Seeing Ye Chen's defense tower, you can kill these ancient demon races. At first, the players who did not know the truth thought that Ye Chen was slaughtering the players of the Western Alliance.

However, when they found the Ancient Demon Race later, they rushed into the crowd like lawnmowers. Right there on a rampage to kill.

I panicked for a while.

One by one, they were very scared.

If only there was no Ye Chen.

These things will be their worst nightmare.

They had to admit Ye Chen's strength. But he also envied that Ye Chen was able to kill so many ancient demon races.

However, the people of the Western Alliance had not yet found Ye Chen's trace at this time, but only found Ye Chen's puppet here.

Fortunately, the number of Ye Chen's puppets is quite large.

Many people spontaneously organized and moved towards Ye Chen's puppet, and they also wondered why Ye Chen's puppet looked stupid.

After all, Ye Chen's puppet in the past, that was a big kill, that was without scruples, that was a world boss that could sweep the world.

But now Ye Chen's puppet can only stay before, and the place that Ye Chen prepared for them can't go anywhere.

The main thing is that Ye Chen's previous order was like this.

So these puppets can only stand here.

The Western Alliance, which discovered this, hurriedly let his companions move in the direction of Ye Chen's puppet.

If their bodies were contaminated with the Ancient Demon Clan.

Finding Ye Chen is the best choice.

Because only Ye Chen can save them.

However, these puppets of Ye Chen are not completely stupid, they are just circled by Ye Chen.

But they kept building defensive towers.

Because only a quick attack from a defensive tower can trigger a fatal blow faster.

After the Ancient Demon approached.

Most were killed by the towers.

There is nothing left.

After this change, there were even fewer people going to the Vatican.

The world channel also kept discussing this matter.

[Ah San] There is a candy in the sky: "No wonder Ye Chen will report the coordinates, it is too much." [

Ah San] There is no sugar in the sky: "I see that your brain is not clear, and people report the coordinates, so what's wrong?" If you are willing to go, isn't that yourselves?

There was a candy in the sky: "We are indeed willing to go in." But we didn't expect the lethality to be so strong. Ye Chen didn't remind us before. "

[Western Alliance] I'm a little glue: "Ye Chen really didn't remind me. But that's not what you say yourself. Rush in and kill God. Laughed at me to death, and the final situation turned out to be that everyone was driven out by God, and everyone was wiped out by God. [

Western Alliance] Flowers: "That's right, I have a person I know, who is now gone." That person had not had any resurrection points bound to him before. The Ancient Demon Race appeared on that person just now, and when the Ancient Demon Race was killed, he disappeared. [

Western League] Briquette: "Something is not right, why have all those people disappeared?" Those who have not carved the mark of the resurrection. They all disappeared. "

The people on Channel World were talking about it quite scary.

Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue couldn't help but send a message towards Ye Chen.

Ask what the hell is going on?

However, Ye Chen said that he did not understand what was happening in the outside world in the copy.

In fact, he knew why, but he didn't bother to say.

Because the people of the Western Alliance really disgusted him.

The people of the Western Alliance are also really funny.

These people said that they would not let Ye Chen interfere, they would kill God. Let the Western God Domain become a copy of their Western Alliance.

But they seem to have forgotten the most important point, that is, they can't beat God at all, and with their rank, let alone God, they are the doppelgangers of God, and if they move their fingers casually, they are all finished.

I don't know where they got the courage to fight God?

Could it be that everyone is Ye Chen? Could it be that everyone has such skills as Ye Chen?

Ye Chen felt that the stupid gang of the Western Alliance really made him laugh.

Therefore, Ye Chen infinitely extended his time to go to the Vatican Gang, and he wanted to get all three pets to the god level first.

Raise all three pets to level 1000, then let them eat the Godhead, and finally he will appear in Shining and sweep everything away.

As for how many people the stupid gang of the Western Alliance forced to death, it has nothing to do with him.

You can do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't affect Ye Chen.

However, there are really many Crouching Dragon Phoenix chicks in the Western Alliance.

While they sang the praises of Ye Chen's greatness.

On the one hand, I think I can do it.

It was as if he could casually enter the Vatican and kill that God.

However, Ye Chen brushed the level of those three pets to more than 1,000 levels.

Finally, those three pets ate the Godhead.


The world channel suddenly appeared a prompt:

Ye Chen's pet Xiaobai ate the godhead and turned into a mythical beast.

Ye Chen's pet Cortana ate the godhead and turned into a divine beast.

Ye Chen's pet Linglong ate the godhead and turned into a divine beast.

The message that these three pets turned into divine beasts was sent.

The whole world channel directly exploded.

On the apple tree: "You are so damned." I

have a cherry tree: "You're damn it." [

Western Alliance] Takayama: "You're damned." [

Western Alliance] Current: "You are so damned." [

Western Alliance] toothpick: "You're damn it." [

Western Alliance] Soft Hair: "If I remember correctly. Before Ye Chen seemed to take out 4 godheads for auction. Everything sold is very expensive. Now he actually let the three pets around him eat the godhead. And they all became divine beasts. Seriously. I'm really jealous, you're damned. "

The people on this world channel are all scolding Ye Chen.

The main leaf dust is true, let them break the defense.

They want to gain a godhead.

That's begging grandpa to tell grandma.

There is no way to succeed.

The result came to Ye Chen.

As if everything had become simple.

All become freewheeling.

It's all like it doesn't matter.

Not to mention that there are so many people who say that Ye Chen deserves to die.

Ye Chen really replied: "The godhead I hit myself." If you are willing to take it out and sell it, you can sell it, and if you are willing to take it out and eat, you can take it out and eat. What does it have to do with you? It's really idle. After

he said this. Just blocked the world channel.

By the way, even the national channel was also blocked.


No one expected that Ye Chen would actually give his pet to eat the Divine Pavilion.

Then Ye Chen directly took the pet and entered the Van Emperor Gang.

None of the other Western Alliance players dared to stop it.

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