples, there was only one such thing, Ye Chen.

Bai Luoyan was mentally balanced.

In a word. Under the touts of a bunch of journalists.

A particularly glorious and particularly plump Ye Chen appeared in the interview.

After editing into films.

All TV stations will be broadcast on a loop for three days.

People can see Ye Chen's deeds anywhere.

Now Ye Chen has become the child of others in the world.

Even parents who inspire their children to awaken often use Ye Chen as an example:

"There are really few geniuses like Ye Chen's diligent people." He has such talent, and he is actually so diligent. Shouldn't you study hard?

Zhan Rong read these reports and could only say: "This is not our family Brother Ye at all. Our family Brother Ye is not such a person.

His words attracted the attention of others, and Deng Dahai asked curiously: "I think Ye Chen may be such a person." Usually, Ye Chen will pull us to play games, will pull us to read novels and so on. That's just to get closer to us.

"Geniuses are lonely. Especially a genius like Ye Chen. That must be diligent training every day, there is no time to rest at all. "

I heard the other person say that.

Zhan Rong expressed his tiredness: "My brother Ye just goes out to play all day long, or soaks women." Or play games. Where is that diligence?

Deng Dahai rolled his eyes: "Zhan Rong, I really underestimated you." I didn't expect you to have two faces. Is it that hard to admit that others are good? Zhan

Rong's mentality exploded: "What I said is true, why don't you believe it?" You go to Ye Chen's alma mater and ask. What kind of person Ye Chen is, don't they know? Am I not clear? "

At the beginning, we were all children who played together until they were big.

Who doesn't know whom?

Zhan Rong also often has all kinds of beautiful girls with Ye Chen.

Local young people have resources.

And this resource is limited.

When Zhan Rong meets a good beautiful girl, he will directly push it to Ye Chen. Of course, these girls are all he can't touch.

But Ye Chen's means are called a high.

No matter how difficult it is to bubble a girl, in the end, Ye Chen will be able to get it.

Zhan Rong even took out his WeChat: "Did you see it?" I chatted with Ye Chen. Basically, I send him beautiful chicks.

Deng Dahai carefully glanced at Zhan Rong's chat history. At that time, he expressed great contempt for Zhan Rong: "See no, basically you push the girl's WeChat to Ye Chen." People Ye Chen is too lazy to deal with you.

"He was too lazy to deal with me because he was really lazy." Zhan Rong argued: "He is really a salted fish, why don't you believe me?" There must be a lot of people talking about him on the school's forum. "

Zhan Rong and Ye Chen came out of the same high school.

Doesn't he know Ye Chen yet?

However, when Zhan Rong opened the high school forum where Ye Chen was.

But I found that the discussions in the Zhenhua High School forum were all like this:

"How did that genius Ye Chen cultivate in the school back then?" He basically scored perfect marks in his classes.

"I heard that genius Ye Chen often fights copies alone alone. Was he born awakened? The kind that can awaken before the age of 16.

"It turns out that Ye Chen had already awakened at that time. People awaken before the age of 16. That's why Ye Chen was so hung when he was in class in school. In other words, as Ye Chen's teacher, I didn't even discover this. Zhan

Rong looked confused when he saw this: "Is there something wrong with you?" How Ye Chen awakened in the first place, don't you know? Also awaken in advance. You can figure it out.

"Is it that hard to admit that others are good?" Lan Lan looked indifferent and glanced at Zhan Rong: "You and Ye Chen are both from the same high school." I thought you were a man of integrity like him. Lan

Lan's eyes were full of disgust.

Even Deng Dahai said on the side: "Yes. Is it that hard to admit that others are good? Now Ye Chen's rest time and how to cultivate have been disclosed by reporters.

Zhan Rong wailed: "In these years, no one believes the truth." Brother Ye, I really tried my best. If you come out of the copy and find that the world is forcing you to roll, don't blame me. I really tried my best. "

Under the guidance of the state.

In the case of everyone making up nonsense.

A tall leaf dust jumped above.

If you let Ye Chen choose.

One more time.

Ye Chen would definitely not be in that ordinary morning.

Sneaking to the angel's territory.


However, Ye Chen, who is now in the Angel Country, doesn't think so much at all.

"In other words, this kingdom of angels is really beautiful enough." Ye Chen sat on Xiao Bai's back and looked up at the sky.

The sky is full of birdmen.

Oh no, the heavens are full of angels.

The kingdom of angels is not the same as the kingdom of elves.

Inside the Elven Realm.

Appearance is justice.

But whoever has more wings in the kingdom of angels is the boss.

Their most awesome angel here has 18 wings.

How many wings do you mean how high is the angel level?

There are 12 archangels with 18 wings.

The 18 wings are not only of high level, but also have a faster cultivation speed than other angels, 18 times faster.

Ye Chen specially checked.

There are also unlucky eggs who do not grow wings.

This unlucky egg.

In general, it is despised.

So when Ye Chen came, he put a 72 change for himself.

At this time, behind him was a pair of large white wings.

For him, it was just to come to the kingdom of angels to enjoy enjoyment.

There's no need to let yourself swagger with 18 wings.

At that time, I don't know how many people will trouble him.

"The kid who rides the deer. Say what about you! Just when Ye Chen was holding Erlang's legs and sitting on Xiaobai's back playing a game.

A voice suddenly came from not far away: "Come down quickly." Come and check and check.

Ye Chen followed the voice and found that it was a young man with a pair of gray wings waving at him.

And that's exactly a level.

There are many winged angels checking.

These angels are male and female.

But they have only two wings at most.

The color is not particularly white yet.

The more angel wings there are, the higher the level. The whiter the wings, the more noble the bloodline.

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