The attitude of the cleaning aunt made the subordinates of the Duo Bao Great Demon King very unhappy.

They're demons.

In fact, the higher the level of the demon, the more human-like it looks.

But they will look a bit like their respective races on the basis of being human.

To put it bluntly, it is particularly ugly.

Plus they just came out of the passage.

It was scorched by lightning and tender inside.

It is even more difficult to see the face.

The cleaning aunt was very disgusted.

"Don't be impulsive." The Great Demon King of Duobao looked like his subordinates were about to go crazy, and quickly said to them: "Let's change places first." "

Garbage should go to the dump." Unexpectedly, the cleaning aunt crossed her waist and looked angrily in their direction: "I am a life profession." My profession is to do cleaning. It's annoying to see dirty things. A few of you come to me. The

Duo Bao Great Demon King looked confused: "There is also a profession to do cleaning?" "

The profession of humans makes demons incomprehensible.

Because there is no such thing in the demon world, life occupation.

"Are you looking down on life and career?" The cleaning aunt looked very ugly, and roared loudly: "You all come here."

Then the Duo Bao Great Demon King and the more than 20 Grandmaster-level demons around him were surrounded by a group of cleaning aunts.

The cleaning aunt has a high level.

Even if it's a life career. It is also possible to level up.


Life class leveling is much easier than combat class. Although they also have trials, their trials are generally to assess the technical level of life occupations.

There are no such bells and whistles as a combat profession.

And they usually live in real life by their own life and occupation.

For example, cleaning aunts, they can gain experience points just by sweeping the floor.

Upgrade the thief to the liter fast.

This group of cleaning aunts in front of me has been cleaning aunts for 30 years.

The lowest level is the Heavenly King level.

Where does the Duo Bao Great Demon King know this.

I just know to look at it with identification.

A group of Heavenly Saint-level cleaning aunts surrounded him.

The Duo Bao Great Demon King shivered: "What are you going to do?" In

fact, when he teleported over, Treasure 1, the subordinate of the Treasure Great Demon King, once said: "Boss, since the Grandmaster-level demons can descend to the world through the spatial barrier, what if all the professionals we meet when we rush over are Heavenly King-level professionals, or even Heavenly Saint-level?"

"What if we don't have time to take the experience potion?"

"Then aren't we all caught up?"

How did the Duo Bao Great Demon King answer at that time?

It is absolutely impossible for this product to believe in their own luck.

However, now he is surrounded by a group of cleaning aunts, and he can only despair.

Duo Bao Archde: Mad, humans are terrible!!

It is clear that there are so many Heavenly Saint level powerhouses.

As a result, there were only so few guards in the battlefield.

Paralyze their demonic minds.

After he goes back, he must report this matter to the Holy Ancestor Great Demon King.


He now felt he might not have survived to go back.

The current Duo Bao Great Demon King has lowered his level.

There is no time to smash the experience potion yet.

A group of Heavenly Saint-level cleaning aunts stared at them.

They don't even dare to fart a fart.

"All carried away!" Aunt Cleaner said loudly.

The Duo Bao Great Demon King was frightened: "What are you going to do?" I'll tell you I'll be angry if I move my hands and feet again." The

momentum on the Heavenly Saint level cleaning aunt was awe-inspiring: "Shut up." The

Grandmaster-level Treasure Great Devil: "Okay." "

The cleaning aunts threw these dirty and invisible-to-human beggars to the scrubbing uncles in the community bathhouse.

Uncle Rub is also a life professional.

I've been rubbing for 50 years.

Uncle Rubbing is already a Tianzun level powerhouse.

Life and career upgrades are simple.

It is said that the Tianzun level life occupation trial thief is simple, just show your pure life professional skills.

There are countless people rubbed by this bathing master.

None of them dared to prick the hand of the bath master.

All the people are honest.

"Yo, where did you pick it up?" The bathing uncle glanced at the Duo Bao Great Demon King with a look of disgust.

The Duo Bao Great Demon King was almost crying.

I already knew that he had smashed the potion when he had just landed.

Directly knocked to the level of Tianzun.

Now he is at the level of a district grandmaster.

In front of the Tianzun-level life profession, he didn't even dare to fart a fart.

In fact, it was this product that was scared after using the identification technique. No matter how high the level of life and occupation, there will be no coercion.

It can only be particularly reassuring.

"Leave it to me." The bathing uncle patted his chest: "Bao Zhun washed you clean." The

cleaning aunts just left.

The Great Demon King of Duobao and the 20 subordinates were all thrown into the pool.

Not long after they went down, the whole pool was black.

"How long has it been since you washed?" The uncle scrubbing was very disgusted.

The Great Demon King and 20 of his men shivered in the pool.

"How is it still hot water?" Bao 1 shivered and asked the Duo Bao Great Demon King next to him: "Are they going to cook us?"

"That's not it." Po 2 was taken aback: "Human beings are not so cruel yet."

Po 3: "They will only eat what they think looks good." I heard there was a low-level copy inside. Someone roasted the lizards and ate them. It is also said that it is particularly delicious. That's a lizard blessed by a real dragon. O demigod.

Po 4: "Wow, it's scary, I'm going back to my mother!" The

Duo Bao Great Demon King's face was ugly: "What is the panic? First, wait and see!

The bathing uncle stood on the shore and looked at the demons in the pool with disgust: "It's just you, it's so dark, it's good to get into the mud when you see it." "

He's talking about the Great Demon King of Duobao.

The Great Demon King of Duobao hid in the pool and refused to come out. For fear that I will be plucked out of the pot. By the way, the body of this product is a big rooster.

Uncle Bath didn't care so much, he grabbed the hair of the Treasure Great Demon King, and directly lifted these hundreds of pounds of demons out of the pool.

This is one of the skills of the bath master [dragon claw hand], no matter how heavy the other party is, when it comes to the hand of the bath master, he can be honest.

The Duo Bao Great Demon King originally wanted to counterattack.

As a result, the old man lifted him up with one hand.

The bang was put on the "clipboard".

Then the old man held a piece of cloth in his hand. Wrong. It should be a soldering iron.

Because every time the old man put that cloth on the body of the Duo Bao Great Demon King, when he pushed and pulled back and forth, the Duo Bao Great Demon King felt that his skin was burned.

Duo Bao Great Devil: "It hurts, it hurts!" "

Rub the bath uncle: "Boy, you are the dirtiest I have ever washed, you are so good to get into the mud, so cool!"

"Do you want to add some ingredients?" Milk? Peanut oil? Why don't you add some old godmothers. Cooler. "

The Duo Bao Great Devil King's painful soul is about to fly out. Where else can you understand what the old man said? Nodding nonchalantly.

The bathing uncle's eyes lit up: "Warrior, then I will choose an old godmother for you, no one has chosen this for a long time." "

The Great Demon King of Duobao straightened his chest, no one has called him a warrior for so many years.

Although this old man is a Tianzun. And it's still a personal race.

But he called him a warrior.

He likes it so much!

The old godmother poured it on.

The screams of the Duo Bao Great Demon King were deafening.

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