What Ye Chen held in his hand was a temple.

Figurines of the temple.

The diameter is only 10 centimeters.

It's quite mini in your hand.

"This thing is also called a national treasure?" Ye Chen couldn't help but complain.

Nalan Xue nodded next to her: "In fact, this thing can be regarded as a national treasure. If you don't believe it, look at the properties. "

Ye Chen really looked at the attributes.

The attribute above is indeed a national instrument.

【National Artifact】: Temple.

[Utility]: Place this temple within the national territory. All citizens will receive a 100% attack power bonus. 50% defense bonus, 20% critical chance bonus, 1% luck bonus.

Statues of gods can be set up in temples. The idols connect the various immortals in the God Domain. The buff provided by each immortal is different.

A total of 12 statues can be installed inside the temple.

The buff provided by the idols and the buffs of the temple itself can be superimposed.

"It's just such a broken thing, and it's embarrassing to say that he is a national weapon?" Ye Chen's face was full of disgust.

But Nalan Xue watched from the side for a while, but said speechlessly: "In fact, this attribute has already killed most of the national weapons in seconds, and you can set up god statues on it." The buff of the idol and the original buff of the temple are superimposed. "

I know. But you can't carry this stuff around. He had to find a safe place to install it. And I guess there's durability. Ye Chen thought farther away: "Something like this that can add high attributes to the people of the whole country must be a crispy skin." If the two hammers are turned over, is there nothing?" Of course,

this is just Ye Chen's guess.

Nalan Xue said on the side: "This is just your guess, otherwise we will try?"

But Ye Chen felt that his guess should be no problem.

Because if this thing is really so powerful, then why don't the citizens of Greece set this thing directly on their own soil?

All national instruments have weaknesses.

Xia Guo's national weapon, the kind that can be directly carried on the body. Kill and drop.

Dropped. Maybe it will be picked up by others.

If there is no limit to such a heaven-defying thing, then it is called a ghost.

Ye Chen came to the school's athletic field.

It's quite big here.

It is estimated that a temple should be installed.

But in fact, it turned out that Ye Chen was still thinking a little too much.

Throw that figurine-like temple on the ground.

A prompt for installation will appear.

Click After Install.

In front of Ye Chen, a huge shadow of a building appeared.

But the building is green and red.

Now clicking install will not install.

It is estimated that it will have to be installed when it is all green.

Ye Chen moved for a while.

None of them worked out.

Nalan Xue looked at Ye Chen curiously: "Does this installation still take time?"

because the person who installed it was Ye Chen.

Therefore, Nalan Xue could not see the shadow of the red and green building at all.

Only then did Ye Chen explain: "It's too small here. We have to go to the outskirts. "

There should be no place in the school where you can build.

No way.

You can only take a small temple and go to the outskirts.

After coming to the suburbs.

Ye Chen chose a large vacant land to install.

There are a lot of flat places in this suburb.

It can be used for the installation of temples.

The huge building phantom finds a place that can turn the entire building green.

Ye Chen didn't even think about it.

I installed this building directly here.

"It's pretty big. Nalan Xue said with a sigh on the side.

However, Ye Chen was concerned about durability.

Such a big building.

Since it is a game production.

So it's very unreliable.

The durability of this thing is only 10.

At this time, Ye Chen took out his hammer.

Directly smashed on the top of the building.

The durability suddenly went from 10 to 6.

Now Ye Chen can't wait to give this guy three 6s. A like or something, it seems more appropriate.

"What's the situation?" Ye Chen was speechless: "Just smash it with my hammer, and it becomes 6." Isn't it just gone if you smash it a few more times?"

Nalan Xue touched the building with her hand: "This thing is paper paste." "

But when Ye Chen put this building on the vacant lot.

All of them received the prompt.

It is said that it is their own attribute increase. One more temple buff.

Ye Chen could only take back this temple.

When he took back the temple, he watched the durability of the temple change from six to five.

"How can this still become durable?" Nalan Xue also clearly saw this.

Ye Chen's face was expressionless: "It's probably because of the wind, and it's probably due to gravity, anyway, it's a very inexplicable reason." It is possible that it is just because of time.

Nalan Xue had a black line: "The durability of this broken thing is too poor." No wonder this is not seen in the Greek kingdom.

"Is it possible that all temples disappear shortly after they are built? Ye Chen made a reasonable guess.

Not to mention, he guessed correctly.

This thing just keeps losing durability and doesn't last long.

But fortunately, the durability can be repaired.

As long as you are willing to spend money.

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