Tang Xiaoyue endured it.

In the end, I couldn't help it.

"Good apprentice, although each copy world may be another special small world. But not everything can be brought out of the copy. Like the kind of copy that refreshes, except for the things dropped on the monster and the monster corpse, the rest of the things are not available to bring out. Tang

Xiaoyue chattered. Thinking that Ye Chen skipped class and fought in high school, he definitely didn't listen to the cultural class.

As a result, when she turned around, she found that Ye Chen took out a handful of zombie soil from a storage bag.

Tang Xiaoyue

: "..." Ye Chen really didn't listen very carefully: "What is the use of this soil?" Sure enough, a puppet is a puppet, without brains. Tell them to pick up things, and this is all shoveled on the ground.

"Master, what did you just say?"

Tang Xiaoyue's eyes stared directly at the handful of soil in Ye Chen's hand: "This is zombie soil?" It feels like the level is quite high. That's a good thing.

"That's what came out of the copy. Not monster drops. You can't see the specific properties. What can this thing do? Still threw it. Ye Chen glanced at the reserves of zombie soil in the storage bag in his hand.

The heads are big.

"No, no, no." Tang Xiaoyue squeezed Ye Chen's hand: "Good apprentice, do you have these things for sale in your hand?" "

Can this be sold?" Ye Chen was surprised: "Is there anyone else who wants soil?" "

How hungry is it?

"Yes, yes, yes. I'll call them right now. Tang Xiaoyue had a fawning smile on her face: "Can you sort out your things first?" I'll see what's there.

Ye Chen simply took Tang Xiaoyue to his backyard.

Then I took out all the contents of the five storage bags.

After taking both, Ye Chen's brows furrowed.

"Master, you still help me get it. I give you permission. "Because Ye Chen took out two zombies in a row, his face turned green.


Tang Xiaoyue stared at the zombie that Ye Chen took out with a pair of beautiful eyes, if it weren't for the fact that Ye Chen was still here, she would want to start touching it well.

It's all baby.

Master's smile really made Ye Chen panic.

But soon.

A group of people came outside Ye Chen's big villa.

The group was all tall, wearing black suits and bald heads.

Wearing a suit wrapped in a mink, a large gold watch in his left hand and a large Buddha bead in his right hand.

If it weren't for the obscene one, the Buddha light was entangled.

Ye Chen really didn't see that these people were actually monks.

"Where is the zombie soil?" The one at the head asked quickly with wide eyes.

However, his eyes soon spotted the zombies and other dropped items on the ground.

A person who was originally righteous and awe-inspiring suddenly changed his style.

"Advisor Tang." The great monk quickly rushed forward: "We will give us how much money we have." "

The fat sheep came to the door.

Tang Xiaoyue was happy and sold all the things in Ye Chen's 5 storage bags.

Ye Chen next to him couldn't insert a word.

In terms of selling things.

Tang Xiaoyue, the master, seemed to have some special magic:

"Have you seen this handful of zombie soil?" This is not ordinary zombie soil, I smell the purple zombie on it. In the future, if you carry this zombie copy below the silver level under the earth, it can play a deterrent role.

"Although the level is not very high, aren't those little shamies of your family upgraded?" This is simply an artifact with a baby.

"And this night pearl, in case the power goes off at home one day, isn't it very convenient for the dolls at home to write homework."

"The corpse of this white-haired old zombie, that's a good material." I just saw it, that pair of teeth can grow steadily, when the time comes to take it down and grind it into powder, you can definitely forge weapons.

"Even this white hair, adding it to the jewelry production process can increase the success rate, right?"

"In case one accidentally awakens some special skill, it will make a lot of money."

"This statue that people hate dogs... This statue... Groove, apprentice, this is a resurrection statue. "


Those items that Tang Xiaoyue said before.

The great monk bought all of them back.

The corpse of the zombie is nothing else. First of all, let these Buddhist disciples or Daomen disciples go beyond once.

You can also swipe a lot of merit points.

After finishing things, peel people apart and peel their bones. The same can be made of materials.

But when Tang Xiaoyue talked about that strange statue. The big monk's eyes lit up, and his voice said loudly: "I want it." What does this thing do?

"Leave the mark on the statue, I feel that there is already a mark on this statue, it should be the mark of the boss." Apprentice, how the hell did you kill? This thing can be resurrected. Tang Xiaoyue looked at Ye Chen with a shocked expression.

Ye Chen didn't answer.

This must be Ye Chen's secret.

Tang Xiaoyue coughed: "I have just erased the mark on this statue." This statue can only have one mark on it, and can be revived near the statue within 24 hours after death, and has 50% health after resurrection, but this statue can only be used once. It's also very good. The

great monk who was listening to the hara was about to flow down: "I give me money, quit greed!" Bring my card.

"I don't sell this." Ye Chen is not stupid, resurrecting props, even if they can only be resurrected once, although they are hated by people. But it's definitely a big artifact.

The big monk looked regretful: "Little friend, you still think about it, I can offer a particularly good price."

Tang Xiaoyue snorted coldly next to her: "Do you think this kind of thing can be traded with coins?" This

reminded the great monk.

The great monk said with excitement on his face: "I can give you skill scrolls, awakening stones, equipment, materials, and I can exchange these things with you."

"We have a lot of students in the Great Leiyin Temple. However, generic occupations can be used less. What is your profession? I'll show you.

Ye Chen directly exposed his profession: "Construction master."

The great monk's face was full of confusion: "What about such a fierce life profession?"

Tang Xiaoyue smashed a punch on the light of the great monk's head: "Who told you that my apprentice is a life profession?" Is life profession so fierce?

"That's my fault." The Great Monk coughed: "I have never seen a skill scroll of this profession. The skill scrolls you dropped in the quest just now don't seem to be useful to you. When

he mentioned this, Ye Chen also frowned.

He really hadn't seen it.

Could it be that it can only be turned over in the system's mall?

Except for the statue that was not sold, the rest of the materials were given to the great monk, and before leaving, the great monk of the Great Lei Yin Temple also specially exchanged WeChat with Ye Chen, and the name of this great monk was Jieshi.

The color guard looks serious. The circle of friends is full of videos of preaching Buddhism and beating demons with Buddhist children.

But at night, when Ye Chen was idle and had nothing to do, the big data pushed the tease of the color to him.


The attention is all on beautiful women, the kind that twist and twist in front of the camera.

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