In fact, Athena couldn't figure out what kind of path Ye Chen was.

But judging from Ye Chen's violent beating of the Yagi Great Snake and killing the other party's 18 forms, it is definitely not a good stubble.

Now Ye Chen is in the God Domain of the Foot Basin Country.

When to leave,

then it depends on Ye Chen's mood.

Anyway, even Athena, who is famous as the goddess of wisdom.

Now I just want to see a lively scene.

Look at the 8 million gods.

Can you carry Ye Chen?

The Eastern God was sealed by the Heavenly Dao.

Just count the 8 million gods who shouted the loudest.

In case Ye Chen, this newly promoted oriental god.

Slaughtered these 8 million gods of the Foot Basin Country.

That's a lot of fun.

The Greek gods all had a spirit of watching the fire.

Even these gods opened a big live broadcast.

Directly focused the camera on the God Domain of the Foot Basin Country.

Ye Chen could be clearly seen, as well as a bunch of defensive towers and cannons beside him.

Seagod Poseidon couldn't help but complain: "This Ye Chen is a ruthless person." Aren't you going to go yet? Haven't you all killed one.

Hades sneered: "I just found out, do you know what this kid gained after killing the Yagi Great Snake?

Poseidon was taken aback: "Fragments of the Eastern God Domain." What does this stinky boy want to do? Could it be that he can make the Eastern God Domain reappear? How many fragments do you need, and can those fragments be obtained by the gods of the Foot Killing Basin?"

The goddess of wisdom said with a faint expression at this time: "We can also get it by killing."

Poseidon turned ugly: "Don't talk nonsense." Hades

' face was even more ugly: "There is this possibility, and this Ye Chen's attack method is very strange." He sits here alone and does nothing. With just 10,000 doppelgangers and these messy buildings, he was able to kill all 18 forms of the Great Serpent of Yagi. Zeus

, the king of the gods, spoke: "So now this Ye Chen is not on our territory, and how did this goods reach the Foot Basin Country God Domain?"

The goddess of wisdom gave the answer: "The Yagi Great Serpent doppelganger opened the portal by itself. Although it was blocked, it was smashed abruptly by Ye Chen. A

group of gods shook in unison.

Zeus, the king of the gods, said directly: "We have not contacted the people of the West. Just close the God Domain for the time being. Wait until this plague thing passes.

"Then what if the Eastern God Domain opens?" Hades' voice was gloomy: "You all know what happened back then. "

Fart. Poseidon said angrily: "Lao Tzu didn't do anything." If you people do something, take the initiative to admit it, don't wait for people to call the door.

The goddess of wisdom just smiled and didn't speak.

But the Greek gods basically looked at this big screen.

Especially when looking at Ye Chen, he was quite afraid.

However, Ye Chen seemed to be chatting with some people.

However. What they don't know is that he is rejecting a friend.

Ye Chen killed the Yagi Great Snake.

Originally, I was going to leave directly.

But the goddess of wisdom spoke.

Let Ye Chen not want to go.

Stay here, maybe brush a few more fragments of the Eastern God Domain.

It can open the Eastern God Domain.

However, Ye Chen took a look.

This thing requires 9,999 pieces.

It's a bit too much.

Where to find so much?


He directly stayed here and killed 9999 gods.

"That's right, too. Ye Chen's eyes lit up slightly, allowing those 10,000 puppets to quickly operate, a little more defense towers and cannons. The main thing is a cannon.

"There are a total of 8 million gods in this footed basin country. Let me kill 9999 should not be much.

"It's just that this guy actually has so many gods, isn't there some waste snack, killing them won't get the pieces at all?"

8 million of them, you can kill slowly.

Ye Chen simply opened his system mall.

Look for the puppet directly inside.

Now he has enough points on him.

If you don't change anything, just change the puppet.

Then let the puppet build the magic cannon.

Simple and crude.

After Ye Chen obtained the Godhead.

Xia Guo players on the world channel, one by one, can be regarded as raising their eyebrows.

However, at this time, all the players of the Xia Kingdom have now received a task: to open the mysterious Eastern God Domain.

A total of 9,999 Oriental God Domain fragments were needed to be able to open.

Of course, Ye Chen also received this task.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that this was actually a national task.

People from the whole country can help.

And there are two ways to obtain the fragments of the Eastern God Domain.

One is God Slaughter.

The other is to do tasks.

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