
Foot Basin Country is... Annihilated the country?

Global shock.

Eagle Country Professional Forum:

"How miserable, faction warfare plus violent bosses have ruined a country?" So, how many life professionals were there before the Foot Basin Country? Is it so wasteful? "

In other words, the world-level bosses in our country have not been eliminated until now. What if the world-class bosses in our country also storm away?

"Not a possibility. I heard that the country has sent a lot of elite players to clean up that world-level boss.

"Then I really envy Xia Guo. Xia Guo's side has long cleaned up the world-level bosses, and they have all begun to relics.

"I heard that this relic is attached to the national artifact. Why doesn't our country have it?

"You upstairs, wake up. Did you kill the world-class boss? "

There are so many world-level bosses in Xia Guo, and there has been one so far."

"I heard that there is a national artifact on Asan's side, does that mean that they also want to open the ruins?? Will this so-called relic force another country to participate in a camp war?

"Speaking of footbasin country, it's really unlucky enough. Originally, the domestic boss was not killed. There was a camp war again.

"I heard that the Xia Kingdom was forced to kill the mythical gods in three strokes and five by two, which is why the Foot Basin Country destroyed the country so quickly."

"What will happen after the country is destroyed?"

"Rebuild. Wasn't that how the beautiful country was back then? At that time, there were less than 2,000 survivors of the beautiful country, and didn't they also rebuild?

"It's better not to build this rebuild."

"The benefits of the state are tremendous. Don't look at the Vatican Gang, how many people are there in total? People are still countries. "


Footbasin Country Professionals Forum.

"How many survivors are there today? Please come and sign up.

"I heard that the chief doesn't seem to be dead. Since the chief is not dead, why is it judged that our country is destroyed?

"I think this judgment is simply problematic. And is this game opened by Xia Guo? Why do I always feel as if I am particularly inclined to Xia Guo's appearance.

"We have more than 50,000 people left. How did it destroy the country?

"The leader is indeed not dead, and that is because of the resurrection skill in the leader. The boss has at least 10 or more resurrection items on him. But it's still being resurrected. Rest assured, we can rebuild it right away. "

Where to rebuild?" Those two world-level bosses whose attributes had doubled are estimated to have doubled again. After all, a lot of people were killed.

"After someone helps us destroy those two world-level bosses, we can rebuild."

"What if there is no one?"

"I think we'd better go to another country."

"The chief is not dead yet, how can you betray the country like this?"

"There is no difference between the death of this leader and the absence of death. Even if this goods still exists, doesn't it also determine that we will destroy the country?

"But camp warfare still exists."

"Who is fighting with that hanger, is it crazy?"


In fact, for the destruction of the footbasin country.

Ye Chen's side is also inexplicable.

He didn't feel like he was doing anything.

The other side is so big that the country is gone.

But none of that matters.

The important thing is that their country now has two particularly powerful world-level bosses.

Since it is already a furious state with double the full attributes.

Maybe the explosion rate is also doubled.

Ye Chen counted the loot of the two ruins.

There is nothing else to say.

Nothing more than equipment skills, props.

The key is that the ruins produce crystals that can exceed 300 levels.

Originally, Ye Chen also felt that this crystal might also be a piece or two.

But he didn't expect that when he finally counted, he found that there were three types of crystals.

Triangle crystals and heart-shaped crystals, and finally moon-shaped crystals.

The first crystal has the highest number.

The two ruins add up to nearly a million.

The heart-shaped crystal is about 500,000.

There are even fewer moon-shaped crystals.

It seems to be only about 100,000.

Ye Chen tried to hang all these messy crystals to the auction house.

After all, this thing is of little use to him.

And when he found Feng Kui and learned the amount required by each Tianzun, he was stunned.

Feng Kui said that he had an additional relic statue on his attribute panel.

This statue is very poorly done.

But it has to be fed with crystals.

There are 4 small pools on top of the statue.

Each small pool requires 3,000 triangular crystals to level 1.

When all 4 small pools are fed to level 1, the upper limit can be broken.

To break through the upper limit, you need a triangular-shaped crystal, a heart-shaped crystal, and a moon-shaped crystal.

Among them, 6,000 triangular-shaped crystals are needed. It takes 3,000 heart-shaped crystals and 300 moon-shaped crystals.

After breaking the upper limit, all 4 small pools become level 10.

But if you continue to feed.

The required crystals are randomly doubled.

For example, the first small pool may require 30,000.

The second small pool may only be 50,000.

Look at the face completely.

Immediately, Ye Chen felt that the number of nearly a million triangles, crystals, nearly 500,000 heart-shaped crystals and moon crystals was not very much.

Follow the instructions above in the properties panel.

All level caps for these 4 small pools must be broken to level 100.

Only then can you break through the upper limit of level 300.

It's kind of disgusting.

Therefore, this crystal leaf dust does not know how to price.

It can only be placed in the warehouse first.

Wait for the state to price this.

Then make a trade.

All world-level bosses, including ruins, can drop crystals.

Although the last time Ye Chen killed the world-level boss, it was good.

He got everything that the world boss dropped.

But all followed him in a regiment.

can gain world prestige.

World prestige can also be exchanged for crystals.

[Due to the Xia Kingdom player Ye Chen breaking two relics in a row, the Xia Guo National Fortune increased by 15%, won the first stage of the Faction War, destroyed the Foot Basin Country, and updated the global expansion. ]

】【Part 2 expansion update, reputation system open, level 300 level cap open, global ladder race open, faction match open, national war open, union open, global leaderboard open, chat channel open, faction confrontation mission open, combat power system open.

】【The Global Main Story Fragment Mission opens, and due to the update of the second expansion, the second class transfer opens.】 】

【Second career transfer: life occupation can have a combat class, combat occupation can be transferred to a life profession, good luck. 】

【Due to the update of the second expansion, all combat class trials have undergone hell-level changes, and the difficulty of living class trials has been reduced by half.] All

the professionals around the world received announcements from the game at almost the same time.

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