A week later.

The four godheads will be held at a small auction house near Ye Chen's school.

However, this small auction house can also be entered online, but all entrants must strictly check the ancestors of the three generations.

Make sure that it is pure Xia Guo talents who can enter.

The survey alone took nearly a week, so the final entry into the auction house was about 10,000 offline, and the estimated online was 100,000.

This war credit can be transferred.

This thing is no different from money.

It is even possible to buy things in special areas of some auction houses.

And war points are much more precious than money.

This is actually a collective term for battlefield points and all kinds of messy camp points.

Everyone has it.

And now the richest should be Ye Chen, after all, Ye Chen is in charge of all the things in an entire auction house.

That copy of the experience already made him a lot of money.

There is no way to calculate the daily payout. It's basically astronomical.

There are families that pool all the war points of an entire family on one person and then participate in the auction house auction.

In this way, there are not so many people entering the auction house.

And some people feel that it is still necessary to upgrade first, and then choose to become a god.

Otherwise, they always feel that their attribute value will be much lower.

The number of people was finalized.

Ye Chen specially got a small private room.

Go live and feel the atmosphere of the auction house.

Although Ye Chen had already given the 6 godheads to his three pets and Tang Xiaoyue, as well as Bai Luoyan and Nalan Xue.

Those three pets are now leveling up.

Because Xiao Bai said: "If the level is too low, suddenly become a god, I don't know what I will become." So. Or upgrade first.

However, Cortana said more news: "In fact, for ordinary people, it is better to upgrade step by step." It is best to become a god after a high level. Not everyone is as pervasive as the boss. That's

a good point.

Ye Chen's road to success is estimated to be something that few people can copy.

So inside the auction house, Ye Chen also spread a news.

That is, the higher the level of the person who uses the godhead, the better.

Preferably Tianzun.

The Heavenly Saint level can also be, after all, some Heavenly Saints have really been stuck for a long time, and the trial task cannot pass at all.

It is also rare for the world to pass through.

In this case, there are even fewer people who can buy.

Dozens of levels, don't come to make fun.

After all, everyone is not Ye Chen.

In fact, someone also told Ye Chen. If Ye Chen had turned into a god at the Tianzun level, would it have been even more powerful?

Ye Chen didn't care.

Because for him, whether it was a breakthrough at that time, or a breakthrough when he was naïve.

The result is all the same.

All attributes break the upper limit.

All displayed is garbled.

Anyway, it is all above the ceiling.

It's all blast damage, so what's the difference?

It's all the same.

"There are quite a few people in this auction house today." Because Ye Chen took out the highest price lot. Plus he has a special status.

Therefore, the private room that Ye Chen chose was the best sight of the entire auction house.

Ye Chen lay on the edge of the railing, looked at the people below and said excitedly: "I don't know about those godheads, as well as the fragments of the godheads that I have pulled off my body." How much can it sell?

"That's supposed to be a lot." Tang Xiaoyue also said on the side: "The people on the line are also climbing constantly. In addition to the Godhead, there are some excellent equipment today.

However, Ye Chen's thoughts were very simple: "Let's go back and brush the copy after watching the Godhead auction." There is no need to look at the rest.

"There is also the fact that the person who buys must be strictly investigated." It is necessary to ensure that the other party is from Xia Guo.

"If it's foreign, or if they bought it and gave it abroad."

"Then don't blame me for being unkind."

Tang Xiaoyue also nodded solemnly on the side: "This kind of thing will definitely be carefully observed." Don't worry about this. There will be absolutely no problem. "

Everything is ready.

soon the host took the stage: "I believe that everyone has been looking forward to it for a long time, then I won't say more, let's start the auction directly." This Godhead auction is a single auction, including online and offline. "

The starting price is 50,000 points."

When the host said this 50,000 points, everyone in the audience laughed.

At this time, the host had to mention: "This 50,000 points was said by Ye Chen." Give everyone an equal and fair opportunity to outlook. "

Sure enough, many people cherish this opportunity.

When the host said to start shooting.

The big screen behind began to ask for bidding.

Since this time it is online and offline together, the number of that price jumps is a fast.

From 50,000 quickly became 500,000.

500,000 became 5 million.

5 million also quickly became 20 or 30 million.

By the time of 30 million or so.

The speed has slowed down.

After all, there are not many hegemonies.

But there are some people who come with an entire family.

to 50 million.

Someone directly raised the price to 100 million.

Ye Chen watched the play on it, and he was surprised: "A hundred million? In other words, when the camp was fighting, how did the gang brush the materials? Did you take your family with you?

To this point, Nalan Xue can answer: "Of course, it is to drag the family to brush the materials together." You don't know that at that time of camp battle, in addition to confronting each other, another point is to brush materials. "

There are a lot of supplies. And the material missions are infinitely refreshable. Supplies earn higher points.

"If it's that kind of material, find a bunch of supplies and go and submit them." You can get more points.

"What's more, many people bring their families to auction together." They have all the points in the family combined. It is also normal to add to 100 million.

"I just don't know if there are many families with more than 100 million scores?"

Nalan Xue's analysis still makes sense.

100 million points slowly rose to 200 million.

This process lasted about half an hour.

to 200 million.

There was finally a period of silence.

The host couldn't help but pick up the microphone and said, "Thank you Ye Chen for giving us the opportunity to bid a price." "

It's quite humorous.

Many people below were directly happy.

This host is right.

Ye Chen's price is set a little low.

At this time, Ye Chen also stood at the railing, took the microphone and said, "I really didn't expect it." There are actually so many people hiding so many points on the land of the motherland.

"But the country also thanks you for your dedication." Without your dedication, there would be no present.

"So the bosses, let's shoot."

After Ye Chen said this. Looking at that 200 million, suddenly became 300 million.

Everyone here is boiling.

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