Babbitt: "What do you say? We look for other countries where the power of faith is not particularly high. Every country has its own beliefs, and we can go to other people's gods. [

Pretty Country] Defoe: "Why should we go to someone else's God Domain?

It has to be said that there is a bit of a problem with the brain circuitry of foreigners.

We can't go to someone else's God Domain.

Then we will go directly to our own God Domain.

Still go on a killing spree.

Kill the gods to get the Godhead fragment.

Godhead fragments can turn them into gods themselves.

When they themselves become gods.

The gods in the God Domain are not very important.

It has to be said that a new idea opens up for all players.

Judson: "If you don't say this, I won't react." That's a good way to do it. [

Greece] Cornwallis: "Although the divine domain of our country has been closed. It doesn't mean we can't get in. Ye

Chen didn't know what to say at this time.

There can only be silent mourning.

No way, if these bandits enter their own God Domain.

It is estimated that there will not be much faith.

Seeing his own God Domain, the ancestor estimated that his first reaction was to kill them.

Ye Chen was really convinced.

I don't know which Wolong Phoenix chick proposed such a method.

It's really awesome.

Just when Ye Chen sighed.

The gods in the Greek God Domain were also confused.

These gods had been observing Ye Chen's actions here.

Seeing Ye Chen, he actually opened the coordinates to all the people of his country.

And let those people enter the god domain of the Foot Basin Country.

And saw that those people actually killed in the God Domain of the Foot Basin Country.

And it worked.

A bunch of Greek gods shivered.

Poseidon the god of the sea: "Fortunately, we have the foresight to close the entrance to this divine domain and the human world." What if Ye Chen kills the red eye and comes to us?" Hades

: "Do you think the 8 million gods over there in the Foot Basin Country are not enough to kill? The Oriental God Domain fragments were absolutely made up.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: "Why do I feel that something is not quite right? Everyone wants to make a big difference in God Online. Zeus

: "I have a bad feeling.

Hades: "These people have no faith. That is, in the reality of the game. If it were in real reality, these people would have suffered divine punishment.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: "So what?

Poseidon : "I also have a not very good feeling.

Zeus: "Why are there so few people who believe in me all of a sudden?

Their followers are rapidly decreasing.

I didn't hear that Greece was at war with other countries.

But the power of faith suddenly decreased by so much.

That can only be the number of Greek citizens has also decreased.

Then all the gods in the Greek gods received this notice:

"The Greek state is dead. How

come there is no country left?

The gods in the Greek god domain are inexplicable.

And when they go to contact their few believers.

But it was found that Greece had directly dissolved its own country.

Then a new state was re-established.

The name of the new country is not Greece.

But the only thing that is certain is.

The whole Greek state. Or the original country. Not even a single citizen is missing. It's just a name change.

But after changing the name, the Greek God Domain had no way to contact its own country. The power of faith also faded.

Only a few scattered believers remained.

Just a few left?

It's disappearing rapidly.

"What's the situation?" Athena, the goddess of wisdom, was inexplicable: "How come there are so many fewer people in an instant?

Zeus: "You are the goddess of wisdom, you ask me?" the goddess of

wisdom Athena asked after this sentence.

It soon became clear why.

Athena's face was very ugly: "Because Ye Chen ran into the God Domain, he did get a lot of benefits. And he also let the citizens of his country go fooling around with him.

"The players of the world are very envious, so they also want to go."

Poseidon obstructed Athena's words at this time: "Come and come, what's the big deal."

"But the key problem is that Ye Chen won't let them in at all." Foreign players will be killed by Ye Chen once they enter. As long as domestic players send coordinates to those foreign players, once discovered, they will forcibly strip their nationality. Athena continued.

Finally she took a deep breath, "So. Now those citizens are extending their paws to their own country. In other words, Greece is going to hit us. Other

Greek mythological deities: ???

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