God Online this gameplay.

It was originally not developed until later in the game.

After all.

Not many people can truly reach the point of slaughtering gods.

As a result, there is Ye Chen, the old sixth.

A group of people all entered the habitat of the Greek gods.

However, the Greek gods are somewhat different from the 8 million gods in the Foot Basin Kingdom God Domain.

People are big bosses.

Each one is not easy to mess with.

So these players were directly sealed at the entrance by Athena, the goddess of wisdom.

Of course, Athena also saw Ye Chen.

It also sealed Ye Chen.

Ye Chen doesn't care so much.

The teleportation array is open.

His task is accomplished.

He grabbed the former Greek.

Pull him and rush out.

They returned to the temple.

The former Greek was blind and his hands were clenched into fists, and he seemed very angry. It looks like you're going to fight someone else.

Ye Chen glanced at the other party and said with an indifferent expression: "Give money."

"What?" the former Greeks hadn't returned to their senses.

Ye Chen held his hammer in his hand and straightened up: "Give money." The

former Greek blurted out: "Why should I give you money? This is our family's god domain. Our family's God Domain!!"

This product is not a small voice.

"Haven't you already overthrown the country and then rebuilt it, where is the divine domain of your country?" Ye Chen said with a smile: "Hurry up and give money." "

What else did that former Greek want to say.

Without saying a word, Ye Chen directly took out a resurrection spring water.

It is the resurrection spring water that I saw on the land of the Foot Basin Country before.

Ye Chen also demolished a lot.

At the same time, a lot of the whole kind is charged.

At the time, I thought it might come in handy.

Didn't expect it to come in handy so quickly.

Then he slammed a knife into the former Greek's hand.

Although it is the real world where the game descends, a drop of blood still appears on the hands of the former Greeks.

He casually smeared the blood of the former Greeks on the water of the Resurrection Spring. Then he backhanded a hammer and smashed it over the head of the former Greek.

Where could the former Greeks withstand Ye Chen's attack?

Resurrected in the spring.

But a lot of things fell from him.

Ye Chen released another puppet to help him pick things up.

Then he walked up to the former Greek: "Give or not give money?" "

What did you promise me before?

Now it has become a public place. My mentality exploded, I didn't want to give money.

"Oh, that's what you said. Ye Chen nodded: "It is indeed reasonable." "

Ex-Greek: ???

he thought he had misheard.

Ye Chen is also very talkative.

But then Ye Chen caught him and killed.

Kill a bunch of equipment at once.

Kill a bunch of props at once.

Because the game came to the real world.

So every time something is dropped.

This former Greek should have more than one storage bag on him.

The contents of this storage bag have fallen out.

The contents of the next storage bag are on top.

Anyway, Ye Chen is okay now.

There were people from their country staring at the Foot Basin Country God Domain.

And Ye Chen's 15,000 puppets.

He was free to do other things.

Not to mention, the former Greeks had quite a lot of storage bags.

Ye Chen killed him more than 30 times.

Burst out a lot of things.

By the time of the 50th time.

Ye Chen handed his hammer to the puppet next to him. He didn't know where to take out an apple and nibble there.

More than 100 times.

Quite a few Greeks have gathered around the temple.

But none of them dared to approach.

The main Ye Chen is too ferocious.

The former Greek who was killed last could only burst a little garbage from him.

Ye Chen knew that it was almost the same.

"That's all that's left. You're not very rich either.

"You don't have the money to hire me." It's ridiculous.

"Since none of this money is something you willingly give." That is, you did not give me the treasures of your country.

"So, I'm just not too polite."

Ye Chen felt that there was no problem with his logic.

The former Greek, who had died more than 100 times, was now blind. I don't even have the strength to stand up.

Ye Chen used the resurrection spring water found on the land of the Foot Basin Country before. And not the goddess of resurrection.

Only with the goddess of resurrection. will be 100% resurrected when the full attribute is completed.

The former Greeks felt that their souls had been hollowed out. I can't even say anything.

However, he saw Ye Chen use his own hammer to destroy the teleportation array with one hammer.

"I originally opened the teleportation array. Since you didn't give money, then I'll close it. Fair and reasonable. Ye Chen said, turning his head and leaving.

Among the Greeks watching around, none dared to step forward. Consciously give way to a way.

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