Of course, Ye Chen chose not to make it public.

Now many of his attributes are a bit unpopular.

So simply not public.

The prompt from the quest hall came again:

"Congratulations to the player Mysterious Man for obtaining the first full attribute in human history, and the reward skill is not moving." The prompt can be hidden, do you want to hide the reward? The announcement will be announced worldwide and banners will be hung for three days. "

Tip 2.

Ye Chen naturally chose to hide.

So in all the replica halls in the world, suddenly a pop-up window popped up.

[Congratulations to the human player Mysterious Man for obtaining the first full attribute in human history and rewarding the mysterious skill.] To celebrate, all replica experience is increased by 10%. The

announcement was swiped out more than a dozen times in a row.

And then hung on the banner again.

Last time, Ye Chen received 5 times the full attribute reward, and the banner of soul talent has not been removed.

Now another one is hung.

Global shock!


When I received this notice.

Bai Luoyan was cleaning up the papaya oil that Tang Xiaoyue had gone to brush with Xiaobai before.

Xiaobai also left a recipe before leaving.

Say that by following this recipe, you can make something that satisfies them.

When Bai Luoyan was studying the scale, she suddenly heard an audible prompt from the other side of the copy hall.

"Congratulations to the human player Mysterious Man for obtaining the first full attribute in human history, rewarding the mysterious skill. To celebrate, all replica experience is increased by 10%.

Bai Luoyan accidentally slipped her hand and smashed a glass to the ground.

Tang Xiaoyue's eyes widened: "Full attribute, what are you kidding?" Full attribute, that must be at least 100 million or more.

"Is that an exaggeration? Hundred million? And the attributes of people are hundreds of millions to make units? It is not so simple to get more than three times the rewards above the trial in the future. Some people have a lifetime of cards. Some people have a hard time getting by, and the final reward is 1.02 times. There are also some unlucky ones, which may be 0.8 times. The attribute does not rise but falls. "Bai Luoyan's research on attribute values is too much.

"No single person in human history can reach the attribute of billions." Tang Xiaoyue quickly walked around the living room, seemingly thinking: "Should this person be Ye Chen?"

"Master, what are you kidding?" Bai Luoyan couldn't laugh or cry: "I think it's him." But it's impossible.

"Yes, too." Tang Xiaoyue nodded: "Human history is full of attributes, that should be among those few Heavenly Venerables." After all, only the attributes of Tianzun are the highest.

"I hurried back and asked. This is a good thing for us humans. But why is the other party hiding all the information? Tang

Xiaoyue left after speaking.

Bai Luoyan stood in place for a while before sighing and saying, "Full of attributes, now there are really more and more states." Hidden professions are already very enviable. There is also a full attribute. Which one is this? "

There are many people who think the same way as Bai Luoyan.

Professional Forum:

"Our Terrans actually have the second hang-up?"

"It's just that there is a genius like Ye Chen. Why another one? "

It's too much to be full." I heard that the highest attribute value is only tens of millions, and some people guess that the upper limit of attribute value should be 990 million.

"I don't know which attribute the full attribute is?" The first full attribute, he did not say all attribute values. That must be one of them, if this is the attack power, then our Terrans rise."

"If this is the attack power, which of those demons can bear it?" Full of attribute attack power, sweep away a blockbuster. "

If this is full of attribute spiritual power, with a wave of a small hand, none of the warriors on our side will be able to fall."

"Upstairs, if this is an auxiliary occupation, it will be wasted."

"The physique of full attributes is also very good, no one can be moved."

"Then upstairs you think too much. Attacks that deduct percentage blood, critical hits without level difference, and real damage can all damage the full stat physique. It's just that ordinary people can't move.

"If you are full of agility, how fast you have to run."

"A man like the wind, that's how fast and fast, faster than my hands in the past 20 years."

"Can you drive on this broken road?"

"I asked my grandfather. My grandfather is Tianzun. The full attribute is definitely more than 990 million, and it will definitely exceed 1 billion or even higher. I don't know which one is powerful. Why hide information?

"Do everything you can to find this person!! This man is simply the hope of our Terrans. "

Do you remember that mysterious Tianzun who caused the Treasure Great Demon King to be cursed by a 10% drop in his whole body attribute? I think this person may be this mysterious Tianzun. "

Why don't I disclose information about the prosperity of the Terran race? If he is young, I can introduce my girlfriend to him, and if he is married, I want to ask him if he can accept me as his lover? "

The strong in this world are honored.

If both men and women wish.

Men can find multiple wives. Strong women can also find multiple men.

Because strong genes always have to stay.

"The upstairs is too much, if it is really a man, so powerful, why look for you? Looking for a beautiful girl, isn't he fragrant? "


The comment is crooked from here.

There is not much to see later.

However, Feng Kui, who served as a housekeeper for Ye Chen, was urgently recalled by the state.

The 6 Tianzuns of Xia Guo met overnight.

It is to find out this mysterious full attribute Tianzun.

Now almost the whole world feels that the mysterious person full of attributes must be this mysterious Tianzun.

Because only Tianzun can have such a high attribute value.

It is possible to break through boundaries and become full attributes.

Which one of the 4 attributes it is.

Those are precious human warriors.

The inside of the copy hall has been clearly marked.

This mysterious Tianzun only had one attribute that reached the full attribute.

But anyway. This is all the pride of the Terrans.

It's a pity that they rummaged through the great rivers and mountains of the entire motherland.

It seems that none of the mysterious Tianzun have been found.


The physique full of attributes is really scary.

After Ye Chen glanced at his physique, he opened the mysterious skill given by the system hall. It was a forbidden book, and you could see its contents with identification.

[Motionless as a mountain]:

Consuming 10 blue points can open an invincible state of up to 1 minute, and the CD time is half an hour.

During the duration of the Invincibility skill, the negative effect time is reduced by 10%, the movement speed is increased by 3%, the attack power is increased by 10%, and the critical strike chance is increased by 5%.

After all, it is a skill given away by the dungeon hall.

There is no system that is pervasive.

"The copy hall can actually send me skills." Ye Chen also felt that this experience was very novel.

However, when Ye Chen learned this skill.

This skill has undergone a drastic change

: [Immovable as a mountain]:

Consuming 10 blue energy can open an invincible state of up to 10 minutes, and the CD time is half an hour.

During the duration of the Invincibility skill, the negative effect time is reduced by 100%, the movement speed is increased by 30%, the attack power is increased by 100%, and the critical strike chance is increased by 50%.

At the same time, he also saw a divine dragon blessing given to him by the dragon god before.

[Dragon Blessing]

: Use a holy light to add status to yourself or allies: health and spell recovery increased by 100%, attack power increased by 200%, critical chance increased by 50%, and health limit increased by 50%. Duration 1 hour, CD time 5 minutes.

This duration and CD can be understood as permanently refreshing.

Since the blessings given by the dragon are directly on the skill panel. So the attributes you see now are the attributes that have been affected by the Heart of Construction 10 times.

"It's big." Ye Chen felt that his copy was really worth it.

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