Now even God's doppelganger is hidden.

They blur the line between friend and foe.

Quite smart-minded.

It's not like the original Greek Godland.

Those Greek gods were all hostile to Ye Chen.

So after Ye Chen took out his defense tower.

The tower will attack directly.

As for the gods in the unfortunate Greek Gods.

That would definitely be directly killed by the defense tower.

However, God's side is full of kindness to Ye Chen, and in this case, there is no way for the defense tower to determine whether to attack or not to attack?

Even if it was the shop owner who invited Ye Chen to eat his brain just now.

At the moment when you take out your brain, it seems extremely normal.

There is not the slightest hostility.

Ye Chen stood inside the shop and scanned around.

Then let your puppet go and flip through.

There are basically very few things in this shop. Normal food is either half robbed or arched by a pig.

All that's left is something that looks disgusting.

The puppet seems to have found something.

Ye Chen followed the puppet and found that there were all corpses in a small room.

These bodies are the corpses of the players.

And it is a real corpse, the kind that cannot be resurrected.

These corpses have inscriptions on their brains.

It is written about the rebels.

To be honest, since the game came to the world.

Since there can be people in this world who can be resurrected.

From the day it came to the world.

Very few people in this world actually die.

Resurrection can be made as long as there is a resurrection mark.

So when Ye Chen saw so many corpses, he was still stunned.

He threw an identification technique on the bodies of these corpses.

However, what these corpses show is not that they cannot be resurrected, but that they show the Heavenly Wrathers.

Ye Chen observed the state of this Heavenly Punishment One.

Heavenly Wrathers: People who are cursed by the gods until they surrender, they can not be resurrected.

Just when Ye Chen was strange.

Suddenly, a clicking sound was heard throughout the room.

It's like something has been trampled on?

Then Ye Chen saw that there was a Heavenly Punishment in the corner of the room, and the icon on his body disappeared.

The corpse twisted strangely and began to crawl.

Ye Chen couldn't even help but almost scream and threw his hammer out.

However, the strange corpse crawled in front of Ye Chen but stopped.

The corpse still looked alive, as if it had just died, and even the blood had not coagulated.

At this time, the whole body turned blue-green.

Slowly got up from the ground again, and Ye Chen could even see the other party's name, this person gave Ye Chen the same state as the boss just now.

Ye Chen looked at each other very vigilantly.

After the other party got up, the color of his body slowly changed from blue-green to normal skin color, but his movements were very slow, and when he spoke, he would also have some Ye Chen mixed in a long list of words, and he couldn't understand the words at all.

It's like the boss just now.

Even the translator can't translate it, what did the other party say?

When this guy just got up, he still tried to talk.

It's just that the words spoken are incomprehensible.

Later, Ye Chen finally heard a few words from the other party's mouth?

Plus a translator for simultaneous interpretation.

Ye Chen could hear words similar to prayer from the other party's mouth.

This guy is thanking God.

Ye Chen pinched the hammer, thinking about whether to knock the other party to death?

Because it looks so weird.

And the boss just now was also in such a state, after being killed by Ye Chen with a hammer, an ancient demon crawled out of his body.

What if this guy in front of you is the same as the boss just now?

It's not impossible.

After watching for a while, Ye Chen decided to try it with a hammer, even if he killed the other party, it would be enough to revive the other party at that time.

He even took out from his backpack the same resurrection spring water that he had previously put in the territory of the Foot Basin Country.

Then forcibly press the man to be resurrected, leaving a mark on the spring water.

Then Ye Chen slammed a hammer on that person's Heavenly Spirit Cover.

That person had no way to resist Ye Chen at all, after all, Ye Chen's reaction speed was too fast.

And Ye Chen knocked the other party to death with a hammer.

Sure enough, from this person's body, another Ancient Demon Race crawled out.

The Ancient Demon Race that climbed out roared and rushed directly towards Ye Chen, but the puppets beside Ye Chen reacted even more quickly and rushed directly to smash the Ancient Demon Race to death.

After the Ancient Demon Race died.

The person who was forcibly pressed by Ye Chen to resurrect just now.

At this time, he slowly climbed up from the resurrection spring.

At this time, this person looks much more normal, and the skin on his body is also fair, unlike when he was originally resurrected, his body was all green.

"You saved me." To be honest, when Ye Chen heard the other party's voice, it came out of the translator, and there were no strange words mixed in.

Ye Chen also felt particularly relieved.

"I saved you. How are you feeling now? What happened to you? Ye Chen looked at the person in front of him and said.

The man's name was very popular, and he was called John.

He is probably in his 30s.

John glanced at Ye Chen and almost cried: "You should be the god of the East." I tell you, I had a very strange incident.

"We suddenly have a doppelganger of God here, originally I was an atheist, but that doppelganger of God spoke in my ear every day."

"You wait a minute." Ye Chen suddenly interrupted John at this time: "If I remember correctly, there is only one God doppelganger in the territory of your entire Western Alliance. You are not a special person, why does he talk in your ear so often? "

It's not a special person, after all, John in front of him is only level 32.

In the current world, it really belongs to a very ordinary kind.

"Everyone has a doppelganger of God in him. Everyone has it. John was very determined, but the information he said also startled Ye Chen.

It seems that the difference between the doppelganger of God and the doppelganger of the Great Serpent is indeed very big.

There is still a difference between God and God.

"Anyway, all I can see is that everyone has a doppelganger of God, and the doppelganger of God will whisper in their ears." John said with a frown.

"I was originally an atheist, and I always believed that there is no god in this world, not to mention, now these gods may have become bosses." John said with a smile and a smile: "I have always held on to this in my heart.

"Until one day, the doppelganger of God suddenly stopped talking in my ear, but directly crushed me." Pinch to death.

"When I died, I went into a small space."

"There are a lot of people like me in this space."

"And there is God in this space."

"God is still brainwashing us."

"In the end, I finally wavered in my faith in God, but I found that I was different."

"I felt like I had an extra demon in my body. And this demon began to manipulate my body. Get up in front of you.

"It's good I'm resurrected now."

The man looked at Ye Chen's expression with special gratitude.

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