Because of this, Ye Chen has already made a decision.

Moreover, Ye Chen quickly changed the name of the guild.

The rest were stunned.

At first, there was no reaction, but it quickly came back to his senses.

Principal: "This name is good, just like the name of our college." I think it's good.

Bai Luoyan: "... It's a nice name, it's nice.

Tang Xiaoyue: "We want to make this name known all over the world."

Ye Chen looked at the group of people and reached an agreement instantly, a little helpless: "That's not what you said just now."

Ye Zhen nodded with a smile: "That's what we said just now. Everyone was very excited about the discussion.

Ye Chen coughed: "Anyway, my guild is open, you can join by searching for the name of the guild on the chat panel." For

the first time, he found that chat panels could still be used like this.

As a search bar.

So the principal and the others began to search for Ye Chen's guild name.

Dust Star Guild.

Because Ye Chen's choice here is an open income.

Therefore, everything that could be searched was added to Ye Chen's guild.

There is also an additional guild channel on the chat channel:

Bai Luoyan joins the guild.

Ye Zhen joins the guild.

Tang Xiaoyue joins the guild.

Feng Kui joins the guild.

Zhan Rong joins the guild.


And these members who have just joined the guild also received a prompt from

the guild: [Congratulations on joining the guild, your full attribute value has increased by 3%. 【

Congratulations on joining the guild, your casting speed has increased by 3.] 【

Congratulations on joining the guild, your attack speed is increased by 3.】 】


However, Ye Chen was still upside down the guild panel.

Membership levels can be set on this guild panel.

It is said that if the level is different, the bonus is also different.

"All my bonuses now are 10%. What about you? Ye Chen looked up at the others.

"How do you have 10%? I only have 3% here. Bai Luoyan asked with wide eyes.

"Probably because I'm the president." Ye Chen coughed, a little uncomfortable.

"There's a statue on the guild panel." Ye Chen continued to explain: "This guild panel is right next to the attribute panel. Tap on the statue to get guild quests. This task should all be random. Submit guild quests to earn contribution points.

"I just set it up. The higher the contribution points, the higher the membership level. There are 9 levels of membership in our guild. I don't bother to think of the name, it's simply a first-level member, a second-level member, and so on. "

Upgrading to level 9 members should have a 7% bonus. Level 9 members are the guild's management at the top. All management is a 10% bonus.

"This guild can set up a total of 200 elites, 100 elders, 50 popular treasures, and 25 vice guild leaders."

"There is no upper limit to the number of guilds."

"So, the management has so much to understand. Or now you all join the management. I'll set you up as an elite. The students of our Dust Star Academy can enter the elite level.

"As for the rest, let the members fight for themselves." After all, our guild will definitely recruit talents from the outside world. When the time comes, look directly at the combat power. From the highest combat power to the bottom. "

Feng Kui, I'll arrange a vice president for him first."

Ye Chen's arrangement is not a problem at all.

The others had no other opinions.

First of all, the vice president must at least have a relatively high combat power.

Feng Kui definitely has this qualification.

The main Feng Kui is Ye Chen's own person.

Guilds have guild territory.

You can go back directly in the guild panel.

Guild members receive guild funds after submitting quests. Funds can increase the level of the guild. In addition, certain documents need to be submitted.

Ye Chen first set 20 guild tasks for the guild at random.

Finally, the guild task was set to set automatically.

As long as the tasks inside the statue are completed, there will be automatic replenishment.

Ye Chen first sent a message to the students and teachers of the Dust Star Academy, asking them to quickly enter the guild.

The headmaster decided to send a message to the students three days later to let them enter the guild.

"That's right." Ye Zhen looked at Ye Chen with a smile at this time: "The guild has been established, and you don't need to worry about the remaining management matters." You give me the vice president. I'll take care of it for you.

"I heard that the trials have changed now. So your priority now is to hurry up and upgrade. You are the hope of our Terrans. Ye

Chen was full of rejections, of course, upgrading this kind of thing is simple, but what he hates most in this life is the trial task. Varied, quite annoying: "I think the hope of our Terrans should go to the Foot Basin Country now and take down the world boss."

"You don't have to worry about that." Bai Luoyan said helplessly: "You shouldn't know, right? The Foot Basin Kingdom was re-established. They ended up with fewer than 20,000 people left. But it is also possible to re-establish the country.

"But those 20,000 people have already gone to the Freedom Alliance." You also know that that happened in the Beimei Continent. But there are also survivors.

"The survivors of the Beiyuan continent, together with Eastern Europe, quickly formed a new organization called the Freedom Alliance."

"However, this free alliance intends to wash the floor with large mushrooms."

Ye Chen also thought that he had misheard: "What to use?" Doesn't it mean that thermal weapons can't do damage to monsters? "

So the world is gradually adapting to this gamification.

Everyone goes to change jobs.

Use your skills after changing jobs to fight monsters.

However, today it is known that large mushrooms are also useful.

"Ordinary weapons are really useless, but big mushrooms are useful. Not to mention. This time it was intended to use 1,000 large mushrooms. Ye Zhen nodded next to him and said, "They will release the enchantment in the process of using it, and completely control the power of the large mushroom within the enchantment. It won't spread out.

"It is said that the remaining Heavenly Venerables made that enchantment together." Ye Zhen added: "Then again, that new Tianzun with a combat power of 50,000 stars refused to appear. People have disappeared.

Ye Chen then remembered the puppet he threw into the Global Professional Alliance.

The puppet who left with the Pope and Charles in order to prevent anything from going wrong with the Global League of Professionals.

Ye Chen coughed, a little weak.

Because that puppet was taken by him.

"It's normal to disappear too." Ye Chen nodded: "If people don't want to appear, they don't want to appear." "

Because Ye Chen hid his name.

Those who are on the combat power ranking are basically Tianzun.

So people default to the first place is the new Tianzun.

However, that Tianzun did bring a good atmosphere.

90% of people on this list hide their names.

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