The rich conditions given by the Greek God Domain are still being discussed on the Internet.

I didn't expect Ye Chen's side to start a war directly.

Perhaps Ye Chen has been planning for a long time.

The old man also understood what Ye Chen meant after a while, but he had a question, and he was not quite sure until now: "I have a question for you."

Ye Chen nodded and gestured: "Say it casually." "

After all, people are chiefs.

The old man directly said his thoughts: "How do I feel that you seem to have been planning for a long time? If you feel like you want to go to war from the beginning. You shouldn't have promised us to negotiate either." This is the result of our negotiations for a long time.

Ye Chen smiled: "If I don't negotiate, how can I find clues?" If I don't negotiate, how can I become famous?

"If I don't negotiate, how do I know that the Greek God Domain can actually lick it so well." They were able to give us so much on the basis of negotiations, so what if they were convinced by us?

"They've been beaten into copies by us, how much do you say they'll give us?"

The old man's eyes suddenly lit up.

Including the two Tianzuns standing behind the old man.

One of the Tianzuns sighed and said, "Little one." You're really bad. "

After all, that Tianzun is older.

There is no problem in calling Ye Chen.

After that Tianzun said this, the entire room laughed.

The old man said with emotion: "Then we will go to war, do we need to limit the level?" "

After all, it was a war with God Domain.

The old man felt that it was still necessary to limit the rank.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen waved his hand: "It's not necessary." I'm just quacking alone, I'm just in front of me and let everyone in. When the time comes, we will win by numbers. "

When we have a resurrection statue, we are not afraid of death at all."

"Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to come in and get a piece of the pie?"

"Each person's reward should be independent anyway. This thing should be rewarded according to points or according to the number of kills.

"Even if you didn't kill a god." There should also be a basic reward for coming in. "

Ye Chen's guess should be similar.

The old man also nodded on the side.

The country is strong.

It's something every chief wants to see.

This time, there is no limit to level, and everyone can participate in the battle.

However, Ye Chen also found out.

Since the war, there are some things he can set up.

Like what.

Ye Chen set up the conscription mode.

Players don't have to go to the door of a teleportation array to wait.

When the time comes, everyone will be forcibly teleported to the Greek God Domain.

And it's not random points.

Ye Chen can determine the place of teleportation.

And set up the statue of the resurrection god and the concentration of military camps in advance.

and various defensive towers.

Presumably, as long as Ye Chen's defensive tower is there.

Unless those gods open up a dimensional space like the gods of the Foot Basin Country.

Otherwise, as long as it is within the range of this map, it will be beaten by the defense tower.

Therefore, the time Ye Chen set for himself was to enter the battlefield an hour in advance.


When Ye Chen announced the war, the world channel simply scolded crazy.

[Pretty Country] John: "Ye Chen is really excessive. The conditions given by the Greek God Domain made me feel particularly excited. How can you still go to war? [

Nam Bang] Kim Jae-sung: "Exactly." Although this is a game, this game is so good to integrate with the real world, how pitiful the gods of the Greek gods are. They promised you such generous conditions, but in the end they will be destroyed by you? "

South Base, this player is a bit unlucky.

Because players chat on the world channel.

The gods can see it.

So Kim Jae-sung is probably because of the last sentence.

After he posted this sentence, a prompt came out on the world channel.

[World Channel Tip]: Due to the inappropriate remarks of player Kim Jae-sung, punishment will be lowered to set an example.

This prompt is followed by a video connection.

Many people clicked in curiously.

This appears to be a video link to a live stream.

There's a yellow-haired young man there.

The young man should be Kim Jae-sung.

After this remark, it probably received a prompt from the game.

A look of panic.

"What's the situation? Did I make a mistake? "He probably didn't know it could be livestreamed, so he kept talking.

"Xia Guo was originally a little ungrateful, and the Greek God Domain gave such a good thing, but it was destroyed in the end."

"What for?"

"I'm fighting for the Greek Gods, what's wrong? Did I say something wrong? He

just finished saying this.

A thunderbolt the thickness of a water pipe fell from the sky.

Directly smashed on the head of this player.

The hapless player's blood tank was emptied instantly.

Fell to the ground.

Fortunately, there was a resurrection.

A moment later, the goods appeared at the nearby resurrection point with a confused look. But that resurrection point was not as good as Ye Chen's resurrection god statue.

After this product was resurrected, only 10% of the original body attribute remained. The amount of blood is also not full. The whole person is in an extremely weak state.

That's when the video ends.

The World Channel players were stunned for a while.

[Disappeared Greece] Clay: "Why are you all confused, I don't know what happened?" We in the Greek God Domain are very proud. Our Greek God Domain has not yet fought with the Eastern God Domain, so you say that they will lose and will be destroyed. Who do you hit if you don't hit? [

Nam Bang] Kim Jae-sung: "#%! @#..." The

words sent out by this product are all a bunch of garbled characters.

John: "I suddenly understand the reason why the Greek God Domain was beaten, and this player should be banned." Don't know when it will be restored? [

Eagle Sauce] Isaac: "It's a bit unorthodox to say that, though. But I am for war. "

When Ye Chen broke out and wanted to start a war.

Many people say that Xia Guo is ungrateful.

It can be said that the scolding is very difficult to hear.

However, when that Kim Jae-sei-cheng was unlucky enough to let Ray chop.

Public opinion turned at once.

John: "I also feel that I should support the war, this is a stranglehold between humans and the gods, and this is the precedent of the first human race to start a war against the gods." It is the revival of the great civilization of mankind. "

Little words, whole set by set.

All gave Ye Chen a stunned look.

Kim Youming: "Support the war." We will then go to war against our gods. Down with the gods. Human beings are the greatest in this world and even in history!

Ye Chen looked at these fanatical comments in the world.

I always feel as if I have opened some precedent that is unspeakable and unclear.

Three days later.

All players in the Xia Kingdom were collectively teleported to the Greek God Domain.

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