All games since ancient times have had two types of players.

Ordinary players and RMB warriors.

Obviously, Zhan Rong belongs to the latter.

Most professionals have to get a copy after changing jobs. Even the simplest copy can provide experience.

But there is still a very easy way.

That's drugs.

All classes can be upgraded by entering the Beginner Dungeon.

There are many types of newbie quests. The simplest is generally a paradise for life occupations.

No special combat moves are required, go inside and hack all the way with a kitchen knife, because the monsters in the simplest copies are tied to pillars.

There is not much experience to offer.

Some families will even catch high-level monsters for newbies to make up for the last sword, so that the level will be faster.

"I have all of this at home." Ye Chen gently patted Zhan Rong's hand, but unceremoniously accepted the bottle of experience potion.

"What's wrong with life occupation?" Zhan Rong looked arrogant: "I cover you." "

Those gentlemen who usually play well with Ye Chen. Now they are avoiding him one by one. Only Zhan Rong straightforwardly regarded Ye Chen as a brother.

When Hou Xiaopeng saw Ye Chen, a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes, and at the same time he was disdainful, who would have thought that there would be a life profession in the family of the light mage?

Hou Xiaopeng said directly to Zhan Rong at this time: "Rong Ye, you are just laughing, Ye Chen is only awakening to a life profession now, and the two of you will take different paths in the future." "

The monkey still wants to continue to be Zhan Rong's follower.

Although Bloody Berserk is flawed.

Isn't it enough to bind a nanny?

So Hou Xiaopeng's reminder of Zhan Rong.

Today's Ye Chen and Zhan Rong are no longer the same people.

Zhan Rong glanced back at Hou Xiaopeng: "Monkey, don't you usually respect your family dust master the most?" How is this today? What happened to life career? No life career, is there you now?

Hou Xiaopeng just smiled: "I didn't mean that, you will enter Shengjing Academy in the future, what about Ye Chen?" Which university will you go to?

"Now that the traffic is so developed, it's a big deal that Ye Chen came to me on a pegasus. It's a big deal, I'll go find him. "Zhan Rong is a tendon, and things that are identified are not easy to change.

The monkey was too lazy to say. Let's talk to Zhan Rong slowly in the future.

Now Ye Chen has just awakened.

When everyone upgrades. Everyone's steps are different.

The gap between Ye Chen and Zhan Rong was also revealed.

At that time, how could Zhan Rong still be friends with Ye Chen?

"Good brother." Ye Chen gently patted Zhan Rong's shoulder: "I'll go back."

He whistled.

Pegasus fell from the sky again.

The line that had just been lined up is now crooked.

But those students are not polite this time:

"Ye Chen, do you want a face?" Awakening a life profession, you still feel amazing, don't you?

"What's so great about having a pegasus?" Isn't it because the family has someone to protect you? Can you be protected for the rest of your life?

"You're a contract foreman in this life." It's still so crazy, I think you're looking for death. "

Hit down! Knock him down! "


Ye Chen didn't care so much.

He triumphantly got on the pegasus.

Intend to leave.

Right at this time.

The entire Shengjing City emitted a series of mournful bells.

This bell usually represents the fall of the Terrans.

Ye Chen's mobile phone also rang.

He picked up his phone.

I saw a piece of news:

[Major General Ye Zhenguo stationed at Shanhaiguan does not know whether he is alive or dead, Shanhaiguan is lost, and the Terrans are in havoc. ]

Ye Chen rubbed his eyes: "Impossible!" That's impossible! Saying

that, he maneuvered the pegasus and flew in the direction of home.

Why is it impossible?

The reason why the Light Mage is called the strongest is because there is a passive talent when awakening that other magic masters do not have.

[Within 24 hours after death, you can choose a place within a radius of 1,000 kilometers to resurrect.] After resurrection, it has 20% life and CD time for three days. And

I don't know what the situation is about life and death?

If my father wanted to be resurrected, he would definitely choose a safer place.

Something must have happened!

Since Ye Zhenguo had this passive, it has not been triggered.

Which of the mages is not followed by a group of knights or warriors?

Knights can transfer damage.

Some hidden professions can even make Fa Ye invincible.

If you want to know that to kill high-level demons, you can only rely on the various forbidden spells of the masters.

This kind of cannon barrel with high blood and little blood.

Of course, it has to be well protected.

My father was usually accompanied by a group of knights.

Not to mention whether it can break through layers of defense.

Die? When pigs fly.

Ye Chen returned home.

The house is already a mess.

When the housekeeper saw Ye Chen come back, he grabbed Ye Chen: "Young Master, you can be considered to be back." Something big happened! Miss is waiting for you at home! When

Ye Chen returned to the living room, he saw his sister, Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen looked so serious that he used his mobile phone to reply to the message.

"Where is the father? What the hell is going on? Ye Chen felt that something was wrong at that time.

"I don't know." Ye Zhen shook his head: "A demon appears in Shanhaiguan, which can open the enchantment, and those placed in the enchantment cannot be resurrected or added blood."

"Father's passivity doesn't know if it's useful." In the entire Shanhaiguan, no one can enter or come out now.

"It's like some kind of seal. The military is thinking of a way, and all kinds of demons in Shanhaiguan have poured out, which has threatened the real world.

"I'm going to Shanhaiguan with my mentor soon." Maybe you can save your father. Xiao Chen, what profession have you awakened? Ye

Zhen said very simply and easily.

As if it were a breeze.

"Life occupation. Master of construction. Ye Chen quickly replied.

Ye Zhen frowned, didn't say anything, just took out a ring: "In this storage ring, there are all the resources from black iron to gold that I have prepared for you a long time ago."

"At that time, I didn't know what class you were, so I prepared it for you according to the combat class. There are quite a few experience potions in there. Why don't you eat it first.

"I haven't heard of this profession, it should be a hidden profession." Little dust, I can't stay here for long. I have to go back.

"You don't have to worry about your father's affairs. The military announcement is only temporary. Because now no one can figure out what is going on inside that enchantment.

"My mentor will break the seal, let my mentor take a look first."

"It's actually good that you wake up to a life career. At least not so tired. "

If you break the seal, I'm afraid it will take a lot of money, I took all the money in the family, and the resources in the ring should be enough for you to rise to the gold level."

"Little dust, take care."

My sister's time is tight.

After saying a few words to Ye Chen, Ye Zhen took out the teleportation stone, set the teleportation target, and left directly.

Only then did the butler cautiously step forward: "Young master, is he okay, sir?" "

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