"Now there are no more gods in the Greek Gods." Ye Chen spoke in a nearby channel at this time: "Those who are willing to explore hurry up and explore." Find the coordinates of the deposit. We try to make a copy of the Greek God Online.

"This strategy has to be worked on together. Explore together. "

Ye Chen is quite good at playing.

At the time when the Greek Divine Domain disappeared completely.

He was quick to send out such a reminder.

The players around are smart.

Run away in an instant.

Hurry up and explore the entire Greek Godland.

Because the war between God Domains is time-limited.

That's 5 hours.

Although they finished the war ahead of schedule, although the war has ended. But they can still hang out in the Greek Godland.

Ye Chen felt that the game did not eject him, possibly because some important clues were still in the game.

After all, the reason why they fought with the Greek God Domain.

It is because they suspect that the disappearance of the Eastern God Domain has something to do with the Greek God Domain.

probably because the clues have not been completely found.

Ye Chen sent a message nearby: "Who helped me post the location of Zeus' Palace." "

The players are enthusiastic.

Soon someone sent out the location of Zeus' palace.

And the person who sent the position also said: "Boss, we can't get in here." It is said that only the gods can enter, and only you can enter. "

Thanks." Ye Chen quickly replied.

Then Ye Chen's figure appeared at the door of Zeus' palace.

These players are really pretty detailed.

The façade of the palace of Nazeus is inlaid with a lot of jade.

These jades have been pried down by players and studied.

However, when the players found that these jades were just decorations, they were very disgusted and dropped on the ground.

Their destruction of the entire Greek God Domain now will not affect the later Greek copies.

In the end, all this stuff will be brushed all over again.

Ye Chen also did not care about the bits and pieces of stones on the ground.

Step directly into the palace of Zeus.

There is no obstruction at the gate of this palace.

He just went straight in?

There are also many players on nearby channels looking forward:

"Sure enough, this palace can only let people who have become gods enter quickly." My fragments of Godhead are not enough, or I would have become a god.

"I don't know if Zeus did they report the Godhead directly?" When will the boss sell the godhead? I buy.

"Big brother. Do you know how much the Godhead costs? Can this thing be affordable? Hurry up and study the ore, there seems to be nothing near this Zeus Palace. But the things in the field he planted could move.

"Can this still be farmed?" Take me to see it. Ye

Chen entered the palace.

Directly summon 1000 puppets.

Then those 1,000 puppets climbed up and down inside the palace.

The whole palace was turned upside down.

The twelve main gods all have palaces.

Important and unimportant, Ye Chen adopts the same method.

Sure enough, he collected some fragments.

Fragments of the Kunlun mirror.

There is a piece inside the palace of Zeus.

There is also a piece inside his wife Hera's palace.

Just piece after piece, slowly pieced together.

A complete Kunlun mirror appeared in front of Ye Chen.

And when the Kunlun mirror appeared, Ye Chen also heard a hint from the game.

"Congratulations to player Ye Chen for piecing together the Kunlun Mirror. found out the truth of the collapse of the Eastern God Domain back then.

"Player Ye Chen, do you watch the image in the Kunlun mirror?"

Of course, Ye Chen chose to agree.

After all, I understand what happened at the time.

It is still very important.

He chose to agree.

Kunlun mirror, floating in mid-air.

Rotated a bit.

A picture appeared in mid-air throughout the Greek God Domain.

All people can see it.

It was the fairy-fluttering Eastern God Domain.

A man with a long beard on his head and a high hat smiled at the sky: "So everything is fake?"

"Even if we are gods. Is it all fake too?

"Then what do you say is the use of the so-called gods?" Isn't it a lackey in your hands.

An ethereal voice came from the sky: "You can also not be this lackey."

"Then I really don't want to do it!" The man stomped his foot angrily and shouted at the 100 million Heavenly Soldiers Heavenly General behind him: "Charge me." Let me get that thing down and kill him. "

There are many gods standing behind that man.

Nu wa. Fuxi. Punishment day, and Sanqing.

There is even the Monkey King that everyone loves.

That man shouldn't be the Jade Emperor, right?

It's kind of like that.

After the man said this, the heavenly soldiers behind him would rise into the sky.

They rushed in a certain direction of the void.

A crack appeared in the sky.

"Who are they attacking?" Someone from a nearby channel asked with trepidation.

"It seems to be the Dao of Heaven. But this is the world where games come, and things like heavenly ways can materialize. I'm not happy if I'm a fairy.

"The immortals in our myths and legends really have backbones. In order to defeat the shackles of the Heavenly Dao, they chose to fight the Heavenly Dao to the death.

"So then they all disappeared."

100 million heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, rushing into nothingness.

Cracks also appeared in the sky.

One eye appeared in the sky, that eye was red, and seemed angry: "Good. Okay, very. Then

that eye was blown open.

There was a hole in the sky.

There were mosaics in the sky.

It is. The kind of mosaic that the game map can't maintain.

A large hand suddenly appeared.

Smoothed out that mosaic.

At that time, it was heaven or earth.

There were no more immortals, and there was no voice from the sky to speak.

After that big hand smoothed out the mosaic.

It seems to sigh a little.

In the end, everything went to calm.

The other god domains hidden in all corners of the Eastern God Domain only came out at this time.

Zeus's face was ugly: "Who doesn't know that we gods are not real gods, there is also a heavenly way in the sky." Beyond the Heavenly Dao, there are even people.

"So what? Do you need to fight with people? This Eastern God Domain was actually a bunch of brains that couldn't turn around.

God rolled his eyes: "If you didn't tell the Eastern God Domain that there are people outside the heavens and people?" Will they be so tough with others? They are at least tough, and what about us? We can only survive in the cracks. What kind of gods are we?

Amaterasu's smile was lewd: "You don't know how awesome these Eastern gods were in myths and legends? How great is the power of their faith.

"Don't you have any eye for that?" I'm not talking nonsense with you, I'm going to rob the baby."

"One day I will divide up their believers." Let them be slaves at my feet.

"Hahahahaha..." All

the Xia Guo people who looked at the words of the Great God were angry.

Many people in the nearby channel are scolding:

"When you turn back, Lao Tzu will brush the copy." Just catch this Amaterasu. After killing, I will quit, quit, I will come in and kill again.

"Envy, I want to get into that copy too."

"Actually, I found that the copy can take people, let Tianzun take you in. Then everyone beat up together.

"Take me one then. This product has been reduced to a boss, but it can be killed. "

There are people outside the Heavenly Dao. Is it the big hand that appeared last? What kind of game are we playing? Can we only be slaves in the eyes of others?

Ye Chen said: "I'm afraid it's not even as good as a slave." "

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