Now that the goal has basically been set.

Next thing.

Then of course.

Ye Chen first let Jia Baibing lead the way. At the very least, fulfill the other party's wish first and find Gabriel.

But in the process of rushing.

Ye Chen still used the teleportation array.

Back to the bachelor villa.

No way, Ye Chen doesn't plan to spend the night in the wild of the Angel Country.

There are two moons hanging in the sky at night, which is strange.

On Ye Chen's first night in the Angel Country, he finally saw the legendary two moons.

It's like a white eyeball growing inside the white of a dark eye.

It's uncomfortable to look at.

There is a huge black shadow behind the bright white moon.

The black shadow was estimated to be 10 times larger than the white moon.

This is the legendary Dark Moon.

However, according to Xiaobai's explanation before, then the dark moon should also be a special small world.

However, Gabaibing's explanation was as follows: "The dark moon is very evil. Every year in our place, there is a dark moon that devours the bright moon. There is no bright moon in the sky, only a dark moon.

"And in that month, our combat effectiveness is the lowest, and in that month, many evil monsters will grow in the wild."

"Even if the angel's combat power is weakened, it has to fight those monsters. This is our mission. It is also our responsibility. "

To be honest, it's because of the existence of the Dark Moon.

Therefore, the Angel Kingdom and the world where Ye Chen is located are different.

Even if it was the lost city that Ye Chen had met before.

You have to fight the monsters in the quest to level up.

In the small world of the Lost City, there are copies.

But the kingdom of angels does not.

There are also copies of the Elven Realm.

If the angels in the Angel Kingdom want to upgrade, they can only fight the monsters outside the city-state.

When the Dark Moon was not so powerful, the monsters outside were not so powerful.

But every year. For a month, the dark moon was very strong.

At this time, the monsters outside will also be strengthened.

All the city-states in the Angel Realm can only enter through teleportation arrays.

The inhabitants also lived in the city-state.

Only a small number of unwelcome angels lived outside the city-state.

It's like adding a hundred soldiers.

According to Gabaibing.

He originally lived in the city-state.

As Ye Chen guessed.

Although the Gabai soldiers did not grow wings when they awakened. But his family still hasn't given up on him.

After all, he didn't grow wings, but the speed of cultivation was relatively slow. People are not not growing anymore.

But Gabriel's brother Gabriel proposed that Gabriel live outside. In this way, Gabai soldiers can keep fighting those monsters to upgrade.

When Gabaibing said this, he was depressed: "My brother just let me upgrade outside. He said that my cultivation speed was already slower than others. If you don't work hard to upgrade, you won't be able to keep up with the speed of others.

"Before I met you, I really thought my brother was really nice to me."

Ye Chen and Xiaobai glanced at each other.

Xiao Bai said directly: "Your brother hopes that when you fight with the monsters outside, you will be killed by the monsters outside." That way, he can use your wings with peace of mind.

"But he uses your wings and pays a price." But overall, this person is black-hearted. In fact, it is okay for the two of you to have one pair of wings.

"It's nothing more than that you are more talented in the direction of cultivation than him."

Ye Chen also nodded next to him: "This brother is really a bit of a pit."

"But I'm not going to spend a night in your angelic kingdom." There are two moons in the sky, which is also too panicky.

After saying this, Ye Chen asked Xiao Bai to make a two-way teleportation array come out.

Through the teleportation array, Ye Chen returned to his bachelor villa.

Of course, if he wanted to go back, he could still go back through the teleportation array.

Ye Chen also had to take Gabai soldiers with him this meeting.

However, when Gabaibing came to Ye Chen's world, he was still very surprised.

He was curious about everything.

But Cortana kept staring at him.

It won't make him do anything drastic.

And Ye Chen suddenly appeared in the living room with Xiaobai and Xiao Na, after all, Xiao Bai's positioning for the bachelor villa was in the living room before.

There were other reporters in the living room at the time.

They also didn't expect Ye Chen to appear suddenly.

Of course, Ye Chen did not expect that there were reporters waiting for him in the middle of the night.

When Ye Chen just came to the bachelor villa, he felt cold behind him.

Wait until he turns his head.

There were quite a few cameras shooting at him.

A group of reporters rushed over with various long guns, short cannons and microphones:

"Genius young Ye Chen, you have finally returned. What copy did you go to? "

Ye Chen, can you reveal how exactly you cultivate?"

"Now the forums say that you are a roll king, how the hell did you roll up?"

"Ye Chen, you are so secretly cultivating more than all of us, are you really at ease?"

"What copy did you go to just now? Can you tell us a little about it?

Ye Chen called one, inexplicably: "Where did you come from?" What's the situation? "

He didn't bother to talk nonsense either.

Directly change the foothold of Xiaobai's teleportation array just now. With a group of people, he disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

He directly asked Xiao Bai to change the teleportation array to his bedroom.

Ye Chen was also confused when he appeared in the bedroom.

Because there is still Nalan Xue in the bedroom.

And Nalan Xue looked downstairs sneakily.

"What's the situation? Why are there so many journalists in the house all of a sudden. Also When did I become the king of rolls? "For salted fish, that's an insult. Ye Chen has been rotten for so long, and can he become the king of rolls?

Nalan Xue also did not expect that Ye Chen would suddenly appear behind him.

To be honest, I was taken aback.

Nalan Xue hurriedly said, "Why did you come back suddenly? What copy did you sneak up on alone? I see, it must be the kingdom of the angels. "

She's still smart. The first time I saw it, Gabai soldiers with black wings.

Gabaibing discovered that everyone here was wingless.

Only he has wings.

He guessed that Ye Chen originally had no wings.

However, the pair of white wings that Ye Chen was now wearing behind his back was particularly dazzling.

Where the hell is this?

Although this Nalan Xue in front of him had no wings, Gabaibing could feel that if the other party wanted to kill himself, it would be easy.

"Are you the kingdom of God?" Before Ye Chen could answer, the Gabaibing next to him asked anxiously, "You people here don't have wings."

"This is the legendary birdman." Nalan Xue said with a sigh on her face: "I have no status in my world. I once killed a particularly powerful guy with 24 wings.

Nalan Xue said, and took out a god statue from her storage bag: "This is called an angel statue." It was the guy with 24 wings who fell out.

However, as soon as the angelic statue was taken out, Gabaibing fell directly to his knees: "See the gods."

Ye Chen suddenly had an idea.

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