In fact, Ye Chen was also confused when he received the alarm.

Then he quickly glanced at the world channel.

In addition to arguing, the world channel is calling for help.

Is that really the case?

Ye Chen also received a call from the leader at the same time.

Even the chief sent a video directly to his WeChat.

He watched the video while talking to the chief.

The leader's side was hesitant and entangled: "Should we help the Western Alliance?" It felt as if it was something inside their gods. You look at the video first, this video is quite scary.

Ye Chen began to watch the video.

This video is like purgatory on earth.

Or that the apocalyptic times came early.

That god's doppelganger can casually pinch many people in the Western Alliance.

To be honest, Ye Chen didn't feel how powerful the god's doppelganger was before.

After all, the doppelganger of the Yagi Great Serpent God was like a small reptile in his hands, and he was casually pinched to death.

As a result, when it comes to the Western Alliance, it seems to face a big devil.

The scariest thing is.

Those killed by God's doppelgangers will soon be resurrected, but those who are resurrected look more like zombies.

Because the resurrected person is blue-purple all over his body.

The whole person seems to crawl out of somewhere.

Glazed eyes.

Slow walking.

On the land of the entire Western Union.

Nowadays there are people everywhere like this, with dull eyes and slow walking.

They look as if they are no different from what they used to be. But when it comes to talking to them, they're very slow.

It feels like my brain has been eaten by a zombie.

And they'll have the skills they used to have. Once upon a time.

It's just that when they speak of God, they are extremely religious and fervent.

This video also doesn't capture much really useful things.

Basically, I just patted it casually on the street.

After all, there are still many Xia people in the territory of the Western Alliance.

Or study abroad, or be a journalist stationed there.

Anyway, this video was shot by a reporter.

"I have a colleague who was killed by God's doppelganger and resurrected. There is no problem going to work normally. It seems to be normal when leveling up and dungeoning.

The reporter said seriously, "But that man always had some very strange behavior." Originally, that person did not believe in the so-called God at all. He was an atheist.

"But now the man has taken the statue of God back into his home, and sacrificed it every day."

"The so-called sacrifice is to go out and kill monsters or bosses, or kill monsters in the copy."

"Originally, we killed monsters in the copy, slashed them over, and cut off the opponent's blood bar and it was over."

"Now he's going to bring those monsters straight back. Kill in God's presence. Knife by knife bloodletting, anyway, those monsters are pitiful.

"I even saw him killing people on one occasion." Now it's like a purgatory on earth. All the people are not normal. "

Ask for help, ask for help."

The footage taken by the reporter behind was shaky.

And that reporter seemed to be running.

The mouth made screams and messy sounds, anyway, Ye Chen did not understand.

It is estimated that it is difficult for even the translator to translate what the other party is saying?

The end of the video.

The camera fell to the ground.

A huge Ancient Demon Race appears in the picture.

In fact, this huge Ancient Demon Race did not seem to be the general-type Ancient Demon Race that Ye Chen had encountered in the Ancient Demon World before.

It seems to be the most common kind of ancient demon race in the Ancient Demon World.

> dark arm.

There are red shards on the body.

When the thing appeared, it grabbed the reporter.

Then swallowed directly into his own belly.

After the Ancient Demon had finished eating that reporter. The reporter actually grew out of the back of that Ancient Demon Race again.

The back of that Ancient Demon was pitch black.

There are some dark red lines on it.

It looks somewhat disgusting.

The reporter grew out of this dark back.

First, a dark red streak and some pitch-black heads grew.

That head was round at first, with no facial features on it.

Soon the facial features were portrayed.

Then the reporter's appearance appeared on the back of the black ancient demon.

It grew out of the back of the Ancient Demon Race and separated from the Ancient Demon Race.

After the separation, the reporter had a smile on his lips.

It looks evil.

It's very strange.

The reporter who was separated at the beginning was covered in pitch black, and covered with dark red lines. It's exactly the same as the back of the Ancient Devils.

But soon the reporter returned to normal.

The skin has become fairer and seems to be looking better than before.

The reporter picked up the camera with a smile.

Ye Chen had already seen the whole picture at this time, and he was gasping at that time.

He now had some suspicions that something had happened on Athena's side, otherwise Athena would have ignored him until now.

"We have to come to the rescue." Ye Chen directly replied.

The leader did not expect Ye Chen to become so determined, after all, this matter was actually a matter within the Western Alliance.

Everyone can see that this should have something to do with God's doppelganger.

Although the leader also saw the black monster behind him.

But the leader felt that the black monster might have something to do with God's doppelganger.

Maybe they're together.

"I shouldn't be going to help, I always feel that this is someone else's family business." The leader still felt that it was a little more chaotic: "We have been suppressed by the Western Alliance quite ruthlessly over the years. To be honest, I was quite happy that something like this happened in their family. "

As a chief, is it appropriate for you to say something like that?

Ye Chen said a little helplessly: "If it's really just the relationship between their Western Alliance and God, I'm too lazy to deal with it."

"But this involves the Ancient Demon Clan, the thing I killed before."

"This Ancient Demon Race was sealed by the gods of our Eastern God Domain. Now I don't know why it suddenly appeared again. In fact, even the gods of the Greek God Domain could not help. Suppress them.

Ye Chen told him about Athena's help for help before.

Now there is no news from Athena's side.

That's why this thing makes people panic.

Hearing this, the leader's face changed: "Then we must come to the aid of the Western Alliance." And I think this time the Ancient Demon Race is terrible.

"I saw the back before and thought it was God's lackey. Now it seems that God is the lackey of the other party.

"In case this stuff goes out from the Western Alliance and spreads across the planet." Then we're all going to be out of luck.

Ye Chen very much agreed with what the leader said: "Then let's prepare to help." "

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