This level 40 gold level NPC. It is an aid that specifically adds blood to players.

Ye Chen followed behind that gold-level NPC.

It didn't take long to come to the city walls.

There are also NPCs in this wall.

It's all convoys.

Lost an identification technique over.

The highest level is gold 40.

"A bronze-level copy, even if it is a natural disaster-level, NPCs with gold level 40 should be particularly fierce to fight, I can just follow them to pick up leaks." Ye Chen's idea was very simple, even a little too beautiful.

Everyone can see in the current scene, this is a monster siege.

After entering the copy, there was an additional panel next to Ye Chen.

On the panel is the mission: Lead the lost city against monster attacks.

There are so many gold level 40 NPCs.

Ye Chen was not worried at all.

He summoned a defensive tower.

Just by the side of the city gate.

In addition to these NPCs, there are also many ordinary people in the city who also participate.

Because this time he came in alone.

There are no puppet dolls in the system mall.

The holy light pegasus was still sleeping.

Therefore, Ye Chen could only degrade and pick up things by himself.

Ye Chen only built a defensive tower. Just pick up things after NPCs' asses then.

The escort team quickly assembled.


You can also clearly see that a dense layer of large spiders the size of a basin is crawling in their direction.

The escort rode directly over on horseback.

Then Ye Chen saw the guards being submerged in the tide of spiders.

All gagged.

Ye Chen: "..."

That's a 40-level squad of about 10 people.

The High Priest also added status.

Is it appropriate to die so quickly, you guys.

Ye Chen silently flicked an identification technique in the direction of the big spider.

After seeing the level clearly, he threw himself backwards in anger.

Platinum Level 50!

If it weren't for the fact that he could now see from that quest panel what level the quest he was entering now was.

He suspected that he had accidentally entered the platinum copy downloaded by Bai Luoyan.

Monster siege is usually the first monster to come out, and the smallest mob.

The first to come out of this broken copy was actually a level 50 boss.

And it's still a dense bunch.

Even if Ye Chen's attack power is now increased by the High Priest.

He's all big-headed.

Ye Chen turned his head and glanced at the High Priest: "Can you add blue?"

The High Priest nodded affirmatively: "Of course!" "

Wouldn't that be easy?

Ye Chen casually planted a sea of defensive towers, and with his current spiritual power, he could plant six or seven hundred in one breath.

Mental power bottomed out.

The high priest in the back raised his hand and brushed it up.

Sure enough, it is a level 40 gold NPC.

One bite filled Ye Chen.

Ye Chen planted his defensive tower around the entire Lost City.

That's a hundred thousand.

Those platinum-level big spiders.

Haven't climbed to the city gate yet.

He was beaten to death.

Moreover, Ye Chen also asked the High Priest to summon the defensive tower state for himself.

Just kidding, such a good group state, no need to use it in vain.

100% bonus to attack power.

After the construction was completed, Ye Chen abruptly raised the level 10 defense tower to 20. But it wears him out.

Of course, he is not the most tired.

It is the unjust high priest behind him.

Not only to give Ye Chen a constant return to the blue.

It is also necessary to upgrade the status of those hundreds of thousands of defense towers.

[Level 20 Defense Tower

] Attack: 9600 (Heart of Builder bonus, High Priest bonus)

Defense: 4800 HP: 7200

Range: 480 meters



[Damage Deepening]: When hitting the same target, the second hit is 30% lighter than the first damage, and the maximum damage is increased to 360%.

[Range True Eye]: Can see through any hidden skills that are in range.

[Must hit]: Ignore any dodges, as long as you have ever entered the range, you can hit.

[Deceleration]: Each shell will slow down the target by 50%, if the target is decelerating, then after the second shell hits, it will cause a fixing effect. If the opponent is in a fixed state, the third shell will cause a stun effect when hit. Subsequent shells refresh the stun time.

Ye Chen took a look at the attributes of the defense tower by the way.

Since there is also a high priest's attribute bonus, the attack power is relatively high now.

However, what surprised Ye Chen the most was the newly brushed [Deceleration] skill.

This skill is disgusting, right?

If there is no way to immunize or directly remove the negative effects on the body.

That boss must not be directly surrounded to death by a group of defense towers? Infinite vertigo?

Outrageous, right?

The level 20 defense tower is really awesome.

Ye Chen planted a lot of excitement.

The first wave of monsters is a platinum level 50 spider.

The dropped things were originally picked up by Ye Chen himself.

But because Ye Chen summoned these defensive towers.

As a result, the people in the city have nothing to do.

So the people spontaneously helped Ye Chen start picking up things.

Ye Chen simply summoned the Level 5 Experience Hut, and there was a big blue bottle behind him.

He also tried to brush the skills of the experience cabin.

He brushed the experience hut of level 5 to level 15.

The High Priest looked at him in confusion: "Dear player, what have you been building and demolishing houses here for?" "

Being stared at like this by such a beautiful high priest.

Ye Chen's face was slightly red, but he didn't suffer a loss at all: "I want to build a big house and spend the Spring Festival with the High Priest?" The

high priest's face turned slightly red: "Nasty, come to me after the siege battle." "

Ye Chen: ???

Is it really possible?

[Level 15 Experience Cabin]

: HP: 1,500,000


1, in the cabin, the character's health and blue amount are restored by 100%.

2. In the cabin, characters or pets gain 480% experience points. Time limit. (10x bonus to Build Heart)

With people helping to pick up items.

Ye Chen simply stayed in the hut.

It is worth mentioning.

This small dilapidated house finally expanded its area at level 10.

The Experience Cottage was originally only 10 square meters.

Now it has 20 square meters.

Doubled. And the cabin also comes with a table and 4 small benches.

But Ye Chen was ready before.

This storage ring is full of supplies.

It's either a snack or a table, chairs, benches, and a big bed.

He took it all out.

Lying on the bed, I fell asleep with my eyes closed.

【System】:...... 666666!

[Ding-dong, detected that the host actually fell asleep at the critical moment of the siege battle. Are you really not afraid of death? My dear host? The system is impressive. Activate 100x salted fish points reward and reward 100,000 salted fish points. 】

【Dingdong, host, are you really planning to brush points, that's why you did this?】 Friendly reminder, this copy contains something that ignores the existence of defense towers. 】

【Dingdong, there are many dangers in the copy, are you really willing to lie flat host?】

"Don't argue." Ye Chen was annoyed, and he was too lazy to take care of the system.

[System]: This salted fish system is estimated to really have to be untied to this salted fish king this time. (whispered).

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