The mythological system of Xia Guo is actually quite perfect.

Even if the Eastern God Domain has never been opened.

In people's memories. There is also an oriental mythological system.

There is no need to publicize this at all.

All people probably have a spectrum in their hearts.

But more people want to see the Monkey King.

"Hurry up and open the teleportation array, I'm going to go in and take a look at Sun Wukong."

"Look at what Sun Wukong, of course, look at Elder Tang. Elder Tang was so handsome.

"The Monkey King was my favorite immortal when I was a child."

"I don't know what the Eastern God Domain looks like."

"I'm a little strange, why is it that only our Xia Kingdom's God Domain has been sealed? Other countries do not have such an option.

"Other nations, unless the whole country does not believe in God." But everyone who has faith basically has a divine domain. The West is the same belief in several countries. In some countries, there are several factions of the population. But it's all about the same.

"It feels like the Western God Domain is a comprehensive God Domain."

"Some small countries have created too many gods of their own, such as the Foot Basin Kingdom. How did the 8 million gods in the land of projectiles come out?

"Don't say it, it's all turned into a copy now." It's scary to think about, there are 8 million monsters in that broken copy, cut from east to west, and from west to south. The watermelon knife was cut and rolled without blinking.

Ye Chen almost laughed off when he heard these discussions.

He soon came to the side of the teleportation array.

Sure enough, when he put his hand up.

A dialog box popped up above the

teleportation array: "Only the Eastern Gods can open the teleportation array, is it open to the whole people?"

This Eastern God Domain is not a copy.

should be considered a new map.

All the gods are not monsters.

Rather, NPCs.

So even if it is turned on, it will have no impact on the whole population.

So Ye Chen directly clicked to open.

The teleportation array shines brightly.

Originally, the teleportation array looked like it was the size of a manhole cover.

After Ye Chen touched it.

The teleportation array suddenly expanded.

It was expanded to the size of half a classroom.

Everyone can teleport in when they are close to the teleportation array.

Of course, Ye Chen also chose to teleport.

A flower in front of you.

Those standing in front of the teleportation array appeared at a particularly ornate gate.

The gate is all antique Xia Guo buildings.

And the gate is suspended in mid-air.

The plaque on the gate has three words written on it: South Heavenly Gate.

The fairy air around fluttered, and when everyone came in, they found that their experience was slowly growing.

It's just that the number of increases is not much.

No matter how many levels, everyone is 3000 experience points.

The lower level is quickly upgraded.

The high level is not enough to plug the teeth.

"Is there actually an experience here? This is the legendary South Heavenly Gate, right? Why didn't a single guard minions see it? "

The place where the immortals are is really beautiful. This building has not been seen anywhere else. But why didn't you see a single immortal?

"There are no guards at the door, can we enter at will?"

"Let's go in and explore."

"I think I still have to talk to Ye Chen about this matter. After all, Ye Chen is the Eastern God.

However, Ye Chen's side seemed very easygoing: "You guys explore casually." This should be a new map. Hearing

Ye Chen say this.

Players are excitedly rampaging through this Eastern God Online.

However, Ye Chen also casually wandered around.

The place where this immortal is located is extraordinary.

After entering through the South Heavenly Gate, there was a large teleportation array.

Enter the teleportation array.

I came to the Lingxiao Hall in myths and legends.

That is where the Jade Emperor worked.

However, there is not even a ghost in this Lingxiao Hall.

The legendary Jade Emperor was not seen.

Neither did the Heavenly Soldier Heavenly General.

There wasn't even a single peach tree on the peach tree of the Queen Mother of Yaochi.

The entire Eastern God Domain was as if it had just been established.

You can't see anything.

However, when Ye Chen came to the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, next to the Jade Emperor's throne.

But I saw a dialog box appear in front of me, and the dialog box displayed:

[Do you want to take the task?] You

can now take the following tasks. 】

【Daily task 1: Restore the glory of the Lingxiao Treasure Hall. To clean the entire Lingxiao Treasure Hall, the materials that need to be submitted are as follows...]

[Daily task two: Help the Heavenly Soldier Heavenly General clean up the nearby monsters, and clean up the number of 200. Experience rewards can be obtained. 】

【Side quest one, two, three, four...】

【Main quest: When you come to the Eastern God Domain, you don't see a single god, do you think it's strange? Investigate the reasons why the Eastern God Domain was sealed or disappeared. Ye

Chen's daily tasks and side quests were not touched.

The main quest is mentioned separately.

By this time the national channel was already boiling.

Many people specially went to the Eastern God Domain to visit.

But many people are very disappointed.

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