Seeing Ye Chen actually say this.

Zhan Rong is not aggrieved at this moment, it must be fake.

Even the two girls who stood next to Ye Chen and rubbed Ye Chen's legs and shoulders were salivating.

There was a girl who had been with Ye Chen, and when she was more bold, she directly spoke: "Brother Ye, you see that those people rushed directly up, can we also go over?" Ye

Chen's mouth had a smile, looking particularly mysterious, unfathomable, and as if he didn't care about everything: "Go."

After he said this, the two little girls next to him ran away.

Zhan Rong was originally quite aggrieved.

I don't know why, but I really want to laugh when I see this scene.

"Hahaha, Brother Ye, you really want to laugh at me to death, these people just ran away, don't you say two more words? Zhan Rong sighed: "It seems that the charm of our brother Ye is not comparable to the demon at all." "

Ye Chen has a black line.

"Is that the one who ran out just now your ex-girlfriend? I seem to have seen her, you have been with her for a few days? When you broke up with her, she cried with pears and rain. "Zhan Rong is Ye Chen's dead party after all.

These years when Ye Chen was absurd. Zhan Rong can see it in his eyes and remember it in his heart.

"Is it?" Ye Chen looked faint: "I don't even remember what the other party's name is."

"That is. How many girlfriends did you talk about with that holy light pegasus back then? In the same issue as us, older than us, younger than us, but which of you is nowhere to be beautiful? Zhan Rong ran the train with his mouth full.

But the two of them were chatting.

In the distance, there was a sudden scream.

The worst one is the dragon tyrant.

Just now, Ye Chen removed the defensive tower.

A vacuum was cleared directly.

The tenacious level 70 demon was left behind.

There is blood in this demon.

It looks shaky and about to hang.

Ye Chen ordered.

All the people rushed out. At the forefront is this dragon tyrant.

What he was eyeing was that bloody level 70 demon.

However, he did not have time to use the detection technique. He rushed directly over and slashed at that level 70 demon.

A mandatory blood slam prompt appeared on that level 70 demon: -1!!

The demon is called a qi.

Just now, this level 70 demon was beaten by Ye Chen like a third grandson, and he stood in place stupidly from beginning to end, because Ye Chen's defense tower was infinitely dizzy.

I was about to be killed.

Ye Chen suddenly withdrew the defensive tower.

The demons were still confused.

As a result, a little ant was beaten.

The level 70 demon immediately grabbed the neck of the dragon tyrant and took out all the internal organs of the dragon tyrant with one hand.

The level 70 demon even recovered a large mouthful of blood because of this.

The demons are bloodthirsty and brutal. There was a smell of human blood in the air, and these demons became violent in that instant.

They looked at the people who rushed towards them. It's like seeing food rushing straight up.

Seeing that the dragon tyrant was killed by that demon in three strokes and five by two, even the invigilator next to him did not have time to save it.

The rest of the students fled in fear.

At this time, teachers who had been in an unselectable state also appeared.

They all began to salvage.

The way to rescue was also very simple, that is, to quickly flee with these students to the range of Ye Chen's defense tower.

These demons are not stupid.

Then he had suffered a big loss in Ye Chen's defense tower before.

They didn't dare to approach Ye Chen's defensive tower.

Before, Ye Chen planted the entire battlefield everywhere. Let those demons have nowhere to escape.

Now Ye Chen has specially set aside a vacuum area.

A bunch of demons all huddled there.

They huddled there to restore their blood volume.

Moreover, there are demons that directly tear the space behind them, allowing more demons to gather here through the door of space.

There are more and more of them.

There were more than 100 master-level swordsmen among the invigilators, and a master-level swordsman led by him quickly said, "All of them are hiding behind the defense tower. Don't come out!"

"The rest of the teachers come with me to kill the enemy." After the swordsman finished speaking, he rushed out: "Students don't follow, this is a level 70 abyss demon." "

The place more terrible than the battlefield is the abyss.

It is said that in the depths of every abyss, there is a Tianzun-level demon who has no way to break out of the spatial cracks.

Thanks to them, they can't get out.

Otherwise, it would be the 10 Heavenly Venerables in the world.


every abyss, there are more than a dozen Heavenly Saint level masters suppressing.

The overall attribute of the Abyss Demon is about 150% higher than that of ordinary demons.

Definitely not easy to mess with.

Even if it is a master level teacher of the same level, dealing with these abyss demons is all anxious.

The master-level assistant who had met Ye Chen before walked in front of Ye Chen at this time and had seen Ye Chen's power, so when she saw Ye Chen again, she was also respectful: "Ye Chen candidate." Can you cover that part of your tower?"

"Because the Abyss Demons are constantly increasing. Now there is a problem with the copy, and we can't connect with the outside world. There is no way for the dead to be resurrected.

"I suspect that these demons may make some big moves, before that, please use your power to suppress these demons first." Zhan

Rong's eyes were round.

He understood everything the teacher said.

I don't know what it means when I connect them together.

"You seem to treat our Brother Ye very respectfully. Are we so awesome Brother Ye? We are only level 20. Zhan Rong looked like he had never seen the world.

The master-level assistant was also speechless.

She really didn't want to use such an attitude.

But Ye Chen is too pervasive.

The strong are everything.

Strength is respected, even if the level is very low, then what does it matter?

Terran Light.

So. It is also normal for a master-level assistant to feel that his attitude is so humble. That's it.

The other party has such a good attitude.

Anyway, Ye Chen can also brush points.

These points are also considered battle merits.

The group of students who forced an endless amount just now were basically dead.

Even Ye Chen's ex-girlfriend broke a leg.

Only then did Ye Chen fill the position of that vacuum with his defense tower.

Coupled with more than 100 other master-level proctors.

Ye Chen made up for the last knife. These points are all considered his.

See this scene.

Those students who were about to fall out with Ye Chen just now did not dare to speak.

Only blame them for being too careless.

I didn't notice that it was a level 70 Abyss Demon.

There were scared little girls in the crowd who were already crying: "How can we go out now? "


In that instant, it spread throughout the crowd.

Right now.

Ye Chen actually heard his master's voice resounding throughout the examination room: "All candidates, don't panic, there is indeed a problem with the copy, and we are solving it."

"Now that the outside world can't contact the copy, please be sure to save the candidate's life in the copy, and hold on for a maximum of 10 minutes, we can get through the copy and restore communication."

"I'll add a buff to everyone in the meantime." "


A gentle light fell from the sky, and everyone was warm.

Ye Chen received a hint: 100% bonus to body attributes, 200% increase in health recovery speed, 200% increase in attack speed, 50% increase in critical hit, and 200% increase in HP cap.

Master, this assistant, is absolute.

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