After breakfast.

Ye Chen came to the copy hall.

In fact, Ye Chen had already hung himself to level 60 through experience copies.

Now he is actually gold level 60.

If you want to continue to break through, you must pass the platinum-level trial.

With this expansion update, Platinum-level trials have also undergone certain changes.

Ye Chen opened the copy hall and found that the copy hall had also changed.

Originally, as soon as you entered the copy hall, you could click on the upper right corner to see a dense row of copies.

It's like a large lattice with colorful stitching. Some copies only have one name visible on them. Some copies don't even have a name on them, only a patch of color.

This time, however, the quest hall was updated with a particularly large statue.

The statue can't tell what it is, it's like a pillar anyway.

Ye Chen looked across the screen and clicked on the pillar.

A dialog box appeared in front of him.

[Choose to receive the Platinum Trial].

[Select Second Job Transfer].

When Ye Chen saw the second transfer, he was quite surprised and said, "Second transfer." Have you all turned? What kind of life skills are they? Is this controllable?

Bai Luoyan was stunned for a moment: "Of course we all turned." However, we are combat professionals, and we can only turn into life professionals. This thing seems to be random, there is no controllability. Will definitely send you a life career. You try it. Mine is a tailor.

Speaking of this, Bai Luoyan is also very happy: "In this way, I can sew fashion and equipment for myself." Maybe I can become a craftsman in the future. "

This wave of operations.

Many combat classes can be turned into craft classes.

In the future, the equipment that was beaten by hand is estimated to have a reduced price.

"I heard that now handmade equipment and clothing can be enchanted. The attributes of the enchanted are all different. This thing is random, completely face-dependent. Tang Xiaoyue explained on the side.

Ye Chen chose to change jobs for the second time.

Anyway, whether it is the senior sister or the master, they all say that the time taken by this second transfer is not long.

I changed jobs casually, and there was no psychological burden at all.

So Ye Chen directly chose to change jobs.

After a burst of golden brilliance, four big words appeared in front of Ye Chen: Gem Merchant.

"What the hell is a gem merchant?" Ye Chen was entangled.

"It seems that it can synthesize gemstones," Tang Xiaoyue said with a frown on the side, "Yes, apprentice." This life profession does not require any skills, no skills, only life. "

Ye Chen:?

Tang Xiaoyue added on the side: "Just look at the face."

She said as she pulled an egg-sized gem from her storage bag.

The color of this gemstone is eerie.

Black and purple intertwined among the gemstones.

"Take a look with identification." Tang Xiaoyue said with excitement in her eyes.

[Attack and Defense Gems] +7:

Increase 123999 attack and increase 6399 defense.

"This gemstone can be strengthened upwards. It seems that the enhancement is also enhanced by the gem merchant. Tang Xiaoyue explained on the side: "Don't underestimate this plus 7, this thing completely depends on the face." Fail and the gem blows up. My gemstone is precious, costing me 30 trillion. "

Ye Chen is numb.

He quickly opened the panel of his life profession.

[Gem Synthesis]: You can combine more than two gems with different attributes into one piece, and the success rate increases with proficiency.

[Gem Quenching]: Less pure gemstones can be extracted into a single attribute, the value of a single attribute will be multiplied, and the success rate will increase with proficiency.

[Gem Enhancement]: Gem enhancement can be carried out, the first three levels have a 100% success rate, starting from the 4th level, the enhancement fails, and the gem disappears.

The third reinforcement does not say that the success rate increases with proficiency.

That is, look at the face completely.

Ye Chen understood.

Simply put, gem merchants are a laborious profession.

Is this all about the face?

See who has a good life.

The maximum gem enhancement level is 15.

It feels like one day to get a gem that strengthens 15.

That shouldn't be the green smoke from the ancestral tomb.

That's the ancestral tomb exploded.

With a click of a thunder, it fell from the sky and smashed into the ancestral tomb, and no one answered the fire alarm.

Only this probability is it possible to get a gem strengthened to 15.

This gem merchant should be very popular if it is really put in the game.

Since ancient times, people have actually gambled on dogs.

Professions with gambling elements will make people's blood boil.

Gemstone merchants should be very profitable.

Even if it is laborious to strengthen.

The first two skills are also enough to make the gem merchant well-fed.

"Is this profession okay? It looks like it's quite profitable. Ye Chen said and took the platinum trial task.

Platinum Trials is no longer a copy.

Instead, it was changed to a running ring.

That's 30 missions.

Ye Chen looked at the running ring task above his head, and his mentality exploded at that time: "It's better to go directly to the copy." How does this feel that it is more difficult to change?

"No, no, no." Tang Xiaoyue shook her head: "It's much less difficult." Previous trial copies also had a torturing session of the heart demon. There are a lot of people who are stuck here and can't get through for the rest of their lives.

"But now it's a loop-running career task." All people want is to fight a monster or a boss, or clear a certain copy. Or materials or equipment. It's already much simpler.

"I'm starting to break through to the Heavenly Saint level now. The platinum-level running ring mission is only 30 rings, and my side has more than 200 rings.

"But it's much better than the previous trial copy." No more. All the material in the experience copy is yours. Ye Chen, you ask yourself, are you short of materials?

Ye Chen coughed.

That's really not a shortage of things.

For example, the first ring mission that Ye Chen is now accepting: "Kill the leader in the level 60 mountain thief copy and obtain the opponent's head." "

The head of a mountain thief.

Ye Chen went to the national auction with a skeptical attitude and rummaged through it.

I really found this thing.

"What's the use of this material?" Why would anyone come out? Ye Chen quickly took out the head of the thief in the auction.

"The head of the thief should have been dropped by the thief." Bai Luoyan was a little speechless when she saw the bloody thorn hula head that Ye Chen was holding in her hand: "You have to know that this world is full of wonders." Some people just like to collect this mess.

"That's a good thing to say." Ye Chen nodded in agreement next to him: "Back then, when I played games, the boss was a copper plate that was dropped, and I had to pick it up and put it in my pocket." That's Mao will not let go. "

With the help of national auction houses.

Ye Chen quickly completed 10 running ring tasks.

Next it's time to go to the copy. Because of the 11th mission requirement, Ye Chen passed the 60-level nightmare level Storm Peak.

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